Eco-Roamer - F650 based Expedition Vehicle


This whole "Family sized" thing is getting me down. Think outside the box, shag carpeting ( made from recycled hemp) and the whole thing packed with eco-groupies and co-eds, all hot for Mr Mc Eco Zippie.

You are so green Zippie, will you show me where that :tent: is


Here's my latest scheme to become an Expo Eco-topian Visionary:

After a shake down trip to Burning Man in our new Eco-Recycler, pictured below. We'll be traveling the 3rd World, in our Eco Friendly and Visionary Expo Rig. It's constructed with 100% Recycled Materials and can be fueled with bio-neutral swamp gas and out-house waste when available. Accompanying my family will be professional Videographers, so they can teach their skills to orphans and other assorted victims of an unjust world.... and also document our good deeds.

And Remember, that in the End... For the Children, it's 'very' important that we all feel good about ourselves, and somehow, someway have some fun too, on our one-way road to no-where!

Anyone know a good source for some Eco kindly Varnish, Hemp Curtains and cool Expo front bumper, with winch and bling lights ?


That is one funny post, my wife was wondering what I was laughing at.:coffeedrink:


The poster is in Ethiopia. Wouldn't surprise me if they have an inordinate amount of semi truck hijackings, etc. I hope you all realize that we have the right to get involved and stop people from harming other people in the U.S. and that you would be willing to do so if you felt it necessary. The manner that things get stopped in needs to be reasonable to the situation.

The point of even bringing something like that up is the double standard. The hypocrisy that is going on.

If I post a video of a dog walking, everyone agrees that's a dog walking. If I post a video of a bird flying, that's a bird flying. If I post a video of a truck that can't handle it's weight, that's a truck that can't handle it's weight. Until the person is a fixture of these boards. Then something so simple becomes a game to keep the persona unblemished. Intelligences are insulted. Statements minimized. Most everything is done to poo poo the situation. The dog walking, well you don't know that. Could be a space alien walking on stilts. You weren't there. And the bird is full of helium, maybe it's floating and not flying. And that truck, it's not overweight. Don't say that. Talk to me first, I'll tell you what it is.

Then it gets extreme. A full on attack of the person insistent that the truck is overweight is made. When it has run its course in public then a psychotic and threatening PM is launched calling the poster a coward. Accusing him of putting down a non profit in his attempt to slander others. Asking him to take his trash talking private and to stop trying to triangulate other people into his pipe dreams and lashing out.

The owner of these boards takes slander very seriously as made evident in the rules. And accusations of slander are a serious matter as well. There are no rules however regarding PM's and what is done with them. It would be a good idea if I didn't get another one.

I'm not drinking anyones kool aid. The truck is/was unable to handle the weight on it for whatever reason. Let's keep it real folks. Enough with the preserve the image attitude and just tell it like it is.

My hats off to the mods. I fully expected an industrial vacuuming of this thread by now. Perhaps there has been a change in attitude. A little loosening of the controls. If so, glad to see it. Like I said, let's keep it real folks.
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If I post a video of a dog walking, everyone agrees that's a dog walking. If I post a video of a bird flying, that's a bird flying. If I post a video of a truck that can't handle it's weight, that's a truck that can't handle it's weight. Until the person is a fixture of these boards. Then something so simple becomes a game to keep the persona unblemished. Intelligences are insulted. Statements minimized. Most everything is done to poo poo the situation. The dog walking, well you don't know that. Could be a space alien walking on stilts. You weren't there. And the bird is full of helium, maybe it's floating and not flying. And that truck, it's not overweight. Don't say that. Talk to me first, I'll tell you what it is.

Then it gets extreme. A full on attack of the person insistent that the truck is overweight is made. When it has run its course in public then a psychotic and threatening PM is launched calling the poster a coward. Accusing him of putting down a non profit in his attempt to slander others. Asking him to take his trash talking private and to stop trying to triangulate other people into his pipe dreams and lashing out.

The owner of these boards takes slander very seriously as made evident in the rules. And accusations of slander are a serious matter as well. There are no rules however regarding PM's and what is done with them. It would be a good idea if I didn't get another one.

I'm not drinking anyones kool aid. The truck is/was unable to handle the weight on it for whatever reason. Let's keep it real folks. Enough with the preserve the image attitude and just tell it like it is.

My hats off to the mods. I fully expected an industrial vacuuming of this thread by now. Perhaps there has been a change in attitude. A little loosening of the controls. If so, glad to see it. Like I said, let's keep it real folks.

Well stated.

And the mods here do do a fine job of allowing discourse. Anything else, and a forum becomes a fanzine for some chosen few

4671 Hybrid

It's always the context of the situations.
For example, a car chase on the expressway. Semi truck drivers take it upon the themselves to block the lanes so the Bad Guy can't get around them. Irregardless of the Law, the truck drivers are Heroes on the news coverage.

