Don't Everyone Jump On This At Once

To the truck owner.
It sounds like you got caught up in building the"cool" overlander and may have overbuilt for your needs. When you get tied up emotionally in a vehicle sometimes overspending is involved. Most of the time people lose money, it is a depreciating hobby.
In my life i've bought and sold a fair amount of vehicles. Made money on some, lost money on some , and broke even on some. It's just the way it goes. The market will set the price, you may sell it at a loss, break even or have to keep it.

100% spot on with everything you said!
The legendary 7.3L. A whooping 250hp.

"It will get you anywhere you want to go.... eventually".

For reference, a base model Dodge Caravan has 283hp.

Even the base model Toyota Tacoma has 278hp.

I know, I know... "Itz all aboot da TORQUE!! Horsepower dun mean **********!".

2002 7.3L mint condition, paid $27k, asking $60k. Dog stains on rear seats.

Well I’m not selling the truck alone for $60k, the value is really in the combo together or just selling the camper and flatbed separately as those 2 items have held their value since January. If I sell the camper separately I will certainly not be posting my truck for $60k and I would probably be lucky to even get $35k for it so I will be keeping the truck if we go that route since it does technically have $60k in value to me only.


Well I’m not selling the truck alone for $60k, the value is really in the combo together or just selling the camper and flatbed separately as those 2 items have held their value since January. If I sell the camper separately I will certainly not be posting my truck for $60k and I would probably be lucky to even get $35k for it so I will be keeping the truck if we go that route since it does technically have $60k in value to me only.

For the record I wasn't referencing you in particular more just the 7.3L I see posted around here. The guys who drive them go on and go about how the 7.3L is the best engine ever made and nothing can ever top it. It's a stout stable engine no doubt but I get tired of hearing it lol.
For the record I wasn't referencing you in particular more just the 7.3L I see posted around here. The guys who drive them go on and go about how the 7.3L is the best engine ever made and nothing can ever top it. It's a stout stable engine no doubt but I get tired of hearing it lol.

hahah got it! Ya I am honestly really happy with the truck/motor!


Well-known member
I did just read this whole thread, I'm not a long-timer here but basic rules as I know it; if you want to price at the tip of the iceberg be prepared for some people to be critical of your price and you can post 'sold' when it does sell to spite them all. Price too high and you end with a stale ad that we will all be watching get re-posted for many months. Cavaet emptor.

Personally I'm the type of guy that would sell something at 5%-10% below market to get is sold in a week, my time is money and I invest in real estate see this all the time. Recently realtor was bragging to me they got $30k over market on a $600k listing. They also started $90k over market and took 6 months to sell, so really the house could have rented for $3000+ a month here so they had $18k in opportunity cost for lost rent and I'm sure other losses to keep the lights, water & sewer, insurance, and taxes going for 6 months. Sure they got top dollar but at what expense>? Seems to me all the extra was lost in the 'long sale' and wasted time is wasted opportunity. They missed 6 months of action to re-invest. That being said, to a successful person to wait a year to achieve a personal goal like buying an overland vehicle paying above market to achieve a personal goal would be sensible vs. saving money and waiting. When you're rich you can pay to get what you want when you want. There is also a lot of dumb mfers running with wads of cash buying stuff, never fails. I build decorative ponds in peoples yards that cost more than this said vehicle. Actually twice the cost sometimes. It's all relative.

To chime in about the trucks,
I am more impressed with my 3.4 toyota than my 7.3 ford personally. I have 10 years ownership both vehicles. I know a 3.4 can't do the heavy haul of the 7.3, I love my 7.3 don't get me wrong but the 3.4 is my shining star.
One thing I hate about my 7.3 it is so loud I can't use my cell phone easily. I do have an aftermarket exhaust and air intake but you have to do something to make a F550 go a little better in Colorado mountains.
@thedieselcoyote normally I wouldn't say going online to defend yourself is a good idea but you did it well. I think your truck is priced on the high side but not necessarily overpriced. I think it would take longer to sell.
The camper by it's self will sell about as fast as you can post the ad.

Thanks for the input! Ya I’m coming to terms with that, I just didn’t have a good perspective on things before and further I have realized that while the market is hot right now, our setup is really not the right setup for a lot of people (old people buying sprinters for $120k are not looking for something like this haha). I am definitely hoping the camper on its own catches some attention since it is the part of the build that more people are after anyways. I finally got it posted up here too so we’ll see how it goes!
I did just read this whole thread, I'm not a long-timer here but basic rules as I know it; if you want to price at the tip of the iceberg be prepared for some people to be critical of your price and you can post 'sold' when it does sell to spite them all. Price too high and you end with a stale ad that we will all be watching get re-posted for many months. Cavaet emptor.

