Crime rates in many of the "unarmed" countries are quite a bit higher than the US....
Sorry, but that Data is bordering on useless, as there is no information reported on the source of the data. Is it all for the same years? What is the break-down of the crimes, violent crimes vs.... speeding tickets?
Most importantly, these statistics do not actually represent the actual crimes being committed. "Crime statistics are often better indicators of prevalence of law enforcement and willingness to report crime, than actual prevalence. "
Does anybody really believe Mexico's crime rate is 7 times lower than the US?
Yeah, thats the first bad study that Kellerman did. He stacked the deck there too - comparing slums in Seattle (poor, criminal elements, lack of education) with very nice neighborhoods in Vancouver.
He eventually had to 'adjust' his data, at first he made some claim about 30-40 times greater.
Thats why Kellerman isn't particularly credible.
What are you talking about? The referenced posting has nothing to do with any study by Kellerman. It shows gross, nationwide child gun deaths.
It also references a report on bear spray, which doesn't seem to have any link to Kellerman.
You'll never find a gun that has an "absolute safety," whatever that is.
What I mean is a lever or button that safties the weapon.
FYI, fear has very little to do with it. As I stated before, it is in a gun owner's best interests to de-escalate a situation so he doesn't have to use a gun. However, when you get to the end of your go/no go chart, you will be left with an angry criminal who wants to kill you for trying to talk his ear off. I am left with a very polite criminal who will do what I say.
Why the assumption that bad things will happen to unarmed people, but not to armed people? In the afformentioned drunk criminal situation... There's a number of things that might have happened.
Let's say things did escalate, and the criminals did unmentionable things to the unarmed poster's wife and family. Horrible, but they are still alive.
What if the poster was armed, and the same escalation occurred? The poster draws his gun, so does the criminal. Criminal is faster on the draw, or lucky, and shoots the poster. Then commits unmentionable acts, then kills the rest of the family.
This is better how?
I don't think most drunk crazy people are homicidal. Put them in a position where they have to defend themselves, and you're now in a gunfight.
It's absolute stupidity to not carry a weapon and know when not to use it, when to use it, and how to use it when you do. Especially when you're putting yourself in a situation where you're going to be the only person capable of defending yourself.
I can't completely disagree with this statement... except why is it in the US, it seems the only "weapon" considered is a firearm?
Canuck here and yes, I do bring the guns camping. 12 gauge shotguns.
For the rest of my Canadian friends, here's a link to RCMP site you want to read
"However, in a remote wilderness area, non-restricted firearms do not have to be made inoperable or locked up. They must be unloaded, but the ammunition can be kept handy."
Good info. I wasn't even aware that the guns must be kept unloaded. That's interesting. Another point for bear spray in Canada. You'll definitely be quicker on the draw with a can of spray. At the very least, it would make sense to have a can of spray *in addition* to a gun.
right back at you... Your poor example does little to make a point or establish any kind of credibility on your part. In fact, your remark:
You've COMPLETELY taken my post out of context, and THEN put words in my mouth to finish the job. Nice work.
The point of my post, is that for every annecdotal case of a firearm being used in defence, or locked up firearms NOT being used for defence, one can find a story where firearm possession did not yield the desired outcome.
Annecdotal evidence is useless to the discussion, and is just reinforcing the fear mongering that got us here in the first place.
The last sentence was reworked in order to juxtapose it against the statement originally made by Nephew. Did you come to a similar conclusion about his posting? I doubt it, because he is obviously pro-gun, and you perceive me to be anti-gun.
The fact is, that couldn't be further from the truth. As stated, I am not anti-gun. Rather, I seek only safer alternatives. The requirements to render a firearm safe and legal (in Canada) greatly reduce it's effectiveness.
"Excuse me Mr. Drunk Jeep Dude with an illegal handgun on your hip. I'm just going to slip back the truck, unlock my gun, and load it. Just... hold that thought, back in a sec."
I have fired guns, I find it's fun. I think they're interesting technical devices. I think they're cool. I'd own guns just for fun if I had a bit more money lying around. But they would be locked up safely.
I need to go back and read my old crazy-ATV-driver thread, and see if anybody there criticizing me for "using my vehicle as a weapon" are also loudly pro-gun here.