Wanted to thank everyone for all the great input and words of encouragement! This has been (and continues) to be a fun and at times challenging project. I wanted to say that Pasquale is quite the visionary in being able to see the outcome of the 80 and being able to design this wonderful Expedition-mobile
Also, big kudos to his building, plumbing, electrical, carpet installation and mechanical abilities.
His primary reason for building this 80 is so that I can have a comfortable experience. Hot showers in the outback are really a wonderful treat :jumping:
Having a water system is really a neccesity, I loved the system on the Tacoma when we were in Baja.
I am really his assisstant and sounding board. My skills are organizational and being able to run for the 10mm with the extension, de-greasing and helping to muscle the diffs in place. Oh and really cleaning the birfields!!
Good job Desertdude :clapsmile