Do you feel the need to be upset when you encounter an armed camper in the woods?


Expedition Leader
An opposing view: I don't know where you camped and I don't know the "nitwit" in question but.....A) around here there are other things in the woods with teeth and claws besides the camp Pooch, and B) it was in his hand, which in and of itself means only that he was prepared for a potential (in his mind) threat. If it was in his hand and blasting away at something yet unseen or unrecognized, that would make him a nitwit +.

Personally, I see little point to this thread other than to generate conflict. Me, or the OP, having the knowledge of how others feel on this subject matters not one bit. It's about like asking how others feel about sharing a campfire with a Catholic or Protestant. Inflammatory and useless.

No 4 legged critter is very likely going to come busting out of the woods instantly attacking a bunch of people sitting around a fire. Even in the Bob Marshall wilderness hearing breaking twigs my first reaction wouldn't be to point a gun at the sound.

It's very likely your own dog, someone taking a pee break, or someone in need of help.... Weapon stays holstered until an imminent deadly threat is identified and you are drawing and pulling the trigger.
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Expedition Leader
You say potato I say potahto. Differing opinions and all that. As I said, this thread about as useful as tits on a boar hog.

Scott Brady

I am not afraid of guns.I am afraid of people though.As soon as I see somebody out in the woods openly brandishing a weapon I have to pay special attention to that person.The gun is not going to do something stupid or worse, the damn person is.

You certainly make a valid point. Not that I necessarily advocate more regulation, but I still find it surprising that carrying a pistol does not require a minimum level of proficiency and a background check. I am 100% pro 2nd amendment, but there should be an expectation of proficiency. I would like to know that if I see a guy carrying a gun that he has been through training and a background check.

Obviously, this can't happen because most gun owners (myself included) do not trust the intentions of the anti-gun community. If there was a consensus that the law abiding will not lose rights, but must show proficiency and prove that they are law abiding, I see that as 100% reasonable. I prefered the old CCW requirements in AZ. If someone was carrying concealed, they were either LEO or had passed a two day course, a test and a range qualification. Now any idiot can shove a pistol in their pocket. . .


Expedition Leader
Any of you guys have young kids reaching the age of going to friends houses? Couple of close parent friends were out to dinner with us and I asked if they have thought about asking if guns are in a home before letting their kid head over to play? Two of them said Oh my god yes we have been trying to decide how to best ask about that with out it spinning into a political BS storm. Simply put all I want to know is if guns are locked down and not just sitting in a dresser or shoe box in the closet but actually locked in a gun safe and or trigger locked etc. One of our good friends went in on a nice big safe with another good friend and they bolted it up at one house and share the safe for their hunting guns. Im cool with that.


It would be a touchy subject. I think for me the big thing is I wouldn't let my son go to someones house unless I know them well enough to ask those questions. I'd be worried about other things first, but the gun issue would be in the back of my mind as well.


Expedition Leader
It would be a touchy subject. I think for me the big thing is I wouldn't let my son go to someones house unless I know them well enough to ask those questions. I'd be worried about other things first, but the gun issue would be in the back of my mind as well.

I started the conversation with my wife given when I was 12 I noticed my 4yr old brother playing outside with the neighbor twins and one of the twins was running around with a gun. I had just come home from working on the horse ranch on my bike. I asked to see the gun and walked across the street and into our house with it. A loaded 45, thank god the safety was on! My mom put it in our safe. The dad across the street was gone on a work trip overseas for a month. When he got back my dad told him about the hardware. I've never seen a man turn so pale white so fast in my life. He had no idea his two 7yr old boys had found his gun. In a box top self in his master bedroom. The gun stayed in our safe till he had decided what to do with it. He had his brother store it in the family gun safe. My little brother was one lucky statistic that didnt happen that day. Now as a parent I dont think I can be shy about asking, as my kids start to go play at friends houses. As you pointed out if a parent gets huffy about the question then their kid is welcome at our house we dont have guns on site or they'll just need to play at the park.


