Derek's 'BST' Build II: FJ Cruiser



Our road trip went well. Only one thing went wrong with the FJ and that was the relay for the AC went out right when we crossed the Arizona border, go figure. Switched over my the towing relay in place of the AC and it works great. Now to replace the AC relay. Other than that it was a great trip. Manage a few times to get about 23-24mpg all loaded up in this thing. Not bad! From Yeloowstone down to Jackson I actually got 29mpg!! No lie, of course it was downhill and 45-55mph the whole time. No real modification updates, need save a little more money now after the trip. Also the GF and I are still together after sleeping in a tent for two weeks, and this being our first road trip together, I guess she's a keeper lol!


Grand Tetons!


Very excited to see your upcoming journey in the new FJ. I really like those OEM wheels and the silver color of your rig!


Sounds like it was a great trip. Cool to hear the FJ actually gave some decent mileage, a big plus when you got a small tank.


Doesn't Get Out Enough
...a big plus when you got a small tank.

Between that comment and your avatar I feel there's a narrow urethra joke in there somewhere, lol.
But as an FJC owner I totally agree. The longest range I've ever seen on one tank was a little over 380mi. The internet moans and groans about the FJC's half-doors, outward visibility, and awkward styling. I just want a 24gal fuel tank.


Between that comment and your avatar I feel there's a narrow urethra joke in there somewhere, lol.
But as an FJC owner I totally agree. The longest range I've ever seen on one tank was a little over 380mi. The internet moans and groans about the FJC's half-doors, outward visibility, and awkward styling. I just want a 24gal fuel tank.

I find that 380 miles on a full tank on an FJC not feasible at all. I have driven my FJC with kid gloves bone stock and have never gotten more than 250-270 miles on a tank. 380 is a little far fetched.


That's the biggest change I see coming from my Tundra, such a small gas tank. My Tundra had 26 gallons. On our trip I made sure to fill up at a half a tank!


Very excited to see your upcoming journey in the new FJ. I really like those OEM wheels and the silver color of your rig!

Thanks! I read through your build thread this morning, man it makes me want an 80 series! Always loved those rigs! My dad bought one back in 96 and I remember how smooth that thing was! Now they are tempting because you can get one for pretty cheap!


Doesn't Get Out Enough
I find that 380 miles on a full tank on an FJC not feasible at all. I have driven my FJC with kid gloves bone stock and have never gotten more than 250-270 miles on a tank. 380 is a little far fetched.

I know, I know. I've only done that once and I almost ran it dry doing it after a day of highway driving. Ended up putting something like 19.1gal in afterwards, lol.
I think it worked out to right about 20mpg for the tank when I normally get about 17-18.5mpg in my combined driving.
But I do get 325-330mi on a tank all the time. A 'lightweight' stock FJC with OE-size tires (and not some 50-60lb D or E Loaders) can do that.
Still, I lust after the Long Range fuel tanks on that Outback Proven is importing, but that's a big ($$) pill to swallow.
115L Front Replacement Tank -
125L Auxiliary Tank -
Apologies to Derek24 for the momentary derailing of his thread...
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Derek is that factory suspension with those tires

Yes and no, It has a revtec spacer lift up front and back. I'm guessing 3". Not ideal or what I want, and soon to be OME.

Nice FJ, ccbrett I would almost guarantee its lifted with those 295's. Probably has the pinch weld also.

Surprisingly from what I have read about people with 295s a lot have done a chop, but I'm all stock, no cut and no rubbing. Only place it rubs is on the upper control arm. I'm glad I didn't buy these tires and they came with the truck. I think they are to big. Especially these Toyo's are heavy! 70+lbs per tire on top of being tall. I'm looking into replacing them with 285s KM2s, get some power back!


Not much of an update. Replaced the Toyo MTs 295/70/17 for some Firestone Destiantion MT's 285/70/17. The Toyo's where too heavy, almost 20lbs heavier per tire than my new Firestones. I can tell! I picked these firestones up off of Craigslist for $400! They are like brand new. Sold the Toyo's the same day for $500. Win win!!


And the next day I got to test the tires and the Fj out up at the Ranch! Both worked great. Rained like crazy on us up there too. Towed in my Dad's trailer to stock the cabin up with wood, and brought some out for the parents home. The FJ towed great offraod and back home on the highway with about a ton of wood in the trailer!




Sold! Liked it but did not like the monthly payments or the fact of beating up a $30k truck offroad that I'm making payments on. Now on the hunt for another rig. Thinking of a 3rd gen 4runner. No hurry, driving the 83' for now! Thanks everyone for the interest and advice on the fj!

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