D1 now. Skip the LR3 and go right to a 4 in a couple years. Nice D1s are going to get even more expensive than they already are as time marches on, so you may be able to own one for very cheap if you sell it later.
That’s the situation I am in now with my 80. Those and the D1 are basically gold bars you can drive. Comes at a price though. One careless moron that is texting while driving can take it all away.
I think the LR3 will get there too. Right now it’s a bit of a sleeper like the V8 4Runner. Both Toyota and Land Rover have strong long term OEM replacement parts programs due to global usage. In addition, the salvagers do a good job of saving parts.
Side note: I love visiting the Rancho Cordova auto boneyard.
D4 kinda frightens me with the timing chain issue. Of course, I can replace that myself. The 4.4 has proven itself. The 5.0 is a still maturing knowledge base, but other than the timing chain is sounding like a solid unit.
Oh yeah, I prefer the Spartan styling of the 3 more. I don’t care for the late 3’s color matched trim. I have that now in the LX450. Bleh! Give me black trim all day long.
Also the 80 is the first rig, I’ve ever owned with a split gate. Greatest. Thing. Ever. My FJ Cruiser had a barn door.
Pro Tip: Never leave your barn door open in a blizzard while suiting up.