Looking good..great tent!!
How about dropping off the changing room to a place that makes awnings or does boat canopy work and have them sew extensions or even a floor into the tent area?
Has to be a lot less work than changing the axle.
Keep up the good work
Yeah, I still may go that route. I have a friend that does some boat canvas work, but am worried about it not being as good as new. I mean the zippers won't run the whole length, so I'll have to use more velcro and make more compromises, but it's certainly not out of the question. Adventure trailers has been really good about working through the bent arm and giving me the options for walls. I may just go back and get a longer set of walls from the factory.
Lowering it won't be that bad, as I currently have "lift" shackles on it. So putting stock shackles will only take 10 minutes per side. It's the wheel well clearances that may hurt me and take a while.
I was really just going back and forth as to which would be the best option for the function of the trailer, not about the time/effort involved. Don't care about that as much as long as it's done for camping season.