Do you feel the need to have a weapon when camping

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That target was 21 feet away. Not 75. Let's see that excercise at 75 feet and see how fast he shoots, and/or how often he hits. That was ~1 minute, to put 12 of 13 shots on mass, for a beginner with less than 100 shots ever. Yet, I was told by a rangemaster that I was better than many LEO's. Scary.

And that guy was not "unprepared". He was standing there, looking at a target, with his safety glasses on.

As for my children being 75 feet away... Read my other post. I will not live in fear, nor my family. My kids are likely to be 75 feet away from me to start with. Do you shackle your children to yourself? Is that what freedom is all about?

I will see you long before your 21 ft away. If you shoot a rapid fire at 75 my friend you need to learn HOW to USE that handgun not just how to shoot it. A single well aimed shot is all that is needed especially with a .40 or .45. I agree with you, you should not carry a pistol. It is people like that with no experience just a pistol taking pop shots that shoot first ask questions later. It is proactive gun owners that know how to use and react. Any pistol class I have ever been to has always emphasized if you pull your pistol you will go to jail if you shoot you will go to jail its just a matter of if you are willing to go to jail for those actions and yes my family is always worth going to jail for their safety. Also no shackle they are just within sight considering their age.
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Expedition Leader
Ok, while this post reached that point some time ago, I feel it time that it is locked, shut or whatever happens when the two sides are dug in and no compromise is taking place.



Expedition Leader
I disagree.

Quite honestly, I'm more likely to be hit by a meteorite or struck by lightning up here in the bush.

Funny, Chris, having talked online with you for a while now, I would have assumed you had already been hit by lightning?




Expedition Leader
I've backpacked, rafted and car camped across the Western U.S. for several decades and have never felt compelled to carry a gun. That said, there are many "weapons" at my disposal in camp... first and foremost, my brain.

yay! good post. very important point.

And to those e-badgering Rob. cool it, guys. He's just bringing up different
ways to think about something.

He's put a lot of thought into being a gun owner, clearly, and is a smart dude. It's a mistake to take his conjecture and line of thinking as a personal attack.

I disagree with him on occasion, but I'd really like to keep the discussion respectful, especially in regards those who are deciding on gun ownership or have decided not to carry.

Their input is as important to keeping the Expo well-rounded as those of us who choose to carry. Nothing stupid about the reasoning they bring to the table. On the contrary, I've been impressed by the articulate answers to somewhat offensive/questioning posts by some of the gun-toters thus far.

play nice, ladies...

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Maximus Ram

Expedition Leader
Hang on a sec. They did not "follow them" to press some sort of attack. They went to the island to get us off.

So we're camping nearby, and I walk up to your campfire holding a knife which I used to cut the raspberry pie I'm about to offer you, and you shoot me dead. :Wow1:

Of course they brought flashlights. Flashlights are near useless in dense brush.

Frome reading the scenerio, I read that they swam off of the island after being confronted by your Father.
So they swam from 1 island to another island to the island you were on ?
If that is the case and they were threatening you, then yes they (Father & neighbor) had a right to confront and engage.

Maximus Ram

Expedition Leader
And to those e-badgering Rob. cool it, guys. He's just bringing up different
ways to think about something.

He's put a lot of thought into being a gun owner, clearly, and is a smart dude. It's a mistake to take his conjecture and line of thinking as a personal attack.

I disagree with him on occasion, but I'd really like to keep the discussion respectful, especially to those who are deciding on gun ownership or have decided not to carry.

Their input is as important to keeping the Expo well-rounded as those of us who choose to carry.


Brian, not "e-badgering" Rob, just answering remarks posted from being quoted. My original post quoted noone, just my thoughts on the topic .
I believe everyone has the right to make their own choices, I choose to own firearms, he may choose not to, no harm -no fowl, all is good.


When I was 14

The world was a MUCH different place when you were 14!

Today, those same teenagers (if they weren't swimming) just might be armed with illegal firearms........

"Don't bring a shovel to a gunfight....."


Maybe my marine mentality but I would not fire a warning shot at a human threat either. Would you rather have a warning shot. I would asses the threat get between you and my family a calm assertive manner and ask your business if you held that knife in a threating manner and kept moving toward me and not standing there like Martha Stewart then I would make you aware I was carrying by putting a hand on the grip and ask you to leave if you kept coming I would command you to stop and if you didn't then yes I would shoot you dead...

a well aimed warning shot deescalated several tense situations for my platoon in Iraq that could of swung either way. So warning shots do hve their place however I do not agree with the shoot to wound mentality, if I feel the need to shoot a target I am shooting to kill. You can compare statistics between the U.S. And other nations all day long but its apples to oranges. The legal alcohol drinking age is lower pretty much everywhere else but I'm sure these countries also have lower alcohol related incidents. I would be interested in US versus Swiss data as (unless this has changed in the last few years) you only need a permit there to buy antiaircraft and antitank munitions and weapons. Every household in Switzerland with military age residents has their military issued weapon in it and a much lower violent crime rate.


