That target was 21 feet away. Not 75. Let's see that excercise at 75 feet and see how fast he shoots, and/or how often he hits. That was ~1 minute, to put 12 of 13 shots on mass, for a beginner with less than 100 shots ever. Yet, I was told by a rangemaster that I was better than many LEO's. Scary.
And that guy was not "unprepared". He was standing there, looking at a target, with his safety glasses on.
As for my children being 75 feet away... Read my other post. I will not live in fear, nor my family. My kids are likely to be 75 feet away from me to start with. Do you shackle your children to yourself? Is that what freedom is all about?
I will see you long before your 21 ft away. If you shoot a rapid fire at 75 my friend you need to learn HOW to USE that handgun not just how to shoot it. A single well aimed shot is all that is needed especially with a .40 or .45. I agree with you, you should not carry a pistol. It is people like that with no experience just a pistol taking pop shots that shoot first ask questions later. It is proactive gun owners that know how to use and react. Any pistol class I have ever been to has always emphasized if you pull your pistol you will go to jail if you shoot you will go to jail its just a matter of if you are willing to go to jail for those actions and yes my family is always worth going to jail for their safety. Also no shackle they are just within sight considering their age.
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