Do you feel the need to have a weapon when camping

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Just to put my .02 cents in, you don't have to carry. That's your Right.

I will always carry from now till the day I die. Which will probably be at the hands of an extra thick rare AMERICAN Bacon and a large pitcher of black coffee. That's my Right. Don't take away mine and I wont force you to use yours. Try to force me to give up mine and I'll make sure you wish you used yours.

..generally speaking of course.

I carry one of two handguns when I camp, It's either a Glock 20 10mm with Buffalo bore or HK45 with 45super. I wont bore the class with what I bring along for camp protection but it's usually a shotgun or a 45/70. ..sometimes I bring my Jewish Mother in law as a last line of defense.
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Chazz Layne

It is also a tool that can cause problems should the scenario arise. There are a lot of suicides, accidental firearm related deaths and injuries in the US every year. For example my coworker recently had a stray bullet from a neighbor cleaning their gun enter their bedroom and hit their dresser at head level.

To be quite frank, I personally know people who've had cars do the same. All tools are dangerous, until idiots are banned from owning tools.


Expedition Leader
To be quite frank, I personally know people who've had cars do the same. All tools are dangerous, until idiots are banned from owning tools.

I understand and agree, I just see a tendency toward placing firearms on an undiscuss-able pedestal sometimes. You have to take training in many states to hunt, handle food, drive your car etc. but there's no requirement (and I'm not advocating there should be) to obtain even the most basic training regarding gun safety. I was fortunate that my dad was a police officer, life long hunter, and in the military for 20 years and made sure I fully understood and practiced firearm safety plus had me take two hunter safety courses. I got my first .22 when I was five....I enjoy shooting. At the same time though someone with zero firearm skills/training/respect can own/operate the tool and there are about double the number of people in the US now compared to 1950.

Bottom line is it's everyone's right to own a firearm and that shouldn't be taken away (except as it is now for certain individuals) but I wouldn't mind seeing a push towards education regarding firearm storage, firearm safety/proper handling, and identification of mental health warning signs of those that might pose a threat to themselves or others. I would be willing to pay an extra buck or two or ten per firearm I purchase towards providing free firearm safety education courses for those who want them or even subsidies for gun safes.
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Expedition Leader
With the references noted above, the same could be said about people having children.

I quote with changes - Bottom line is it's everyone's right to HAVE CHILDREN and that shouldn't be taken away (except as it is now for certain individuals) but I wouldn't mind seeing a push towards education regarding PROPER HOUSING, NUTRITION and SAFETY, and identification of mental health warning signs of those that might pose a threat to themselves or others. I would be willing to pay an extra buck or two or ten per child towards providing free CHILD safety education courses for those who want them or even subsidies for safe HOUSES.


I don't really see the your point, kids aren't guns.....and those programs exist for kids/parents that need them.

There are also voluntary programs to educate people about firearms. Charging people extra money to own a gun so somebody can develop some program to educate them is nothing more than an additional tax and more governmental mandates. Gun ownership is a right and should not be subject to a tax or required education.


Expedition Leader
All I am advocating for is that we as a society work together towards improving the issue, I don't have the solution but I am open to ideas and do hope we can improve.

I don't want to derail this thread (any more than I already did) or end up with it closed so I'm going to step out.

Big mike

Ok I will give my two cents !!
If I'm out traveling I carry if I'm driving I carry my chaser has 3 easily accessible fire arms that I can get to at all times and yes there loaded with one in the chamber ! My jeep is equipped the same .
I will never be a statistic , and by that I mean I won't go without a fight.
I hate to tell you all but there are evil people anywhere you wander .
I believe in the second amendment and to those who say it ha out lived it's usefulness , tell that to the bad guys who carry !!!
I have never had a reason to pull a weapon on a person and hopefully I won't . But I for one will not hesitate if need be.
I think people who make the decision to own and carry a weapon should be well educated on all aspects so they are both safe and prepared , it would be stupid not to !
And yes my home has a safe room .
It is prudent to protect oneself, I will never understand those who want to take our guns away.
Our laws are laced criminals are not put in jail and if they are there released because of over crowding or for "good behavior" good behavior what the hell is that !!!!!
Case in point the latest SF shooting 7 time felon 5 times deprted!
Bet someone wishes they had a gun there.
And why are killers rapists and child molesters allowed to live ? They deserve death!!! Hit a woman die abuse a child die rape die .
It's a very clear answer to me.
But yes I carry a gun :)


All I am advocating for is that we as a society work together towards improving the issue, I don't have the solution but I am open to ideas and do hope we can improve.

I don't want to derail this thread (any more than I already did) or end up with it closed so I'm going to step out.

The problem is it is a right guaranteed to you by the government in the Constitution. Society should have no say in it


Last response, I don't necessarily think it's a government issue. When I buy a hunting licence I can voluntarily donate a buck or two to a conservation fund and do.....or I have a license plate supporting a national hiking trail for example.

This is a pretty good article:

Hunting is not a right, the animals or game are held in a public trust. You can still donate money how ever you please. To keep and bear arms is a right, and it is should only be between the individual and the government and only according to what is laid out in the Constitution. ANY restriction or requirement of any sort other than due process through a court is violation of our Constitutional Right.

Scott Brady

It is also a tool that can cause problems should the scenario arise. There are a lot of suicides, accidental firearm related deaths and injuries in the US every year. For example my coworker recently had a stray bullet from a neighbor cleaning their gun enter their bedroom and hit their dresser at head level.

No different from any other tool. Do you know how many people die from hammers every year? In 2011, 496 people were killed by hammers and clubs (coincidentally, 173 more murders from hammers than rifles. . .)

Also in 2013, 32,000 people died from car accidents.

It is easy to blame the gun, but people will kill each other regardless. 14,000 people were stabbed in the UK last year.

Guns are a mechanical device that requires proper training and common sense. People kill themselves accidentally at a shocking rate. Darwin at work ;)


Expedition Leader
No different from any other tool. Do you know how many people die from hammers every year? In 2011, 496 people were killed by hammers and clubs (coincidentally, 173 more murders from hammers than rifles. . .)

Also in 2013, 32,000 people died from car accidents.

It is easy to blame the gun, but people will kill each other regardless. 14,000 people were stabbed in the UK last year.

Guns are a mechanical device that requires proper training and common sense. People kill themselves accidentally at a shocking rate. Darwin at work ;)

A Fisher Price screw driver is a tool just the same as a high speed lathe or band saw......both tools but one requires much more skill and respect to operate and has much more potential to cause harm when treated without respect and training.

It's not the guns fault the same as it's not the lathe's fault. I don't blame inanimate objects.

Also in 2013 about the same amount of people died from firearm induced injuries and not everyone owns a guns or uses it for long periods of time daily......especially not while texting ;)

I don't think there needs to be more restrictions or more government regulation. I would like to see those of us that like firearms and the organizations surrounding them be more involved in public outreach, training, and education regarding the importance of safe practices.
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