Dual batteries on a budget


Expedition Leader
I got all my battery termianls off ebay cheap. Stinger audio etc. Also I am running a napa battery isolator so one powers the rig one powers the other stuff. SO far after 2 years no issues. I aded a battery voltmeter guage easily. I got one from the marine store and then wired it into a 3 way switch so I can monitor either battery or none. Super clean and easy.


Expedition Leader
Would you like to post up some pictures for the less creative minded of us. Or next time im on the west coast I'll stop by.

look up WranglerNW or Amfor Electronics. They make a great isolator and without the in cab remote it runs under $100. I have their whole system: isolator, in cab switch and custom pre-terminated wires. They were great to work with.... excellent customer service and my bill was under $300


Expedition Leader
xcmountain80 said:
Would you like to post up some pictures for the less creative minded of us. Or next time im on the west coast I'll stop by.


Ok so here is where I keep all my tools adn elec upgrades. This can easily be done inside a 4 runner. You have alot more room then my reg cab taco!


close up of the battery isolator and fuse block


an areal of the elec side you can just see the brown wire coming off the posative post. That runs to my switch in the cab. I have another one coming off the main battery under the hood and coming into the cab. They are labeled which is which behing the dash.


you can see the brown wire here bundled with the green batch. The green ones are all my aux switch wires running up the cab. The brown wires are used to supply volt feed to guage switch. They ride the chassis rail all the way up inside of a protective heat shielded wrap so the pass side exhaust does not melt them. This spaghetti was a test fit all were covered and secured before final fitting of the tool box.


here you can see where the main wiring harness enters the cab. I cut the rubber and ran my new harness into the dame enterance they just amde it. Then I used lexel to seal the incision back up to keep dust out.


next I wired up all the switches and battery guage. the guage is not where most would mont it but SInce mine is an old truck without a pass side airbag I used the space. The red switch next to the volt meter is what I can cyle up or down from the center neutral position to get a read on the batteries. Up for the primary battery down for the secondary battery. You can see boththe brown wires hanging down pre wiring the switch.



This box houses a napa isolator, yellow top optima, fuse block, viair comp and pressure switch, 3 aux light relays, 1000w invertor, 100 amp circuit breaker and ground distribution block. It also features 2 12v plugins one accesable on each side of the box from the outside.


Expedition Leader
So the isolator is switchable and the volt meter tells you which has what. Pretty slick setup. TO what extent it the isolator switchable does it work by selection or is there a default battery and the isolator allows the aux. to be engaged or disengaged?



Expedition Leader
xcmountain80 said:
So the isolator is switchable and the volt meter tells you which has what. Pretty slick setup. TO what extent it the isolator switchable does it work by selection or is there a default battery and the isolator allows the aux. to be engaged or disengaged?


The isolater is automatic making the batteries completely seperate. I did not want to mess with remembering switches I figure worst case scenario I have to swap the batteries to get the truck running again. however since I run all my add ons to the second battery this is very unlikely to happen.

The guage is hooked to a 3 way switch. so depending on which way I throw the switch the meter will read one battery or the other. Hope that helps.


When you were looking at the Equipt1 site, were you looking at the entire kit, or the individual pieces? If you want, you can buy just the isolator from Equipt1, build your own cables, and get the second battery all for a price lower than the entire "kit" itself.


Nice install...I also thought about placing my air compressor and (future) 2nd battery into the tool box. But opted not to do that. I still find ways to need to remove the box for extra cargo room, when hauling stuff to the home (wood).


When you were looking at the Equipt1 site, were you looking at the entire kit, or the individual pieces? If you want, you can buy just the isolator from Equipt1, build your own cables, and get the second battery all for a price lower than the entire "kit" itself.

That's what I just did last night, mostly because I wanted to use 1/0 cables since I winch a lot. Think I spent about $70 on 20' of cable and 8 lugs (only needed 6, bought a couple spares) at a local welding supply store. Got the National Luna isolator & dual controller from Paul @ Equipt.




I can definitely tell you from personal experiences that Dan @ RuffStuff is a top notch guy with bulletproof products and great pricing ;)!

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