Do you feel the need to have a weapon when camping

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Expedition Leader
That's what I'm screaming put some spice on it. It's getting peppered one way or both

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Is outside
I'm still trying to see what people are threatened by in non-grizzly territory.

Crime is WAY down. And the odds of some big bad attacking animal is INCREDIBLY low.

All I see are wannabe hero's wanting to kill someone or something.

Stay they hell away from me. YOU are the problem.


Expedition Leader
Well in my neck of the nation if you near a body of water there are gators, wild hogs and snakes that will give you a bad day if you happen up on one an they haven't heard you coming. That ruin your day pretty quickly. While on a his hunting club one of my good friends happened up on some people trying to break open a gun safe. They kept acting like they needed him to get out of his truck. So like any good old dirt road deputy. He introduced them to his pepper spray?, oh no wait I'm sorry his shotgun while he called some on duty folks to come take care of his problem. So I'M glad to be what YOU consider to the problem. It's people's choice whether they do or don't. I know cops that have rarely if it all drew their weapons on duty. I also know few that we call crap magnets who have shot two or three in their career. Statistical numbers say this or that, but those number come for events that happened to people not some dreamed up algorithm. Call it a warrior or guardian mindset, but me personally I'm too fat and busted up to run far, I prefer to make the other person run or give up instead. I don't expect anyone to understand it or like it for that matter.

So mmmm how bout them braves?

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I'm still trying to see what people are threatened by in non-grizzly territory.

Crime is WAY down. And the odds of some big bad attacking animal is INCREDIBLY low.

All I see are wannabe hero's wanting to kill someone or something.

Stay they hell away from me. YOU are the problem.

I think you're right on the cusp of turning this into a political debate, which is not allowed on this forum.

But to address your own 'concerns,' if you think crime is way down (it is true crime rates have decreased from the 90's), then why are you worried about people who are legally and responsibly carrying firearms while out in the wild? If they aren't breaking the law and/or using unsafe practices, it should be of no concern to you.


Expedition Leader
I'm still trying to see what people are threatened by in non-grizzly territory.

Crime is WAY down. And the odds of some big bad attacking animal is INCREDIBLY low.

All I see are wannabe hero's wanting to kill someone or something.

Stay they hell away from me. YOU are the problem.

I have to agree with most of this, thank you.


Expedition Leader
yes that was my main point is to be self sufficient. I grew up before any of those electronic gizmo and our family traveled the back country a lot. now I didn't say don't use those gizmos, but don't rely on them. I feel that if you can't navigate the back country without them then you should stay home. I carry a gps, so it's not like I don't use them. I use gps when sampling gold prospects. when I get back to camp I pan the samples and mark them out on a map.

when I am up in Oregon during the summer on the radio news it's almost nonstop all summer how this party is lost or that person is lost. not all, but almost all say their batteries went dead or they lost their signal on their smart phone. I once ran into a group that was backpacking and they were lost, turns out they were walking south for 2 days when they should have been going north. I mean how out of touch can you be. the sunrise is always in the east and sunset is always in the west. they had a gps but didn't know how to use it. I gave them a ride of about 40 miles to get them back to their cars. I have more stories but I will spare you all.

as far as guns go I carry a couple. for me they are just another tool in the tool box. I will not get into the argument about bear spray vs a gun. when I go to grizz country I carry both, bear steaks taste good with a little pepper on them. highdesertranger

The only GPS we own is the one on our boat that's integrated into the HD fish finder, much harder to mentally mark what's under the water than what we can see on land. I have hunted the same area going on 4 years and know it quite well, so my mental mapping is fairly extensive and don't really need to rely on GPS.


This thread is about camping with a firearm for security purposes.

Actually that's not true, the thread is titled "Do you feel the need to have a weapon when camping?"

BTW Bear Spray is a weapon just the same as a firearm or a baseball bat, its how it is used which makes it a weapon and any object carried or used to deter aggression in any form is a weapon.


Expedition Leader
Actually that's not true, the thread is titled "Do you feel the need to have a weapon when camping?"

BTW Bear Spray is a weapon just the same as a firearm or a baseball bat, its how it is used which makes it a weapon and any object carried or used to deter aggression in any form is a weapon.

The human brain is the most powerful weapon there is, yet some do not know how to use it properly as evidenced in this thread. Don't you agree?


