Do you feel the need to have a weapon when camping

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Well said Scott! I agree with you on many points and I too carry concealed much of the time. I do not go around telling people that I think they should carry a firearm any more than telling them what religion if any to practice. Just don't tell me that I can no longer carry mine.


I like my SKS to keep in my truck. It's a pretty good multipurpose rifle, incredibly rugged, ammunition is available just about anywhere from Cabelas to Walmart, and it still looks fairly unassuming vs it's younger cousin. Fortunately Ive never needed it in a defensive situation while camping, but it does come in quite handy at work for getting rid of woodchucks. Ive seen those things take a 22mag and not even flinch, but a 123 grain Hornady V-max will stop em right quick. Also had to put down a young doe that got hit by a freight train out back and was flopping around with it's spine and both front legs broken.


This is a very broad statement and is not aimed at anyone specific......there are many who carry just because they can, they have no training and would not even know how to respond to a bad situation. Just because you can does not mean you should.

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Scott Brady

If you carry a firearm concealed in public for self-defense, there is no excuse not to have proper training and conduct regular practice for its rapid deployment and accurate engagement.

If you open carry in public, you are the problem, and you are an idiot*. . . ;)

*I am not talking about open carry in the field, although it is still less than ideal.


If you carry a firearm concealed in public for self-defense, there is no excuse not to have proper training and conduct regular practice for its rapid deployment and accurate engagement.

If you open carry in public, you are the problem, and you are an idiot*. . . ;)

*I am not talking about open carry in the field, although it is still less than ideal.
I agree 100%......

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Scott Brady

We just sent our team to map El Camino del Diablo along the border of Mexico. When they called for a permit, they told the BLM office that they would be traveling as a solo vehicle "We do not recommend ECDD as a solo vehicle, but if you do, you should carry guns".

The BLM office specifically recommended being armed in that region, as the threat was present and real. This was the first time we have encountered a government office specifically recommending firearms for an area.

Of course, my guys carried guns during the trip, and they did have an incident where illegals attempted to B&E the vehicle in the middle of the night. No shots fired, but they certainly had the potential for needing to.

Stick that little situation in your pipe and smoke it ;)

Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
Stick that little situation in your pipe and smoke it ;)
Hahaha...hard to argue that one. For the record, I agree with everything you have expressed in this important exchange. I do believe this is a poignant topic for all travelers.

That exact scenario you bring up with regard to the El Camino del Diablo is one that causes me some personal consternation. On one hand, I greatly dislike the idea that there are places I can't feasibly visit without a moderate degree of safety. That in itself is a bummer. That I would only be "safer" going to those places armed and subsequently putting myself in a situation whereby I might actually have to stop someone dead in their tracks, literally, is an even bigger bummer.

Is traversing the El Camino del Diablo so important to me that I'd be willing to be the loser, or even victor, of a gun battle? Not even remotely.

Scott Brady

If you want to go travel ECDD unarmed, just go with 4-5 vehicles. No guns required, as no way the smugglers or illegals will mess with a group that size. Ok, maybe bring a machette ;) Machettes are freaking scary


It is a great blessing that we live in a country where you don't NEED to carry a gun to be assured of reasonable SAFETY. For me, a gun owner, I have to say that I would rather not live in a country where everyone carries guns. That is unsafe...particularly with handguns that are used for most gun crime and are responsible for a majority of gun accidents. When more people carry, then more people feel the need carry guns to be safe. It becomes an arms race.

Keeping a long gun at home is practical, reasonable, and safe if you have some training. Carrying handguns into public places makes all of us less safe.

precision powder

Backwoods Explorer
It is a great blessing that we live in a country where you don't NEED to carry a gun to be assured of reasonable SAFETY. For me, a gun owner, I have to say that I would rather not live in a country where everyone carries guns. That is unsafe...particularly with handguns that are used for most gun crime and are responsible for a majority of gun accidents. When more people carry, then more people feel the need carry guns to be safe. It becomes an arms race.

Keeping a long gun at home is practical, reasonable, and safe if you have some training. Carrying handguns into public places makes all of us less safe.

I completely disagree with that last part. A prime example of how untrue that is happened a few days ago. A man in a parking lot saw 7 guys beating an elderly man. He confronted them, they told him to look away that it was non of his business and continued to assault the elderly man. He was forced to draw his gun and they took off and left the beaten man. How long do you think he could have held out with 7 guys a 3rd his age beating him while waiting for the cops to get there? Even if the one bystander tried to take them on without a gun likely you would end up with two guys beaten to death and the cops would be calling the coroner for two body bags.

What about the two guys that were carrying in a mall when they shot a guy trying to attack a woman? Or maybe the woman that pulled out a gun on her would be rapist and walked away with no issue? Or all hundreds and thousands of other incidents that happen every year without anyone getting shot that never make the news? I can't carry a cop in my back pocket but I can carry a 45.


And on the flip side all the incidents that end up with people dead because a hand gun was so convenient and well why not "I've got a gun better use it"

I'm also gladiator live somewhere where guns aren't as prevalent. I'm glad that when I camp I don't feel the need to carry to protect myself from other people carrying.

But if you have one you surely should be well trained and respectful of the damage it will cause as it appears way too many have one because they can

Scott Brady

I completely disagree with that last part.

I would submit that he is correct, to a degree.

Essentially, when I carry concealed, and am proficient in the use of a reliable and appropriate self-defense pistol, I have realistically only significantly improved my own safety and likely the safety of my family and immediate friends. I think "Fike's" point is that once a volume of concealed carry citizens have been reached, is it really any more safe, or does it start to become less safe because of pure idiocracy?

I know that I am accurate, proficient, trained and fit for self-defense. So many of these idiots walking around with their wheel gun in plain view are not. I would submit that quite a few open and concealed carry folks are a danger to themselves and to others. Not because they are bad people, but because they are incompetent.

2025 deleted member

Well-known member
I carry outdoors, but don't think my first threat would be someone else carrying. It could be an animal, or a crazy individual. I'm not gonna duke it out or knife fight someone. All that being said I am pretty good at avoiding confrontation, and don't think I'm John Wayne.
And on the flip side all the incidents that end up with people dead because a hand gun was so convenient and well why not "I've got a gun better use it"

I'm also gladiator live somewhere where guns aren't as prevalent. I'm glad that when I camp I don't feel the need to carry to protect myself from other people carrying.

But if you have one you surely should be well trained and respectful of the damage it will cause as it appears way too many have one because they can


Totally understand the need for protection in relation to wildlife, have camped in Canada and had some large bears come through the site.

But there have been many comments about the need to scare off people from their camp sites etc
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