Does the Prado (GX470) belong Here


I keep wondering if the Prado or in my case the Lexus GX470 belongs in this group or with the FJ/4Runner group? So what makes a Land Cruiser a Cruiser?



it's called a Land Cruiser in a far off land, so that's good enough for me.

my friend's GX470:



That gx doesnt look half bad, if only they made sliders and a front bumper for it. I have towed a trailer with a gx and 100 series, the gx has more power, but is less stable in comparison the the 100


Expedition Leader
Since the Prado is the basis for the 4Runner, it makes sense to discuss them both in one section.


Expedition Leader
Yeah i think of the GX (or PRADO/90series/120series in places where they don't HAVE 4Runners) as a 4runner and since mechanicaly if not somewhat cosmeticaly it IS a 4Runner I think it's more aptly discussed in the Taco/4Runner/Mini-Truck section. That's just me.



Dave Bennett

The Surf aka 4Runner was around long before there was ever a "Land Cruiser Prado" (120) so to say the 4Runner is based on the Prado is not 100% accurate.

The Prado is somewhere betwixt the full, top of the line Land Cruiser and the lesser 4Runner IMO but has been dubbed a "Land Cruiser Prado" by Toyota so I say the Prado and GX470 are Land Cruisers per Toyota's designation.

My .02
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It is Toyota's light(er) duty chassis, so IMO it would be best to post and talk about it amongst other Toyota vehicles that share the parts and components... Those being Taco/Hilux/Gen 1 Tundra and 4-Runner/Prado. I say that, but talk about 2nd Gen Tundra Trucks in that same 4-runner/truck section... yet the 2nd gens are wholly based on the HD 200 series Land Cruiser. Go figure....

A Land Cruiser will be a vehicle based on Toyota's HD (large component) chassis.
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I think, whether we fully approve of it or not, Toyota are the ones who define what is and isn't a Land Cruiser.

So I consider it a Land Cruiser -- but one with qualifications. Toyota have never used the Land Cruiser name alone for the vehicle line, have they? It's always been Land Cruiser Prado or 90 or something along with the LC, hasn't it?


PS: I usually just ignore threads I have no interest in. Saves the aggravation.

Cackalak Han

Couldn't care less which section of an Internet forum it belongs in, but will say that Lexus already has the LX570 or a Land Cruiser line up and the 120 chassis-based GX is 99% more common with a 4Runner so it would make more sense to post there, as the other 4Runner/FJ guys would be more help.

Scott Brady

Since there are limited parts for the GX, which vehicle would the modifications be adapted from?

A 4Runner - right?

It is called a 120 Land Cruiser simply for marketing purposes.

The Prado, Surf, 4Runner, FJC and GX are all the same basic architecture.

Remember when the Rodeo was sold by Honda. Would you discuss the Passport in the other vehicles section, simply because of the name?

IMHO of course.


I agree with most everyone that being it shares more in common with the 4Runner then another Land Cruiser, I will post GX stuff in the other group. I was hoping so much to say I had a Land Cruiser.:hehe: I guess I will have to break down and buy a 100 series. I can leave here still proud to own a Toyota at least.:shakin:


Cackalak Han

Who cares about the name, bro? You have a sweet rig (I envy KDSS). I would have zero complaints with a GX or a 4Runner.


The Surf aka 4Runner was around long before there was ever a "Land Cruiser Prado" (120) so to say the 4Runner is based on the Prado is not 100% accurate.

It really depends on which came first. Just because the 4runner name came first does not mean that the prado platform wasn't used for the 4th gen runners. Since they debuted the same year, you may not be able to say either one was based on the other, merely that they share a platform...

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