Electric cooler vs rv fridge


Can you also clarify about the ARB.... Are you saying that if you put a room temperature bottle of water in the ARB it will freeze it (when in freezer mode)?...... I wasn't aware they had that capability. I thought it would only maintain something that's already frozen..


Can you also clarify about the ARB.... Are you saying that if you put a room temperature bottle of water in the ARB it will freeze it (when in freezer mode)?...... I wasn't aware they had that capability. I thought it would only maintain something that's already frozen..
Not sure every fridge has that feature (just do not know), but yes those that do will freeze water. I brought back a bunch of Dairy Queen a few years ago. Turned the temp down to -15C, and packed in the blizzards and buster bars (it was +25C/~80F those days). They were just like new when I arrived home a couple days later.

Is an RV fridge thermoelectric?.... I thought the thermoelectric units were the cooler hybrid things....

Like this:
Pretty sure RV fridges have a compressor.


Well-known member
Yes, an RV fridge is a compressed gas system, you can't run them on their back or laying down, you'd ruin the compressor, unless you modified its mounting and they should run as level as possible.

I have used an apartment type fridge or bar fridge with an inverter in my Safari van, it worked fine.

Another option is to build a fridge/freezer. A compressor, fridge plate and parts are available and you can build a custom box. This is often the solution for sailors and commercial fishing boats and they usually build a top loader since they are more efficient. I'll see if I can find a link. I'm not the Maytag repairman, much less an engineer, but I'm confident I could build one and for less than the price tag on ARBs or similar types. The big advantage is having the custom box fitting the space you have. It can be portable or built in.


American Trekker
maybe if you let us know what do you plan to install the refrig? in, the Nissan or a trailer/camper. It would help if you stop calling thermoelectric a RV cooler or refrig. A chest type refrig is like a home refrig you can control the temp.


ok I have tried every type of coolers, refrigerators. a little background I prospect for gold and need to stay in remote locations for extended periods. so ice was killing us, it would take a day to get ice(pricey in the sticks if you can even find) not to mention the gas, and by the time we got back to camp a lot of ice already melted even in an ice chest. we tried all the tricks extra insulation, don't open food ice chest, we even tried burying the ice chest, even with the so called super ice chest nothing would work much more than a week. I had already tried the thermal electric coolers and knew they didn't work in higher temps, above 70 degrees. so then we tried rv refrigerators kind of a pain. on 12v huge energy hogs, on propane must be level and on the road the flame would go out. plus now instead of ice once a week we had to go get propane. then we tried dorm refers, again huge energy hogs and built rather cheaply(had one fail off road). so finally I bought an engel(12v compressor refer) boy what an eye opener, I wish I would have done this to begin with, would have saved a boat load of money and a lot of headaches. next year bought another. when I build my off road toy hauler I will by one more for a total of three. for me there is no comparison a 12v compressor refer beats everything hands down. it's like wyle e coyote vs the roadrunner. no contest. highdesertranger


The chest style fridge/freezers (ARB style) are what all camper trailer makers in Australia use. Considering the temperatures we have to deal with you'd think there's a reason for this. We have the RV style in our Jayco and it's next to useless with all the cold air being lost as soon as the door is opened. On our next camper we will definitely have the chest style. You can usually buy an adaptor so it can run on AC as well as DC.


Can you also clarify about the ARB.... Are you saying that if you put a room temperature bottle of water in the ARB it will freeze it (when in freezer mode)?...... I wasn't aware they had that capability. I thought it would only maintain something that's already frozen..

Yep. When I first got mine I wasn't sure. Put a gallon of water in the ARB and it was frozen solid in a few hours. You have to play with the thermostat setting to get your preferences. Since cold air settles to the bottom, I currently have mine set so the bottom is 27F and the top is about 50F. Keep meats and other frozen stuff in the bottom. Keep veges, eggs and such up higher.


Well-known member

This is what we use in our teardrop. It's a Norcold DE-0751 powered by (and can switch from one to the other automatically)AC or DC power. Like the Engels it is rated for operation to 30 degree angles, and draws very little power (It uses the Danfoss BD35F compressor). It easily keeps our food cold even on those 100 degree (and very humid) Virginia days. We've bounced over 8000 miles of roads, forest roads and questionable "roads" (hey, they were lines in the gazeteer, so technically they were roads) in VA, WV, PA and NC and have yet to have anything fall out upon opening the door. I prefer it's front opening design for it's ease of use when it's time to dig out those ingredients for your supper.
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