Expedition Leader
And to those e-badgering Rob. cool it, guys. He's just bringing up different
ways to think about something.

It's cool. Nothing posted here has been remotely close to what happens in the Land Rover forum. ;)

Frome reading the scenerio, I read that they swam off of the island after being confronted by your Father.
So they swam from 1 island to another island to the island you were on ?
If that is the case and they were threatening you, then yes they (Father & neighbor) had a right to confront and engage

Cottage is on the shore of a lake. We were camping on an island in the middle of the lake. Teenagers swam from one side of the lake to the other. When shoo'd off the dock, they swam in the direction of the island, which is when pitchforks and torches were grabbed. ;)

The world was a MUCH different place when you were 14!

Today, those same teenagers (if they weren't swimming) just might be armed with illegal firearms........

"Don't bring a shovel to a gunfight....."

You're right! It's much safer now. Crime rates are down. Communications with authorities are improved. Transportation systems are better... (SAR, etc.)

It's a wonder the teens swam across the lake at all, it was about 1/2 mile, they surely wouldn't have made it carrying a 10lb anchor.


a well aimed warning shot deescalated several tense situations for my platoon in Iraq that could of swung either way. So warning shots do hve their place however I do not agree with the shoot to wound mentality, if I feel the need to shoot a target I am shooting to kill. You can compare statistics between the U.S. And other nations all day long but its apples to oranges. The legal alcohol drinking age is lower pretty much everywhere else but I'm sure these countries also have lower alcohol related incidents. I would be interested in US versus Swiss data as (unless this has changed in the last few years) you only need a permit there to buy antiaircraft and antitank munitions and weapons. Every household in Switzerland with military age residents has their military issued weapon in it and a much lower violent crime rate.

Agreed they have their place, but not in a unlit camp ground with tents and other campers around. I also never said anything about shooting to wound, only to kill.
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Expedition Leader
a well aimed warning shot deescalated several tense situations for my platoon in Iraq that could of swung either way. So warning shots do hve their place however I do not agree with the shoot to wound mentality, if I feel the need to shoot a target I am shooting to kill. You can compare statistics between the U.S. And other nations all day long but its apples to oranges. The legal alcohol drinking age is lower pretty much everywhere else but I'm sure these countries also have lower alcohol related incidents. I would be interested in US versus Swiss data as (unless this has changed in the last few years) you only need a permit there to buy antiaircraft and antitank munitions and weapons. Every household in Switzerland with military age residents has their military issued weapon in it and a much lower violent crime rate.

Switzerland is 2.26. Still half that of the US. But they have so many guns!

BTW, Canadians have lots of guns too. 4 people per gun, compared to 1.5 people per gun in the US. However, only 5.4% of Canadians are gun owners compared to 36.5% in the US. It appears that the minority of gun owners in Canada own on average many more guns than those in the US!

Yet the homicide rate is so low.


This thread is becoming a screenplay for Bowling for Columbine!

Fear, people. Fear.


Expedition Leader
Well... fear and ... gun control laws.

Switzerland has an upper estimate of 3 million guns in Switzerland, 740,000 of which are assault rifles or military pistols, amongst a population of 7.2 Million. So they have about 2.4 people per gun. More importantly however, I believe the guns are more evenly spread. Practically every male in the country has served in the militia, and brought his service weapon home.

But, the gun transport rules sound pretty similar to in Canada:

Guns may be transported in public as long as an appropriate justification is present. This means to transport a gun in public, the following requirements apply:

The ammunition must be separated from the gun, no ammunition in a magazine.
The transport has to be direct, ie:
For courses or exercises hosted by marksmanship, hunting or military organisations,
To an army warehouse and back,
To and from a holder of a valid arms trade permit,
To and from a specific event, e.g. gun shows.

So, people don't wander around armed as much. Though apparently this isn't unusual:


Maximus Ram

Expedition Leader
This thread is becoming a screenplay for Bowling for Columbine!

Fear, people. Fear.

Rob, can you make a comparison of kids being bullied and taking revenge in a horrif manner to a law abiding responsible firearms owner being prepared for a possible survival situation in the outdoors ?
It's not fear as to why I choose to posses a firearm when I /We camp...It's for self preservation. No law enforcement close enough if the situation should arrive.
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