Eco-Roamer - F650 based Expedition Vehicle


Walmart Adventure Camper
Problems with Dynamic Mount???

Below, again Jay's quote from post # 454:

"The distance between the frame rails and the bottom of the camper (i.e. - the thickness of the "dynamic mount") is also about 4"

Speaking of which... there was a LOT of discussion around that dynamic mount when we first designed it. As you can see in the final few seconds of the video, there is a tonne of flex in the mount, and the the camper really does move independently of the cab, keeping the box nice and square. (inside the camper there are two longitudinal walls that really help stiffen things up too!)

HOWEVER... if anything, it is floating too much. Once it starts swaying it gets a bit of a pendulum effect and swings back and forth. A light touch on the brake for a couple of seconds slows everything down and it settles, but on the highway it can get a little hairy".


Walmart Adventure Camper
Possible causes of sway and broken rear axle mount???

Are the causes of the sway related to the axle mount problem?

I don't know anything for 'sure' and am speculating based on the facts in this threat. Also I have 'zero' experience, but what I do have is an abundance uncommon-common sense.

1. The rig has to much sway, as shown in the video and Jay's own words.

2. The super singles caused handling problems , again Jay's own words.

3. The mount between the camper box and frame may need stiffening, again Jay's own words.

4. Is the F650 frame rails not beefy enough to handle the load (over-load)? I'm no expert, but looking at Jay's frame rails (in the picture below, from post # 181) and comparing them in size to commercial trucks of a similar size, it occurred to me, that the frame rails aren't large enough to handle the load (over-load).

Possible causes of sway and broken axle mount:
Frame rails to light weight.
Super singles were the wrong choice of tires.
Camper box mount to frame to much flex.
Over-loaded for frame rails and suspension.


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Walmart Adventure Camper
Come on folks its so simple...put the spare tires on the bottom and the bikes on top.......:sombrero::victory: And I'm not even an engineer.:coffeedrink:

Exactly, common sense needs to be applied.

I suspect 'they' are talking about the high mounted spares, putting the rig on a diet and hopefully putting the duallies back on. I'd hate to see Jay's "visionary" but maybe over-loaded 'family' Expo Rig snap a frame rail and take out a Honda in the next lane.


-- -.. -. -.- -.--
If I was doing contract work for the county on that road, and during my drive home with some coworkers had come across a random truck being driven and handling like this, had called the county sheriff and highway patrol and blocked him in when he pulled over so that he could no longer continue and showed the LEO's the video evidence, the LEO's would have said I was right for calling them and not letting the vehicle continue and there would be three pages of "good on you" for doing so from members of these boards in a thread I had started about it.
Actually had you done that you would be in jail facing some very serious charges (both criminal and civil.) Depending on where you were in the states and the temperament of the other driver, you might even be in the care of an ambulance crew on the way to the hospital (later to be arrested) or in the care of the local coroner.

There's no doubt about that truck being a danger, but you have to handle it properly. Call LEO and let them deal with it.


Expedition Poseur
This thread is about Jay's [very large] truck.

Debating the legality of detaining someone against their will has no place in this thread.

Please keep the discussion somewhat close to the topic.


Expedition Leader
I've had super-singles on Casa for close to 10 years and they are FANTASTIC! Actually more stable than "regular" front tires and duals in the back. Personally I put the blame on the truck being over built.

Good thing I'm not a visionary and not inclined to do ANYTHING "open source". :sombrero:
O dude you are a visionary...who else has a car on top of their truck? And even w/ that up there no one has filmed you weaving around avoiding the god fame has just not come your way.....tsssk. :coffeedrink:


Expedition Leader
Something no one has taken into account is that when the rear axle tried to swap ends the insurance company inspected the truck and suggested it was a manufacture problem as I remember. didn't they pay for an upgrade during the repair? Also didn't they cut him loose as safe and continued to insure him...
Was that video before or after the fix?:coffee:

Ford Prefect

Expedition Leader
Something no one has taken into account is that when the rear axle tried to swap ends the insurance company inspected the truck and suggested it was a manufacture problem as I remember. didn't they pay for an upgrade during the repair? Also didn't they cut him loose as safe and continued to insure him...
Was that video before or after the fix?:coffee:

The video was prior to the fix. I believe Jay has not driven the truck since the accident, they have been out of the country.


Walmart Adventure Camper
O dude you are a visionary...who else has a car on top of their truck? And even w/ that up there no one has filmed you weaving around avoiding the god fame has just not come your way.....tsssk. :coffeedrink:

Here's my latest scheme to become an Expo Eco-topian Visionary:

After a shake down trip to Burning Man in our new Eco-Recycler, pictured below. We'll be traveling the 3rd World, in our Eco Friendly and Visionary Expo Rig. It's constructed with 100% Recycled Materials and can be fueled with bio-neutral swamp gas and out-house waste when available. Accompanying my family will be professional Videographers, so they can teach their skills to orphans and other assorted victims of an unjust world.... and also document our good deeds.

And Remember, that in the End... For the Children, it's 'very' important that we all feel good about ourselves, and somehow, someway have some fun too, on our one-way road to no-where!

Anyone know a good source for some Eco kindly Varnish, Hemp Curtains and cool Expo front bumper, with winch and bling lights ?

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4671 Hybrid

Actually, no I wouldn't. It's no different from stopping a drunk from driving or any other person who is a danger to society. The LEO's are glad to see citizens step up and do something when needed. You have to have the law involved from the get go if at all possible and at least asap. Other than that, happens all the time. Drunks, diabetics, epileptics, other medical problems, criminals, what have you. What you said isn't true at all.

