Mexico City
Our trip took quite an adventurous turn today as we were hussled by a traffic cop comandante today, as we did our best to navigate the maze of roads that is Mexico City. Facing obviously false charges and vehicle impoundment, we paid a $2,000 peso "fine" (which started at $9,000 pesos), and were on our way. It took us nearly 3 hours to cross the northern part of the city, never actually entering the city center. It was an intense driving experience, especially WHILE ALSO navigating.
We spent the last few days in Guanajuato, and it is now my new favorite city in Mexico. I will return there and rent an apartment in the future. It is a stunning and very European feeling city, with fantastic history and more than a few interesting surprises.
The trip has been a wonderful experience so far, and today, I travelled past my furthest point south (Maui being the furthest south before today). It has been difficult to travel at this pace and keep up with writing. I had the benefit of two drivers on the Arctic trip. :smiley_drive:
We head to the Gulf of Mexico tomorrow.