Do you feel the need to have a weapon when camping

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Maximus Ram

Expedition Leader
Now that picture is just crazy....where is that at, Rob ? I would take a second and third glace if I saw someone lugging a Smi-Automatic Sporting Arm around like that. :coffeedrink:


Expedition Leader
Brian, not "e-badgering" Rob, just answering remarks posted from being quoted. My original post quoted noone, just my thoughts on the topic .
I believe everyone has the right to make their own choices, I choose to own firearms, he may choose not to, no harm -no fowl, all is good.

nah, not singling anyone out, I just like this discussion for the benefit of the original poster, and don't want to see it axed...

and Rob's good at starting s$%^.......HAHAHAHA...j/k, Rob.

:) all good, bradda Ram.

Dave Bennett

That's great and all, but will that hold up in a court of law when I have to explain to the jury why I just shot and killed 2 mutants who have (or had) small primitive brains with diminished "Cognitive capacities"?

Don't care. Lifa and limb of family over some dirtbags "rights" or a courts interpretation of said rights after the fact.

Dave Bennett

For the places I go most often, I'm not sure many crack heads would be willing to follow, but hey, if a crack head wants to follow me on foot or in a canoe for days on end into the wilderness to do me harm, slap me silly and call me snookered but it's a chance I'm willing to take.

Now THAT is funny! :elkgrin:

Way to put it into perspective! :coffeedrink:


SE Expedition Society
BTW, Canadians have lots of guns too. 4 people per gun, compared to 1.5 people per gun in the US. However, only 5.4% of Canadians are gun owners compared to 36.5% in the US. It appears that the minority of gun owners in Canada own on average many more guns than those in the US!

Fear, people. Fear.
You know, we started carrying guns to protect us from the imminent threat of invasion from Canada... guys started it.



I disagree.

Quite honestly, I'm more likely to be hit by a meteorite or struck by lightning up here in the bush.

You are missing the point. Fact: Crime happens to some people. Fact: you are a person. Therefore, Crime CAN happen to you. Basic logic folks. It doesn't mean that it will happen, simply that it can happen.

Maybe my marine mentality but I would not fire a warning shot at a human threat either. Would you rather have a warning shot. I would asses the threat get between you and my family a calm assertive manner and ask your business if you held that knife in a threating manner and kept moving toward me and not standing there like Martha Stewart then I would make you aware I was carrying by putting a hand on the grip and ask you to leave if you kept coming I would command you to stop and if you didn't then yes I would shoot you dead...


You walking into my campsite with a "bloody" knife is not a threat to me. If you advance in a threatening manner, then I will give you a verbal warning. If you do not comply I will present my weapon. If you still don't comply I will happily rid the world of a violent criminal. Escalation of Force is at times misunderstood. I don't want to shoot you, so I attempt other things to prevent me from having to shoot you. Contrary to the name, this is actually de-escalation when it works. If it doesn't then the offender has just upped the ante--not me.

If I walked into your campsite with a knife, would you turn and run, or politely ask me to carry on my murdering business elsewhere?

If I came at one of your kids, would you not react to protect them? The obvious answer is that you would absolutely protect them. Why would you want to get into a knife fight with me when you could:

A: present your weapon and avert physical harm to everyone
B: Shoot me and eliminate all risk of me hurting you, your wife or your kids

Seriously, I have made quite a few points that have gone unanswered here. If you were in camp and I drove up and attacked one of your kids, what would you do?

If your answer is protect them by fighting back, then why wouldn't you equip yourself to do so in the most effective way possible?

If your answer is to stand by calmly and expect everyone to get along after the initial misunderstanding, then I fear my writing has been in vain....

Lost Canadian

Expedition Leader
You know, we started carrying guns to protect us from the imminent threat of invasion from Canada... guys started it.

Bull, you guys started it by trying to invade our land in 1812, of course just like a well spirited hockey game we sent you packing. JK:victory:


[Terminator voice]We'll be back.....[/Terminator voice]

I for one welcome the new additions to the United States of America: Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Yukon, Nunavut and Inuvik (our territories are overseas).

Although designing a flag with 57 stars might be tough....Hmm, maybe we'll take PEI, too. It's nice there, except for the mud.

Root Moose

Expedition Leader
You are missing the point. Fact: Crime happens to some people. Fact: you are a person. Therefore, Crime CAN happen to you. Basic logic folks. It doesn't mean that it will happen, simply that it can happen.

Car accidents with head injuries can happen too. Are you going to start wearing a helmet in your car? You really should!

Logic is one thing and statistics is another. The ability to make choices based on the two keeps us from feeling the need to wear body armour in the shower.


Another facet to gun ownership that you may not understand is the ability to not employ your weapon. If three armed men bust into my office and point their weapons at me, I am not going to reach for my .380 and go down in a blaze of glory. I will comply with what they want until I can find an advantage and exploit it.

It does my loved ones no good to get killed foolishly, so you have to be mentally prepared to make that decision. React or wait. Just because I have a gun doesn't mean I will use it. If I need to use it it will be at the moment of greatest advantage.


Another facet to gun ownership that you may not understand is the ability to not employ your weapon. If three armed men bust into my office and point their weapons at me, I am not going to reach for my .380 and go down in a blaze of glory. I will comply with what they want until I can find an advantage and exploit it.

It does my loved ones no good to get killed foolishly, so you have to be mentally prepared to make that decision. React or wait. Just because I have a gun doesn't mean I will use it. If I need to use it it will be at the moment of greatest advantage.

Thats true, but on the other hand not having the ability to defend yourself is an even worse situation.


Car accidents with head injuries can happen too. Are you going to start wearing a helmet in your car? You really should!

Logic is one thing and statistics is another. The ability to make choices based on the two keeps us from feeling the need to wear body armour in the shower.

Point taken, but your analogy falls short. Wearing a helmet in a car increases the risk of accidents due to limiting the driver's field of vision---I digress---The key difference is the ability to employ the helmet in the event of a crash. If you were quick enough to recognize that you were about to crash, grab the helmet, put it on and fasten it--Then I absolutely think it is a good idea. Sadly, that is not the case with a helmet in a car. It is the case with discreet or concealed firearms carry. You only use it when you need it .

The equivalent to your analogy would be pointing a weapon at everyone you meet. Sure, you probably won't get mugged, but that doesn't justify doing it.
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