I get on the phone, tell dispatch there's someone who is unable to control a 17 ton truck and is all over the road. He pulls over, I pull in front, the coworkers pull in back, and we wait. There's multiple witnesses and video evidence. My position is secure. At that point the driver of the truck cannot leave anyway as he has to talk to the law and he would be informed as such. Your comments about being in jail, serious charges (civil and criminal), bodily harm, ambulance, being arrested, coroner, are just sensationalistic and a joke.

I'm a LEO and can tell you without a doubt that it is illegal to block someone in and not let them leave. The prosecutor may not press charges against you but the driver of the other vehicle would certainly have a civil case against you.

As a LEO, I do not advise citizens to take enforcement actions. All of my colleagues have the same opinion because to do otherwise means that you are essentially directing a civilian to act as an agent of the law and are opening yourself up to a lawsuit, either by the civilian or the person they are acting against.

As for the part about bodily harm, it's SOP for my family that if someone other than a LEO attempts to pull them over, tries to box them in, or otherwise attempts to stop their progress and makes aggressive movements towards them, they are to put the truck in 4-Low and either drive over the person or drive over the car. I've used this tactic both foreign and domestic and the law and prosecutors have agreed with me each time.

In the foreign instance the person acted agressively and tried to block my wife into a parking spot. She perceived it as a carjacking attempt and reversed into their car pushing it out of her way. She also ran over and broke the leg of the driver. Immediately aftewards she called the police, drove to the Consulate, and reported the incident. The back story was that the woman misidentified my wife as a hit and run who hit her car earlier in the week and tried to block her in. Because the woman exited the car screaming and tried to open my wife's door, my wife took prudent action and acted correctly. No criminal charges were filed against my wife although charges were filed against the woman. We were told that we could go after the woman in civil court as well but we declined.

In the domestic instance, it was an attempted truckjacking where the person tried to block in my cousin whle he was driving his semi. My cousin slowed to help a stranded motorist (daylight) but didn't get out of the truck because the passenger of the vehicle was acting strange. After calling in the motorist on his cellphone, two more vehicles arrived and tried to block in his truck. He blasted his horn and when they didn't move AND they exited their vehicles, he just pushed them out of the way, started moving, and called for assistance. In his case, he wasn't charged either criminally or civilly, nor did his insurance pay for their vehicles (1 totalled, 1with extensive damage, 1 with the passenger side ruined). Although the men had weapons in the vehicle and they couldn't prove the attempted carjacking, there were charges filed related to impingment of freedom/false arrest (I don't remember the exact charges).

Anyway, that's a long hijack just to say: If you see someone doing something dangerous in a vehicle, dial 911 and follow them at a safe distance. If you have 2 vehicles, there's nothing wrong with pulling in front and flashing your lights/honking your horn to alert oncoming traffic (but not trying to slow them down or force them off the road). BUT, if you attempt to pull them over or otherwise impede their movement, you will be acting outside of the scope of your authority and opening yourself to possible criminal or civil charges.


Here's my latest scheme to become an Expo Eco-topian Visionary:

After a shake down trip to Burning Man in our new Eco-Recycler, pictured below. We'll be traveling the 3rd World, in our Eco Friendly and Visionary Expo Rig. It's constructed with 100% Recycled Materials and can be fueled with bio-neutral swamp gas and out-house waste when available. Accompanying my family will be professional Videographers, so they can teach their skills to orphans and other assorted victims of an unjust world.... and also document our good deeds.

And Remember, that in the End... For the Children, it's 'very' important that we all feel good about ourselves, and somehow, someway have some fun too, on our one-way road to no-where!

Anyone know a good source for some Eco kindly Varnish, Hemp Curtains and cool Expo front bumper, with winch and bling lights ?


Wow, that'll do it. They will just hand the crown to you, and the sycophants will line your path.

And the chicks! Women that Aerosmith in '75 couldn't even imagine.

Wow, to be you


Walmart Adventure Camper
Snip-age applied:

I'm a LEO and can tell you without a doubt that it is illegal to block someone in and not let them leave. The prosecutor may not press charges against you but the driver of the other vehicle would certainly have a civil case against you.

As a LEO, I do not advise citizens to take enforcement actions. All of my colleagues have the same opinion because to do otherwise means that you are essentially directing a civilian to act as an agent of the law and are opening yourself up to a lawsuit, either by the civilian or the person they are acting against.

It's always the context of the situations.
For example, a car chase on the expressway. Semi truck drivers take it upon the themselves to block the lanes so the Bad Guy can't get around them. Irregardless of the Law, the truck drivers are Heroes on the news coverage.

That's the point the Poster was making, if it wasn't Jay's 'visionary' expo Rig, but rather some clapped out old RV, dangerously swaying and crossing the center line and he detained the vehicle for LEO, he'd be a hero to some, if they saw the video evidence, irregardless of the Law.


It's always the context of the situations

Exactly, and also wether the "suspect" could be assumed to be "guilty". It is one thing to prevent a vehicle which matches an Amber alert from leaving, and another to prevent an RV driven by a retired Judge from leaving a parking lot because of a apparent burned out tail light. Especially if the tail light does in fact work.


Walmart Adventure Camper
Wow, that'll do it. They will just hand the crown to you, and the sycophants will line your path.

And the chicks! Women that Aerosmith in '75 couldn't even imagine.

Wow, to be you

The Eco-Recycler is a 'visionary' family sized Expo Rig.
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