do you carry a gun ?

Clark White

peekay said:
I agree with the rest of your post, but respectfully disagree with this last piece of advice. I would never volunteer information to a LE officer that I have a gun in possession. It increases their nervousness and raises the probability of unneeded hassles. This will be especially true in more urban areas and less gun friendly states, e.g. California, New York, etc.

If they ask you if you're carrying weapons in the vehicle, I would answer truthfully and add that they are legally yours and transported in accordance with the law.

There have been a few times that I have not told an officer that I had a gun, but most of the time I hand them my CCW right along with my License, and then I tell them exactly where the gun is, making sure I keep my hands away from it and visible. I have found this usually starts interesting conversations with the officer (they are usually curious why I have a CCW and we usually trade a few military stories before he lets me go with a verbal warning.) However, having been a cop with many friends who are still cops, the officer will get much more nervous when he learns you have a gun on his own, then if you just politely tell him you have one and where it is.


New member
Concealed Carry Reciprocity...

Someone asked what states had reciprocity for concealed carry permits. The best source of this information I have found is the NRA ILA website...

Whenever I get my permit renewed, it always comes with a letter from my town's police chief outlining the the laws relative to concealed carry and the advice to always inform an officer if you are stopped that you are carrying. I personally think this is sound advice.


I think Overdrive got it right - there are lots of exceptions to every rule. Shades of gray.

Life is also full of unpredictability. If it wasn't, we'd just avoid the problem spots! I've had the misfortune to have used a pistol on another human being twice. Neither situation was the sort you could have predicted would occur, much less that it would have occurred in the way it did. Sometimes people are simply unwilling or unable to exercise good judgment; I don't care for my family and I to pay the price for their deficiencies. It made me insanely angry at the time to have been put in that impossible position, but I never had any question that my choices were right.

I recognize what TerriAnn is saying. It is often impossible to know the totality of the circumstances surrounding someone in the time it takes to make a potentially irreversible decision. But I don't think that this should produce paralysis, just prioritization - I know in quite some detail what MY mother's hopes and dreams for me are, and I know only that this other person's behavior is incredibly and unambiguously inappropriate. Rightly or wrongly, sometimes that's all the information we have to go on.


I carry a Kahr PM9 but sometimes a Glock27. Depending on where I am going, sometimes I have snakeshot in the chambered round, and defensive rounds in the stack (though I know it is somewhat of a gamble). With the glock I keep a mag with snakeshot rounds handy if I am working on the trail at a place known for Rattlesnakes.

I do try to keep my carry completely concealed from others and my son, and feel the safest spot for it is on me at all times.

As far as carrying a CCW leading to more problems and escalating the issue, I feel a bit differently. My personal experience is that (when I am carrying) I am far more cautious about getting into situations that could escalate and am more gracious and polite in my reactions. In a simple situation where someone said or did something offensive to me or my family, I am far more reluctant to voice my opinion on it if I am carrying, and am more likely to get out of the situation, even if it doesn't look like it would be potentially an issue. in fact carrying makes me less brave and more of a sissy, but I know I have it, and am proficient with it, if I need it.

My .02 and own experience.


Expedition Leader
Very well said K2RVR. :iagree:

I doubt any of the assault or murder victims I've ever worked woke up expecting to be assaulted or killed either. Situational awareness and not getting yourself into a potentially bad situation is priority one- it's a lot easier to avoid trouble in the first place than to get yourself out of it. Personally, I'm not particularly worried about anything that walks on four legs or has no legs; I do worry about those that walk on two as I've seen examples of their handiwork.

It's just another tool to do a different job in my book; I guess I took that whole Boy Scout motto of being prepared and personal responsibility kinda seriously.


I carry/own **no** weapons.

As a medical marijuana patient,:bigbossHL: you must make a CHOICE between a weapon and treating your pain because the laws in this country are so ******ked up that having both items in your home just won't fly in most instances and is cause for all sorts of ridiculous charges.

