ER rumour


...It’s been a tough few months, but we are in four low with the hubs locked and are plowing forward! ...

Mr. Swails, we salute you. Your vision, your company, and your product are inspiring.

...We all find ourselves at an exciting point in history. Expedition travel in North America is about to take off, and we are in the midst of economic turmoil. ...these people create something new out of nothing. The rest of us beg, borrow, or steal the ideas and modify them to our own purpose.

If we lose any of the "thinkers" in our community due to the economic slow down, and they migrate to the safety of a 9-5 jobs with a regular pay check and health benefits, it's not just a loss to their company it's a huge setback to our industry.

Martyn, once again your inner Yoda enlightens us. My hat is off to you, as well.


Bill, thank you for posting up (grand total of 3 posts from you now !!!) to clarify this thread.

I don't know of a single company or household who hasn't had to make readjustments for the changes in the economy. I truly believe that taking stock of the situation and moving ahead with a well thought out business plan is the secret to success.

We all find ourselves at an exciting point in history. Expedition travel in North America is about to take off, and we are in the midst of economic turmoil. There are a few great thinks in the Overland business community, Bill Swales, Mario Donovan, Scott Brady, (three came to mind immediately, add your own selection here.........) and the ideas trickle down from there.

What I mean by this is these people create something new out of nothing. The rest of us beg, borrow, or steal the ideas and modify them to our own purpose.

If we lose any of the "thinkers" in our community due to the economic slow down, and they migrate to the safety of a 9-5 jobs with a regular pay check and health benefits, it's not just a lose to their company it's a huge setback to our industry.

Well said... :clapsmile

sgt rock

just a dream!

MOVE YOUR COMPANY TO AZ!! and then AT trailers can follow!! since Expedition Portal is here it would make the place a N. American "expo hub"

just a thought...i can dream if i want to!


Ooops I forgot I posted here...anyway looks like I fired some people up. Maybe I worded that wrong... I was trying to say that for normal people that price is quite high. And then the people that can afford that would more be looking at one of those huge RV's. Their business has a really small market and when a little bump comes it doesnt surprise me that they are in quite a bit of trouble. I totally respect there business and willingness to do there jobs. I hear they make there products very reliably and have good customer service. Just not surprised they are "locked" and "plowing".

Sorry if I offended anyone....


New member
Bill- I imagine you are following this thread and I wish your company the best and truely hope you come through this dificult financial period. As I said on the other forum, your product is next on my to buy list (when my wife pulls the correct lottery ticket) Appears is some friction on the other site BUT remember any publicity is GOOD. After you came on the other thread/site and declared (YES we are still going) I recall only posative responses so I think its to bad got poofed! Good luck :coffeedrink:


New member
Earthroamer is alive!

Yesterday I sent an email to Bill Swails at Earthroamer imploring him to put a working phone number on his ER site as the phone number was not working.

He called me today (we had never spoken before) and he told me he had just put a new phone number at the ER website. ER had changed over to voice over IP and the previous phone number had not been working.

It was a great pleasure speaking with Bill. He said interest in the ER had been increasing recently and he was expecting to receive orders for them in the near future.

He was a complete gentleman to speak with, what a pleasure.

I do not own an ER, but I have been following ERs for a long time. I go to their website to drool and read whatever is posted there. I will buy one once the kids are on to college.

Good news indeed!!!

Mac Kirkpatrick
Gelnmoore, PA


From experience working on an XV-LT type build, that earthroamer isn't over priced. If you consider the direct costs (materials and direct labor), it may be under priced.
As low volume business with a showroom, sales people, support etc. it's tough to find a business model that works. Maybe that's why most RVs are so cheaply made.
It seems to me that earthroamer has a lot of well-earned good will. I think they can remain the leader in important market segments.
I really like the early "Cro-Magnon" earth roamer. Is this Bill's?

Capt Eddie

It would have been nice to have a truck set up at the Overland Expo. If there was one I could not find it. Was Bill there?


ER has an amazing product. I am glad they are still forging a head. I can still keep dreaming of driving one of these awesome vehicles to view America from coast to coast.


It would have been nice to have a truck set up at the Overland Expo. If there was one I could not find it. Was Bill there?

Bill was not at the Expo, and ER had no direct involvement. Of course the EW JP was in the OJ booth and several LTs could be seen at the RV park.



Expedition Leader
"Is this Bill's?"

Yes, that's Bill's Dodge flatbed "ER2K" with composite camper built by Safari Vehicles (no longer in business). An earlier version of "ER2K" used a truck utility body and Four Wheel Campers pop-up camper. Read about this truck here

Bill's experience with "ER2K" led to the decision that a larger camper would be needed for a couple or a family on an extended trip. The result is the XV-LT.

Chip Haven

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