so now we are to rely on some electronic gizmo to save our bacon. for heavens sake learn how to take care of yourself. all this search and rescue is seriously taxing rural counties. the I got lost because the GPS on my smart phone said to go this way has to end(won't because of our collective mentality nowadays). to say I do not need to carry a firearm because I can call for protection is ridiculous. when seconds count, help is minutes, hours, or days away. you now what, if your attitude and main plan is I can call for help on my smart phone or any other gizmo, is naïve and greedy. please stay out of the lightly populated rural counties. you are taking what little money they have for you to be stupid. sorry but I am sick of it. I travel to lightly populated areas and on the local news it's almost a constant though out the summer months. city slickers getting into trouble and having huge search and rescue operations going on. have the tools on hand to handle any situation you might get into, without calling for help. 40 years ago who were you going to call, nobody. boy I can feel the flogging already, begin the flogging. highdesertranger