That's the point the Poster was making, if it wasn't Jay's 'visionary' expo Rig, but rather some clapped out old RV, dangerously swaying and crossing the center line and he detained the vehicle for LEO, he'd be a hero to some, if they saw the video evidence, irregardless of the Law.

You are 100% correct, it does depend on the context of the situation. And you are also 100% correct in that the truck drivers are the heroes on the news coverage. BUT, the truck drivers can still be cited for impeding traffic, illegal lane change, and other violations. True, it would take a jacka$$ cop to write the tickets, but I have (disappointedly) seen it firsthand in California and Virginia.

Just like cops can be idiots, so too can judges. Sometimes, they hold the word of law higher than common sense. All too often, good folks will act according to common sense and a self-righteous or misguided judge will hold them to the letter of the law.

All I'm saying is that when you act irregardless of the law, you need to be careful that you don't become a hero of the media and a victim of the courts.

Scott Brady

Lets get back to some respectful discussion here gentleman.

I have seen Jay's truck on several occasions and it has been significantly modified through each iteration to address shortcomings. Jay is a smart guy and his family is in this rig - he has worked to make it right.

It is important to discuss things critically, but only if the members can be respectful of the builder and others in the thread. If this discussion dips back into schoolyard banter again , the mods will just delete the garbage. . .

And this talk of blocking trucks in until LEOs arrive is pure fantasy. Lets get this discussion back on track - so to speak ;)

4671 Hybrid

The poster is in Ethiopia. Wouldn't surprise me if they have an inordinate amount of semi truck hijackings, etc. I hope you all realize that we have the right to get involved and stop people from harming other people in the U.S. and that you would be willing to do so if you felt it necessary. The manner that things get stopped in needs to be reasonable to the situation.

Checking my post regarding the matter, I did say "blocked him in so he could no longer continue." That's extreme for the situation. The objective is to make the driver know that the law is on the way and he needs to stay put to talk to them and to make it easier for the truck to stay than leave. I honestly did not have it in my mind to pull in front and then back up to the front bumper. Or to park off the trucks left front. Or to jam him in as tight as can be done like I'm some kind of vigilante taking the law into my own hands. I'm a citizen getting involved. I want to make it easier for that truck to stay put than leave. I would be in front, have another truck in back. If the driver of the truck wanted to do a pull forward, pull back, forward, back, pull out.. that's his decision. Not an easy task with a truck that big. And anyone with their head screwed on straight stays put when they know the law wants to talk to them.

You are correct that I'm in Ethiopia but I can say with 100% certainty that there are FAR more hijackings in the United States than in Ethiopia and a higher crime rate overall.

Without rehashing the entire point, I think this is a fair statement to sum it up.

"US citizens absolutely have the right to get involved and stop people from harming other people. In taking action however, citizens must acknowledge that they are not trained law enforcement professionals, familiar with the intricacies of the law, or afforded the same legal protections as law enforcement officers. Depending on the situation and their actions, they may be held liable in a criminal and civil court of law."

Yeah, it sounds ominous, but please take it seriously. I'm very much in favor of citizens getting involved (reasonably) and looking after each other BUT I know that the law disagrees with me. I'd hate to see one of the friends I've made on this board make a misguided decision that costs him/her their life, freedom, or hard earned money.

Ford Prefect

Expedition Leader
All else aside, anyone know when Jay is going to post up the new suspension mod and photos of the fix?

He mentioned at the Expo they are thinking about staying in their apartment for a semester of school. (I believe due to family emergency) He also mentioned possibly going out this coming week to pick up the truck. No idea if/when he will show photos.



2005, 2006 Tech Course Champion: Expedition Trophy
This thread has gotten way out of hand, folks.
It is being closed until the mods can decide what to keep and what to throw.



Expedition Leader
Lets get back to some respectful discussion here gentleman.

the mods will just delete the garbage. . .

And this talk of blocking trucks in until LEOs arrive is pure fantasy. Lets get this discussion back on track - so to speak ;)
In today's world I'm much more in favor of composting the garbage. Then when it got cold out we could watch it let off steam.
But I'm sure Jay's insurance agents and he himself has rectified many problems of late. I would really enjoy hearing about the latest improvements and mods....I me old fashioned if you have too.:coffeedrink: heheh...just realized. the pun about mods....heheh
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Fine job with the editing/deletions modsters. More picky as to what went and stayed than I thought you would be. Nice to see you err on the side of respect.

I too would like to know of the modifications and improvements done. I hope this truck turns out to be the rig hoped for - a truck to be driven around the world - as stated in post #1.

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