Actually that's not true, the thread is titled "Do you feel the need to have a weapon when camping?"

BTW Bear Spray is a weapon just the same as a firearm or a baseball bat, its how it is used which makes it a weapon and any object carried or used to deter aggression in any form is a weapon.

While I agree bear spray, baseball bats, and many other devices and tools can be used as weapons, the OP was clearly asking for people's feedback on carrying firearms as well as stun guns, and knives while afield (hence why he thought he was bringing up a "touchy" subject).

I hope this is the appropriate forum to discuss this. I did a search and found a lot of posts in the gun forum, but I'm not necessarily thinking of guns per se.

When I'm camping in the backcountry I sometimes wonder if I'm being naive for not having some sort of defense mechanism other than my fists or whatever crude object I may be able to scramble if awoken to some threat. I generally like to live my life free of fear but I also always like being prepared.
I've been researching guns, stun guns and knives recently and I'm curious what others are doing.

I know this is a touchy subject but I value all the input on other gear and usefulness of it, so thought I'd see what you guys are doing. I really never felt the need for any kind of weapon when I was by myself or with friends camping, but now that I have a family, protection comes to mind.

Feedback is much appreciated.



The human brain is the most powerful weapon there is, yet some do not know how to use it properly as evidenced in this thread. Don't you agree?

This is exactly the kind of rhetoric I am referring to when I say that certain posts are getting off track and somewhat political.
Why do you feel the need to belittle and mock people whom you disagree with? Are you really that insecure and immature that you can't tolerate view points that differ from your own?


Political, perhaps. Personal attacks is what's going to close yet another thread the way a few of you are going after each other. Cool it please.

I too am interested like poster Expedition Key. I don't own, but camp a lot near the CA/Mexican border. I've seen plenty of evidence of two legged critters from directional arrows real big with rocks pointing the way to go to big blue barrels of water jugs left by well meaning humanitarian groups. There are four legged critters too from mountain lions on down. While in 57+ years, I've never ever owned/carried, I am considering it. I won't go into ALL the reasons as some are purely political here in California. Needless to say, I've been thinking and researching and thinking some more for over a year about whether to take this big step. I've done all the safety classes, all day handgun classes on proper and safe use and still mulling over the decision because I don't consider it a light one. Nuff said.


Do you feel the need to have a weapon when camping?

--Yes. I feel the need to have one camping, going to work, and basically every other situation.


Expedition Leader
While I agree bear spray, baseball bats, and many other devices and tools can be used as weapons, the OP was clearly asking for people's feedback on carrying firearms as well as stun guns, and knives while afield (hence why he thought he was bringing up a "touchy" subject).

This is exactly the kind of rhetoric I am referring to when I say that certain posts are getting off track and somewhat political.
Why do you feel the need to belittle and mock people whom you disagree with? Are you really that insecure and immature that you can't tolerate view points that differ from your own?

Interestingly enough, you still haven't provided any emperical data to support ANY of the garbage you claim to be factual. But keep on being afraid of everything around you, it provides great entertainment for those days I get bored at work!!


Interestingly enough, you still haven't provided any emperical data to support ANY of the garbage you claim to be factual. But keep on being afraid of everything around you, it provides great entertainment for those days I get bored at work!!

I actually provided a link to an Alaska Fish and Game website to support my point on Moose-related injuries for people. Is that the "garbage" you were referring to?

You and a few others on this thread keep posting so many derisive comments one after another, I honestly can't remember what it is you're mad about.


the OP was clearly asking for people's feedback on carrying firearms as well as stun guns, and knives while afield

No he stated he was researching guns, stun guns and knives and is curious about what others are doing; what others are doing is open ended. Clearly some feel the need to do nothing while others feel things like bear spray is sufficient yet others feel they need to be kitted out like they are going on the Bin Laden raid.

The problem with these types of arguments is everybody is correct to a degree because situation dictates, there are places with little to no threat where open caring an M4 at the high ready would be stupid and others with very real danger especially if your unfamiliar with that area and having a shotgun or sidearm would be prudent. (As long as you train regularly with said firearm)

I would like top point out that the data surrounding shooting of a bear not being effective is probably a little skewed, I would bet and this is total speculation as I have no proof to back this up, but I would bet a lot of shootings that successfully deter a bear do not get reported because of fear of having their guns confiscated or getting a ticket of some sort.
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