Yeah I will much prefer the kids come over to my house. No tellin what kind of stuff goes on behind others closed doors. I dated my wife in high school, and recently asked my FIL why he always let a bunch of kids hang out at his house. He told me it was better there than at some parents house he didn't know or trust.


I have never felt uneasy in the presence of any gun and I've never even thought about if there are guns in the house that I let my child go to because it does not bother me in any way


Expedition Leader
You certainly make a valid point. Not that I necessarily advocate more regulation, but I still find it surprising that carrying a pistol does not require a minimum level of proficiency and a background check. I am 100% pro 2nd amendment, but there should be an expectation of proficiency. I would like to know that if I see a guy carrying a gun that he has been through training and a background check.

Obviously, this can't happen because most gun owners (myself included) do not trust the intentions of the anti-gun community. If there was a consensus that the law abiding will not lose rights, but must show proficiency and prove that they are law abiding, I see that as 100% reasonable. I prefered the old CCW requirements in AZ. If someone was carrying concealed, they were either LEO or had passed a two day course, a test and a range qualification. Now any idiot can shove a pistol in their pocket. . .

Ditto, agreed, etc.


Expedition Leader
It would be a touchy subject. I think for me the big thing is I wouldn't let my son go to someones house unless I know them well enough to ask those questions. I'd be worried about other things first, but the gun issue would be in the back of my mind as well.

Very valid point, I remember the days when parents actually knew each other well enough that this wouldn't even be an issue.


Expedition Leader
Very valid point, I remember the days when parents actually knew each other well enough that this wouldn't even be an issue.

I think our area is fairly unique and more like the old days simply because our town is 16,000 people. Kids still walk and ride bikes to school here. Hell the neighbor kids were out playing tag running through front yards last evening. All the stuff we did 40yrs ago. Not something you see very often anymore. Though we just ran 6 "Non Magazine" sales guys out of town yesterday. Two were picked up by the town police had warrants out for them out of Detroit and Florida and this is in CA! They come through every spring scouting out homes that are unoccupied during the day and do breakins. If someone comes to the door they use the Magazine sales cover. Our town requires a permit for door to door soliciting 99% of the time they get escorted out of town.

Yesterday Nextdoor had neighbors posting locations and our local PD was tracking and picking them up. LOL


As stated in other thread I always carry and my rig always has easy access to a weapon on all four corners. So the answer obviously is no I don't have a problem....UNLESS someone is " plinking" as described earlier ! Or there gun is pointed at me :) . Then I have a HUGE PROBLEM LOL


"I really don't care if someone is armed. It's the people who are shooting irresponsibly that annoy me."

- I second this sentiment. I also agree with Scott Brady that there should be some sort of proficiency requirement. As soon as my daughters were old enough to handle a pistol, I trained them on how to handle one correctly. This also extended to rifles. I believe that you have a responsibility to teach your children about gun safety, especially if you have guns in your house, and I'm not opposed to training classes. I certified with the NRA when I was twelve, and I carry those lessons to this day.

About a month ago, I was boating on a local lake with my wife. We anchored in the mouth of a cove that is a favorite with the off-road party crowd. We were too tired to move when the partiers showed up, so we just went back to bed. Right about dawn, one of the group steps away from the crowd, raises his pistol in my general direction and starts shooting at a raft of loons. Of course, with such a flat trajectory, the projectiles were ricocheting right by us, I don't know how we did not take a bullet. That is the kind of person that causes problems for everybody else and should be restricted from gun use. I hope the sheriff I called expressed that sentiment to the idiot. Me, I left the cove immediately, not interested in a confrontation with an armed idiot.


Scott - I know AZ is an open carry state, but I thought to purchase there that they still had to run a basic background check for felonies, etc.? To your point, I agree, I don't think most law abiding owners or potential owners would mind a minimum proficiency test at a range. Here in CA, for handguns anyway, we have a simple test. It's pretty common sense safety type stuff and I think has to be renewed every 5 years. CCW is still pretty strict until a legal case in appeals is resolved. It does require a 2 day class.

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