Earthroamer: new tire/wheel/suspension


I would encourage anyone that is interested in actual prices to call the suppliers Earthroamer uses directly. Price the components and then find a reliable shop that is qualified to do the work and get the labor costs. The contacts needed are listed below. When I did this two years ago I found the markup Earthroamer was charging to be very reasonable considering all factors. Although I did not buy an Earthroamer, they were very helpful and encouraged my project. In the end I went with Rickson steel wheels vs. Hutchinson aluminum wheels, Fabtech lift kit vs. Kelderman air suspension, the same MPT tires, and a set of Earthroamer fender flares. The fender flares are not a simple bolt on install, and the much less expensive Bushwacker flares won't fit the F550 for model years newer than 2007. I found this out the hard way.

Everyone's entitled to their own opinions. However, it's easy to sound off via the web with no money at stake, and only partial facts. If you really think a vendor (ER or anyone else) has inferior products or service, inflated prices, or is generally someone we should avoid, then by all means share this info with the rest of us, just don't hyjack threads to do so. Start a "beware of vendor X thread" and post first hand facts or experiences. If some else starts a "I visited vendor X thread" or "I bought a new X vehicle" save the cost analysis web editorials for your own thread.

If anyone wants to discuss the details of F550 suspension/tire/wheel upgrades feel free to PM me.

Bill O'Hara
Hutchinson Sales & Marketing Account Manager
Phone: 609-858-5661

Mr. Phil Lannon
National Sales Manager
Continental General Tire Inc.
1800 Continental Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28273
phone: 224-805-1144

Carl Harr
General Manager
Kelderman MFG, Inc.
Phone 641-673-0468


Lets put an end to this. Bill Swails, would you please step up and set everyone straight ??? This way we all can be better informed.

marc :ylsmoke:


I don't see why some people feel that this sort of discussion should be taboo, or get so upset about it. This is a DISCUSSION forum. This forum isn't owned by Earthroamer and yes, pricing is discussed. I'm sure for every person on here saying earthroamer is too expensive, there's 5 people saying unicat is too expensive. If ferrari introduced a new $1m vehicle tomorrow, people would be talking about their pricing all over the forums. Why is it any different with earthroamer? As far as hijacking the thread goes, pricing was discussed here long before I showed up, which is how I found out about it. I merely replied to the post made previously. Check page 1. Anyways, MY posts have been taken out of context now. I'm a big fan of earthroamer, just disapointed in their prices and I want to voice that to Bill, as I know he posts on here. Hopefully he does pop in here and chime in about the $30k tire/suspension upgrade. But honestly, this thread has become such a mess thanks to his "fan boys" that I doubt he will now. I think Bill Swails can defend his own business and justify his prices fine by himself without your help, he is a big boy.


So another dude with no name, location, or reputation shows up to complain that Earthroamers are too expensive? Shocking. It must be a day ending in "y."


Because only people with no name, location or reputation comment on earthroamer prices. No one else mentions it on these forums ever. BTW, I clicked on the link in your signature. That's some quote you've got on the top of your page. Where on EARTH did you find it? I'm laughing pretty hard. Looks like someone has a fan.

Scott Brady

I love the fact that there are vehicles like EarthRoamer, Unicat and GXV on the market.

Are you seriously arguing about their cost? Who sets the value of something? If you think it is too expensive, it is irrelevant. The value of something is set by the market, i.e. their customers. Given the number of ERs with the big tires and wheels and the number of retrofits, I suspect the pricing is just right. . .

This is not a value segment of the market, so engineering, service and installation costs will be high, as will marketing and other overheads. It is not just the cost of the base parts - far from it. There is are also other factors at play, like implied value, rarity and exclusivity.

Sure, a Rolex is expensive, a Ferrari is overpriced and a Belstaff jacket costs more than many motorcycles. That is the point. ;)


Because only people with no name, location or reputation comment on earthroamer prices. No one else mentions it on these forums ever. BTW, I clicked on the link in your signature. That's some quote you've got on the top of your page. Where on EARTH did you find it? I'm laughing pretty hard. Looks like someone has a fan.

That's the point- you're beating a dead horse on one of your first posts ever.

It's nice that you're amused.


"Adam 88"

You have me laughing out loud right now. I don't see your posts as malicious or even mean spirited. The facts are simply and exactly opposite of what you are claiming. They have not always installed King Shocks, come look at my stock LT, come look at my stock suspension, and then look at the upgraded suspension, wheel wells, air bags, etc... . Like I said, go to the factory or give Bill a call. Thanks for the laughs :elkgrin:


I don't see why some people feel that this sort of discussion should be taboo, or get so upset about it. This is a DISCUSSION forum. This forum isn't owned by Earthroamer and yes, pricing is discussed. I'm sure for every person on here saying earthroamer is too expensive, there's 5 people saying unicat is too expensive. If ferrari introduced a new $1m vehicle tomorrow, people would be talking about their pricing all over the forums. Why is it any different with earthroamer? As far as hijacking the thread goes, pricing was discussed here long before I showed up, which is how I found out about it. I merely replied to the post made previously. Check page 1. Anyways, MY posts have been taken out of context now. I'm a big fan of earthroamer, just disapointed in their prices and I want to voice that to Bill, as I know he posts on here. Hopefully he does pop in here and chime in about the $30k tire/suspension upgrade. But honestly, this thread has become such a mess thanks to his "fan boys" that I doubt he will now. I think Bill Swails can defend his own business and justify his prices fine by himself without your help, he is a big boy.

"Fan Boys". Very funny. I don't know if I am fan or just someone that has actually seen a few ET's in person and knows what he is talking about. If that is the definition of a "Fan Boy", then, I am a "Fan Boy". But what does that make you?????:victory:

Scott Brady

Ok, I have a challenge.

Just one of you "its too expensive" guys make an attempt to cost out this upgrade. Seriously, take the time to estimate what this upgrade should (in your mind) cost and post it here. Otherwise, it is just pure speculation on your part.

If you can accurately cost this upgrade out and show a significant and unfair markup by ER, I will send you some serious swag. Lets say a pair of Mountain Khakis and some other cool stuff.

As they say, put-up or . . . ;)

Edit: By the way, I have ZERO association with ER.


I'm still waiting to hear from Bill Swails. He should be able to educate all of us better than any-one, and I know he has been checking this thread through out the day.

marc :ylsmoke:
I'm still waiting to hear from Bill Swails. He should be able to educate all of us better than any-one, and I know he has been checking this thread through out the day.

marc :ylsmoke:

I'm waiting to see if there are any survivors before deciding if I want to enter the fray...

Bill Swails
President and CEO

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