EarthRoamer: Jeep Based Expedition Vehicle XV-JP


Spamicus Eliminatus
Very nice truck. Very, very nice. Did I mention it's nice?

Unfortunately to me it's become a rich mans travel the US truck. :(


I agree, Bill is a tremendously talented person and the quality of his vehicles are absolutely top-notch. When I was at the Earthroamer shop back in January, I was not only impressed by the quality of their products (we're talking absolutely tip-top on the market, period) but also the intelligence and friendliness of Bill, Michelle, Matt, and the entire Earthroamer crew. These folks have breathed some fresh air into this market segment and I think that everyone is going to be absolutely amazed when/if you get the opportunity to see these vehicles in person. Props to Earthroamer for a remarkable vehicle that is worth every penny they are charging.

Blair G

Joaquin Suave said:
Believe it or not, crusty old Joaquin wants to speak in Bill Swails defense!

I've had just a very few dealing with Bill and I'll tell you one thing...

He is not a dumb man!


Rather than be critical, I say...

#1. He and his crew developed the concept, designed it, built the prototype, & now are proudly showing it in Moad! That alone is a monumental feat!

#2. The prevailing ********** I've read is its SOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXPENSIVE! OK sure. AND tell me of anything of quality that isn't. Again in his defense...Why would anybody want to make anything if they didn't make money at it??? Sadly prestige does not pay the morgage! I'm sure Thomas Ritter (Unicat) could write volumes on this.

I've been in the position of have to tell the media (the whole fricken world) what an estimated price was going to be on a new product I'm going to release, so I know the quanrty Bill is in.

Goes like this...

If I say the price is too little when I take it to market, then have to raise the cost JUST TO SERVIVE (not profit)....I get called a shister and accused of gouging my "loyal" customers.

If I say the price is a little high when I take it to market, then I have to listen to people shrike about the price and how proud I am of my "Gizmo". But...When I get control of my manufacturing process, I'm able to lower the cost (and still profit) AND the world thinks I'm an OK guy afterall.

So I say Give Earthroamer time. Let them work the bugs out of their new product AND be grateful that there are people like Bill (EarthRoamer), Avi (US Unicat, & Daren (Ruf) that have the gut to put "their money where their mouth is", come out with such an esoteric product.

My hat is off to them! They have more guts than I do

I guess the thing that took me by surprise (having never really read the thread until I was on hold waiting for window bids)) was the vehicle they chose and how much they are going to ask. Aside from those people who are so enchanted with the idea (and have 100k+ to spend)of a jeep being used in such a way, who will actually buy the truck? I appreciate the fact that these people are hanging their butts out their by offering these things for sale but people shouldn't be surprised when they are shocked at the price and what would appear to be a limited application.


One thing to keep in mind though is that specific pricing details have not been released and it's all speculation right now. Obviously there are a lot of considerations to be made when valuing a product for sale and I'm sure the Earthroamer team is working on this to make it as competitively priced as possible. Like I previously mentioned, their products blew me away with regard to quality and I'm sure that this product will be priced accordingly but not so much so that nobody can afford it.


articulate said:
The classic answer to "How much is it?" is thus: "If you have to ask, it's probably not for you."

Mark, is that a new quote at the bottom of your avatar? That's a great one considering that Mark Twain was known for having the profain language of a sailor. ;)


and people buy them, too.
it's like them pesky NAS Defender 110s. People still pay $40K (more than original sticker) for a 14 year old truck that would cost you $4K anywhere else in the world.

There are 300 million people in this country. They only need to sell X many to keep food on the table. I'm sure they have X number of people in this country to sell to.


ExPo Original
cshontz said:
Pictures from Jeep Week in Moab. You'll pretty much want to see these.

I'm willing to volunteer to be a test subject as a typical customer for the Earthroamer XV-JP, on a four week adventure through the SW US. You know, in the name of science, just to make sure it's up to snuff and worth the dollareenies for the more discriminatory vehicle dependent travellers we have here on ExPo.

Heck, I'll even write a review. Now where can I pick one up to demo? :rolleyes:


Expedition Leader
I had the lucky chance to see the only one in existance on display in Moab at EJS - it is an amazing piece of work. The attention to detail, quailty of materials, comfort and reliablity is quite amazing. The way the roof folds open, the interior layout and design, all first class.

My only requests;

It begs for a Hemi - 4" lift and 40" tires :peepwall:

Scott Brady

I was also fortunate to see the EarthRoamer XV-JP in person at the Easter Jeep Safari. The thing that immediately impressed me was the room inside. It will be a very comfortable place to spend time!

Here are some pictures:


Scenic WonderRunner


I think I just became a Jeep~Luva!!!!

NOW I GET IT!..........:beer:

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ExPo Original
Desertdude said:
My only requests;

It begs for a Hemi -

:iagree: I like the way you think.

Desertdude said:
4" lift and 40" tires :peepwall:
:smilies27 Your brain freeze in the Arctic or something?

EW said:
The thing that immediately impressed me was the room inside.
Can you elaborate for the non-naysayers and us curious types or do we need to wait for something official, ie press release, mag article, etc.?

Gracias ~


Expedition Leader
Love it! My only real concern with them, which is unchanged from the original drawings, is where to you put things that might go on the roof of an expedition vehicle -- kayak, bikes, jerry cans, etc.? I suppose they would have to go on a trailer, and many vehicles with rooftop tents force the same considerations, but is seems like a serious consideration on a $100,000 rig.

That said, dayum, I want one.

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