In short, guns and grows don't mix and you don't want to push the limit in any fashion because while MMJ is legal in 11 states, it is still borderline in the eyes of the Fed and if THEY came with a search warrant there were guns present it would be all over and spending many years behind bars for my "crimes" would be a reality.



mtn-high said:
I carry/own **no** weapons.

As a medical marijuana patient,:bigbossHL: you must make a CHOICE between a weapon and treating your pain because the laws in this country are so ******ked up that having both items in your home just won't fly in most instances and is cause for all sorts of ridiculous charges.

In short, guns and grows don't mix and you don't want to push the limit in any fashion because while MMJ is legal in 11 states, it is still borderline in the eyes of the Fed and if THEY came with a search warrant there were guns present it would be all over and spending many years behind bars for my "crimes" would be a reality.


Ditch the weed for Tylenol3 and go get your concealed carry.

You sir, put yourself in that position by claiming weed is the only way to control pain. Phooey.

I read somewhere once that the majority of "medical marijuana users" were in their 20's and 30's. Riiiiiiiiiight, for the pain.

To the OP question, yes, I go in to the wilderness (or even popular campgrounds) prepared, and if on private property, open carry.



mtn-high said:
...As a medical marijuana patient...

Well, I guess I have a new understanding of your username. It almost seems as if you are flaunting your use on one hand, then upset about the restrictions imposed?


Condolences Mtn-high. Not just because of your medical and gun issues, but also for the unkind comments you have to endure from time to time as well.:mad: :peepwall:


It's a personal choice carry/don't carry unless you have other government restrictions placed on you (felony conviction and medical marijuana or whatever).

I choose to carry a firearm and am comfortable with using them as I would any tool.


Spikepretorius said:
Condolences Mtn-high. Not just because of your medical and gun issues, but also for the unkind comments you have to endure from time to time as well.:mad: :peepwall:

Honestly, I mean no disrespect. I looked at mtn-high's previous posts and I understand he has had some trouble finding what works for him to manage the pain. I feel for him for what he has gone through. In fact, I made no mention of his medical problems.

The use of the username in tandem with the "smoking smiley" made me believe there was a tie-in to a "jovial" use of the marijuana, as if it is being flaunted. If this is ot the case, then I am off-base and can admit that openly.

However, If the laws in this country prohibit carry under his circumstances, I for one do not believe they are "********* up" as he puts it.


I live @ 7250msl ********** dab in-the-middle of the Colorado Rockies......thus the nickname. I'll be 50 in a few months and know the drill about substances. I also enjoy a good joint/getting high. Thankfully that isn't a crime here in Colorado.

maximum're misinformed...just as I was...beliving that you are somehow MORE in control under the influence of legally prescribed addictive narcotic drugs than you are when "high on pot"...or that a beer or two is no big deal. Grab my opiates and my concealed gun and go...huh? Maybe a beer to wash that T3 down with too, huh? That's that Keith Richards thing going on in yer veins that makes ya feel so powerful and in control when yer not. Give me a break///Phooey is right! You read "somewhere" the majority of patients were in their 20-30's? FYI, the average age of the 3300 patients in my state is 42. Hardly kids. God forbid they find relief or possibly have a joyful moment..even if it is artificial/through the pain..huh?

But Thanks for proving my point so well. You obviously didn't read where I said I was addicted to that same trash you're pushing as the cure for 4 years...did ya? You'll find out...LOL. Yes, you will. Call me when the vomiting stops or the liver function tersts come back whacked, OK?

It's sad to me that such passive/aggressive behavior exists when talking about these kind of things. We could start (and there is one here, I believe) a thread about your favorite beer and a buncha folks would join in..yukkin it up and talkin about having a few campside....maybe a few *too many*...and's just *good fun*. Yet...someone speaks of getting high on marijuana (or anything else)...recreationaly or medically...and there's criticism/disrespect & stereotyping/etc. almost instantaneoulsy.

It's like being on a forum with my mom. (she drinks alcohol and takes pills daily and criticizes pot too...just like most hippocritical Americans!)

Thanks to those who understand...or who are @ least willing to try.

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