OMG!! A Change in Plans
I’d certainly admit that this report isn’t unusual. Stuff happens, and pretty much everyone’s project has changes in plans.
Still, my project has certainly had more unexpected chenges than most. Here was the original plan:
And here’s kind of what’s transpired:
Okay, it’s maybe not quite that bad, but the poor XV-JP has definitely had a bunch of things happen that have kept its redo from going straight along the critical path.
Dion picked up the truck and drove it back to Iowa, where the Red Cannon shop took a few weeks longer than expected to finish. (A building project that the contractor didn’t get done on time?! Who ever heard of such a thing?!) So then it was important to work like crazy to have the truck ready to show to at Overland Expo East.
An effort that hit a snag when, as mentioned above, the guy responsible for painting the cabin was hospitalized following an unfortunate motorcycle accident, putting the finishing work behind schedule. Given the substantial, shall we say, difficulties of OvEx East,
missing it wasn’t the worse thing, but it was unpredicted.
A more substantial change in plans came about recently when Red Cannon got “bumped” from the soon-to-start SEMA show. SEMA overbooked the event and something like two or three hundred participants previously signed up for space got a rejection letter which read, in part: ” Regrettably, we are unable to accept this vehicle for placement at this year’s Show. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.” Regrettable, indeed, though probably not as traumatic for Red Cannon as for the many companies who had paid to develop entire specialty vehicles for just promotional purposes and who now don’t get to show them. (
Anyway, SEMA was going to be the Darién’s grand unveiling, and the plans were that I would pick the truck up from Dion post-show in Las Vegas, which would have been in about ten days. Oh, well; on to Plan #Whatever.
The first consideration was that the fancy new AEV Jeep shown above was picked out largely to get Red Cannon the spiffiest chassis we could find to show off their work . . . and to have something that could perhaps be sold at a profit to someone who saw it at the show. With the display not happening, I was fortunately to be able to unwind the transaction—highest possible points to Dennis Dillon Jeep for their cooperation—and we've gone back to my original, and usefully modified, ’07 chassis.
The other effect of the “No Show For You” SEMA news is that there’s now time to mess around with some semi-speculative stuff Dion was thinking about implementing on my build but that couldn’t be risked in case things didn’t pan out or took too much time. Since the SEMA cancellation, Dion and I have talked about him keeping the Jeep longer and taking a run at some of these more innovative things. With the Oregon weather having turned dubious, and my Sprinter available as a backup, I decided that it wouldn’t be the worst thing to let Red Cannon keep the Jeep for another six weeks or so, figuring that there’s no downside to letting him invest his own time and money in trying some prototype things that might make my finished truck even slicker.
No sense in detailing now all the things that might get done, since much of it may not happen, but there’s potentially clever stuff to try with automating the systems control, managing the freshwater, optimizing the solar and so on. I suspect that if any of it works out, I’ll have information to share later.
Anyway, long story short, the truck will be wrapped up sometime before Christmas, maybe with some special goodies for me, maybe not.
Unless something changes. :sombrero: