dyogim's 00 tundra build


Looks like I found the issue on the erratic shifting. Looking at both the tundra auto and taco auto VSS, the tundra VSS is a tad shorter by about 1/16". Because of this, I'm thinking the speed gear is not engaging the gear in the out shaft section and causing slippage. The conditions I was experiencing was the MPH on my scan gauge would jump from 2mph, 30 mph, 80 mph and 999 mph and back down. Seriously the mph would jump around. This also caused the erratic shifting of the tranny.

Here's a pic of two VSS's: tundra on top and taco on the bottom.


I'll be ordering a VSS adaptor to allow the use of the taco VSS and connect the tundra 3 pin wire connector. Once I get it and reinstall everything, I'l post an update.




Still waiting for the connector to be shipped from Marlin. I may end up canceling the order. Needed to drive my truck to work this week. So, made the tundra VSS work and matched the depth of the taco VSS.

A friend of mine reminded me that the VSS gear is pressed on. So, I pressed it out just a tad, enough for it measure the same depth as the taco VSS. Reinstalled and so far, the MPH on the scan gauge has not "jumped" around. There's still a lot of the gear pressed on and I'm not worried if it slips off. I may stick with this fix, move on and get my $70 back for the part LOL!
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It's been a while since I updated....

After about 3 months of driving, the erratic shifting started again and then my OD wasn't working. After doing more investigation, I thought it's the No. 2 VSS at the transmission. Replaced that from another working tundra and i still had the erratic shifting and OD still not working.

Then, the better half read somewhere that other owners had a similar issue with their OD button not working because an exposed wire in the steering column was grounding it out. Tore the column open and nothing. I started looking undeneath the truck at all the connections to look for an exposed wire. Started at the bell housing all the way down to the transfer case. What I did find was two barely exposed wires that use to be attached to the ADD transfer case. These connected to the 4HI and 4LO sensor. I had tucked the wire harness away and the exposed wires were barely touching the transfer case cross member. I taped off the ends and zip tied the harness up and away.

Test drove it and everything was working again. OD shifted in and out and no more erratic shifting. :wings: Apparently, the wires were grounding out the OD and sending signals to the 4WD ECU and causing the transmission to shift erratcically.

Moral of this story, tape off those exposed wires. :coffeedrink:


Man that's weird. I'm surprised I didn't have any issues 9 yrs ago when I removed the 4WD computer and associated harnesses, ADD's, etc.

Good find, that would be a tough one to track down if those wires weren't visible.


Man that's weird. I'm surprised I didn't have any issues 9 yrs ago when I removed the 4WD computer and associated harnesses, ADD's, etc.

Good find, that would be a tough one to track down if those wires weren't visible.

Tell me about it I already swapped out a bad tranny back in 04. And now again!!!!! I was thinking the worse and started my hunt for 03-04 tundra tranny. Glad it was something simple. Sometimes it takes another brain to think of the most simplest fixes...


Well-known member
Great job on the wifes part finding that bit of info - never heard of that one before. See, now there's another little quirky bit of info I need to keep in the back of my skull - just in case! I hate hate hate wiring issues!

Of course, good job to you too, for actually taping the bare wires up!


Pic update... Remounted my Hella 700's up top. However, I mounted them so they don't stick up higher than the basket.







That looks better..more streamlined and less bunny ears. :elkgrin:

Exactly the reason I took them down in the first place... LOL!

Now to start working on my bed organization and custom canvas topper. The front end and cab have been getting too much attention.


Today, I decided to drive home for lunch. I was a couple of blocks away from my house and a lady in her cadillac decided to slam on her brakes in the middle of the road. I had to slam on mine and was like "WHAT THE F*#$!!!!!!!!" As I did that, I heard a "pop" from the front end of my truck. Once the clueless lady finally realized she's a dumb@$$, she drove off. I turn into a street and try to stop at a stop sign. As I approach and press the brake pedal, it hits the floor and the truck is still moving. Now I'm saying, "OH ********!!!!!" Luckily I'm heading uphill to my house and have no need for brakes from that point on. Get to my driveway and look at the brakes, passenger side caliper lower mount broke and tweaked/twisted the caliper bracket. Now I need to replace two caliper brackets with beefier parts and a new caliper. Lucking I wasn't driving faster and find out I had no brakes at a red light. Here's a pic of the busted caliper.




Ouch! I don't recall ever seeing a caliper snap like that. Are those the TSB calipers (04-06 Tundra) or the earlier models that are prone to warpping rotors?


Ouch! I don't recall ever seeing a caliper snap like that. Are those the TSB calipers (04-06 Tundra) or the earlier models that are prone to warpping rotors?

they are actually brakes made for a late 70's through 80's chevy truck. The front axle housing is a high pinion dana 44 from a late 70's Ford F150. Everything from the steering knuckles out are specific for a chevy truck.

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