Engel Troubleshooting


I just bought a used and history unknown MT35. When turning on the light is green and it makes a starting up noise and slight vibration for about a second and then goes silent, power light stays Green. It does this every time you cycle it on and off. I have other Engels and the noise is consistent with the others. I know Engel has a troubleshooting flowchart but before I start pulling it apart I figured I would see what you guys may know.


Over The Hill
I Also have heard that Engel will offer superior support for their products. Call them to see if they can give you some pointers.
I bought one new MT 35 about 18 years ago and it has either been running in the truck or in the basement full time as an adult beverage containment device. 561-743-7419 ask for service and have model and serial number. I have never had a single problem with mine but have heard that a few have and made the call and were given help generously.
Good luck with yours.


Active member
I went thru this recently with a newer model Engel. My symptoms were the same as yours, Engel helped me t-shoot it and it turned out to be the cooling unit. Mine failed 1 month before the 3 year warranty expired. Engel sent me a complete cooling unit that I installed myself.


I have no idea how long this sat before I bought it, I was told that it was used in a car to transport some sort of high end food products.
I tried it on 12v and nothing happened. Now when on 120 it tries to start up, a fan goes on for a couple of seconds, it quits and keeps repeating the cycle. This is a back burner project I get to when I have time.

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