Personally I'm the type of guy that would sell something at 5%-10% below market to get is sold in a week, my time is money and I invest in real estate see this all the time. Recently realtor was bragging to me they got $30k over market on a $600k listing. They also started $90k over market and took 6 months to sell, so really the house could have rented for $3000+ a month here so they had $18k in opportunity cost for lost rent and I'm sure other losses to keep the lights, water & sewer, insurance, and taxes going for 6 months. Sure they got top dollar but at what expense>? Seems to me all the extra was lost in the 'long sale' and wasted time is wasted opportunity. They missed 6 months of action to re-invest. That being said, to a successful person to wait a year to achieve a personal goal like buying an overland vehicle paying above market to achieve a personal goal would be sensible vs. saving money and waiting. When you're rich you can pay to get what you want when you want. There is also a lot of dumb mfers running with wads of cash buying stuff, never fails. I build decorative ponds in peoples yards that cost more than this said vehicle. Actually twice the cost sometimes. It's all relative.

To chime in about the trucks,
I am more impressed with my 3.4 toyota than my 7.3 ford personally. I have 10 years ownership both vehicles. I know a 3.4 can't do the heavy haul of the 7.3, I love my 7.3 don't get me wrong but the 3.4 is my shining star.
One thing I hate about my 7.3 it is so loud I can't use my cell phone easily. I do have an aftermarket exhaust and air intake but you have to do something to make a F550 go a little better in Colorado mountains.

Great points! I totally agree and with the decision to sell just the camper, if that doesn’t work we will likely repost the combo for sale at a lower price later on.


People. The selling price is the selling price. What it sells for is whatever someone is willing to pay for it. This is not taking advantage of people. If you have a $100K sitting in your pocket waiting to get spent and you spend it on this, so what. It's your money. The seller is not forcing you to buy his product at any price. You can buy it or not and that is your choice as a buyer. Buying something off Craigslist or any site like that comes with inherent risk and you should do your homework. If you've done that, and you still want to buy this item, then do it and to heck with those who disagree.

I've done a bit of online buying and selling and I've bought and sold used cars. Some I sold too cheaply, and some I got more than I expected. It's the nature of the game and I don't hold the buyer/seller in any of my transactions responsible for my choices.


I just didn’t have a good perspective on things before....

I'd guess most of the people posting negative comments are having sport with how crazy the market for "scarce" goods has become. Doesn't necessarily mean you are way overpriced for the times and where you live. And there is nothing wrong with starting high and seeing if you get some bites.

Thanks for coming on the forum. You have a good attitude and I wish you the best! (y)
I'd guess most of the people posting negative comments are having sport with how crazy the market for "scarce" goods has become. Doesn't necessarily mean you are way overpriced for the times and where you live. And there is nothing wrong with starting high and seeing if you get some bites.

Thanks for coming on the forum. You have a good attitude and I wish you the best! (y)

Thank you!! I’m happy to be here!


Hang in there. If you don't get any genuine interest you can always lower the asking price. Or add "or best offer" to you listing. I like your rig as evidence by the similar set up that I have, although I've got only $45k into my rig. Good luck, and keep camping!

Hang in there. If you don't get any genuine interest you can always lower the asking price. Or add "or best offer" to you listing. I like your rig as evidence by the similar set up that I have, although I've got only $45k into my rig. Good luck, and keep camping!

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Thank you! Your setup looks killer! Our original vision actually looked a lot closer to what you have going on then what we ended up with after deciding to do the flatbed model for more living space.


New member
UHAULER, There is also a possibility he will get what he is asking for it. Right now overland vehicles are a hot commodity new and used. With the wood, steel, and chip shortages and prices spiking, prices are through the roof. I have been following the motor vehicle market for years. This year it is a sellers market. With wait times being 12 months or more, buyers with deep pockets are paying big money for used ready to go turn key rigs right now.

I do get what you are saying by getting emotional involved though. I have a few riding buddies who always seem to think their modified motorcycles or beat to crud "vintage Indian" is worth twice as much than when they purchased it. As you say the market will set the price.

I'm of the opinion that sellers have a small window of opportunity to get sizable profit on their rigs. Next year it might be a different story. And some of it depends on gas prices as well. With gas creeping up to 5.00 per gallon (here in California) I am seeing 2008 all over again.

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