Do Jeeps have feelings?

The Swiss

Expedition Leader
I worked toe entire day today on my '08 Rubi to get her back to stock. Lease is up and I need to turn her in next Saturday. I removed the lift, the dash tray, all my personal belongings :( and now, she will not start anymore :Wow1: Battery appears to be completely dead. There was not the slightest sign of the battery getting weak and now, nothing, nada, not even the slightest tick, noise. Very weird. I tried to jump start but nothing, just smoke coming from my battery terminals and the cable getting really hot. Will take the battery to Autozone tomorrow, to see.

My Ruby has been very good to me the last 39 months and I do feel like giving a good wife a divorce, but do Jeeps have feelings and notice these kind of things?


New member
I kick mine on a regular basis so I hope not, it might be waiting for me to stop somewhere North of Gerlock.


Every time I threaten my CJ-7 with a match and 5 gallons of gasoline, it behaves long enough for me to like it again. Then it'll go pull some random BS on me and the cycle starts again. Not only does it have feelings, but that 4-bit MCU under the dash may very well be the first Artificial Intelligence!

Black Dog

Makin' Beer.
Sounds like you've got a short somewhere. I bet that a battery cable was rubbing on something and wore through the insulation and when you changed the geometry of everything it sits differently and is shorting out. That would make the battery cable really hot and and maybe make things start smoking.


if mine didn't have feelings i dong think it would run for me right now, 325k miles on the clock and still runs strong, minus a long of issues, (horrible exhaust leak that seems to make the motor have misfiring issues, shot suspension, worn out bushings, bald tires, dire need of new brakes, etc) but I love it and it loves me back.


Spamicus Eliminatus
A truck returned to stock is like a long-haired dog getting shaved. Either it will race around with glee or it will hide in the garage out of embarrassment. Don't think a middle ground exists.

So yes, they do have feelings :)


SE Expedition Society
Sounds like you've got a short somewhere. I bet that a battery cable was rubbing on something and wore through the insulation and when you changed the geometry of everything it sits differently and is shorting out. That would make the battery cable really hot and and maybe make things start smoking.
A dead battery shouldn't smoke.

They have feelings.
My JK, Guinevere, broke out in tears and screamed, "Why are you doing this??? What did I do wrong??? Don't leave me here!!!" when I traded her in.
I still get nightmares and am guilt-ridden.

I miss you, Sweetie. Daddy's so sorry.


The Swiss

Expedition Leader
They have feelings.
My JK, Guinevere, broke out in tears and screamed, "Why are you doing this??? What did I do wrong??? Don't leave me here!!!" when I traded her in.
I still get nightmares and am guilt-ridden.

I miss you, Sweetie. Daddy's so sorry.

:littlefriend: YOU AIN'T HELPING, you know that? :violent-smiley-031:


SE Expedition Society
I have a stock JK battery sitting in the storage unit if you need it Swiss. Was it the Jeep for a couple thousand miles.

You should have told the Jeep you were upgrading her, not returning her!


I've been thinking about this quite a bit since I bought my motorcycle and have been riding it almost every day. I park it right next to my Jeep and I sometimes think the Jeep looks sad. So I give him some attention from time to time. I just bought him a new CB antenna and installed my Blitz can mounts over the weekend. I also took him to get the oil changed and tires rotated and balanced and the state inspection. So hopefully he's happy again and won't let me down on our trip to Colorado at the end of this week.

Now we'll see if Mr. Yamaha will be happy with me when I get back home...

The Swiss

Expedition Leader
I have a stock JK battery sitting in the storage unit if you need it Swiss. Was it the Jeep for a couple thousand miles.

You should have told the Jeep you were upgrading her, not returning her!
Thanks, I appreciate it. I think I will make sure I get her a nice new battery, as a good-bye present :elkgrin: An yes, I am upgrading; I got the VIN of my new girl today :wings:

Nigel Caffiene

Gentleman Scholar
Indeed. I absolutely believe my Jeeps (CJ7 &TJ) have feelings, personality, and I believe they hold lively debates in my garage with my Toyota and VW.


Indeed. I absolutely believe my Jeeps (CJ7 &TJ) have feelings, personality, and I believe they hold lively debates in my garage with my Toyota and VW.


Mine has the husband's Astro vans to converse with... although I don't think they like Eugene (my Jeep) much - he is the youngest (and lowest mileage) of the group, and therefore gets the most attention.

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