Deleted member 9101
Charge what you want and make all you can... Anyone who disagrees is irrelevant.
This is a thread about a Craig's List add. Had it been a for sale by member, even a member who joined the day of the add to sell their truck, there would be no comments about the price.
Good luck with the sale.
Sadly that's not true.
The gatekeeping elitists in here are an inevitable part of enthusiast forums. But even after all of these years, I still cringe when I see it happening.
Trolling and cyberbullying by long time members is becoming the rule rather than the exception.
Commenting on prices and ads is "trolling and cyberbullying"? Do we need to keep a safe space for scammers and marketeers? Lawd help us...
If you followed the "For Sale" section here for as many years as I have you would understand where I am coming from.
I'm honestly sick of threads like this being started with the premise of hurting someones sell. Not cool at all for mature adults to behave this way.
He will be popping up now, claiming he has been here since 2005, and his stated purpose is to attempt to get people banned. Best wishes to all.
You mean way back since a year ago on 11/6/2020 when you joined?
So one of us long time members speaking up so a newer, maybe less experienced member doesn't get raked over the coals with an off the rails price of something is Trolling and Cyberbullying? Thats how you take that?
Click on his username... it says right there... joined last year (Nov 16, 2020 to be exact) ?
I just "Ignored" him. I wish there was a "block" function
I just had a similar, albeit private, conversation with the Ollie individual this week. I believe he is incorrect here as well. There has been no trolling or bullying taking place here, but now that this same M.O. has been here on two distinct threads, I believe it can be safely ascertained what Ollie is doing.
He will be popping up now, claiming he has been here since 2005, and his stated purpose is to attempt to get people banned. Best wishes to all.
Yep. I mentioned the same thing, as I've been here since 2010. I asked if he was using multiple usernames, and he said nope...but he's been "here" since 2005. So, OK.
So, I guess I've been here since 1973, but YMMV
You mean way back since a year ago on 11/6/2020 when you joined?
I (and many others) are sick of threads started with the premise of squeezing every single dollar out of a buyer and anyone that stands up to protect buyer from getting taking advantage of, is being labeled a bully, etc...
Making money is cool, taking blatant advantage of people is not... There's a line...
You mention " Trolling and cyberbullying by long time members is becoming the rule rather than the exception"
So one of us long time members speaking up so a newer, maybe less experienced member doesn't get raked over the coals with an off the rails price of something is Trolling and Cyberbullying? Thats how you take that?
Again, there is market price, fair price, and just blatant taking advantage of people. I have issues with the 3rd one, and i am seeing it more and more, and i speak up.
If i am completely off mark, i am sure @Dendy Jarrett will chime in and tell me "thats not in the spirit of portal" or something like that, but if he does it this time, i at least hope he takes the whole picture here into account of how newer members need to be protected against being taken advantage of with this market. I STRONGLY feel the "Rules" of the forum on this need to be updated for this.
Save the spiel about how buyers should due their own due diligence, bla bla bla... Some people just don't know any better, and need guidance