ER rumour

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
before this thread goes left and right, it should not be hard to figure out if this rumor is true or not.


Expedition Poseur
Are you kidding me? My post ask "compared to who" in "who else makes the kind of product ER does"...or "who else might have pushed ER out this market". In other words "what might have driven ER out of business". I know exactly zero about Earth Roamer, their product or their competitors...that is why I asked. I could care less if anyone thinks a particular product is overpriced or not. They either buy it or they don't.

Gawd...I hate it when someone decides to put words in my mouth.

I don't think the "here we go again" post was in response to your question (which was perfectly valid, btw).


Day walker, Overland Certified OC0013
Okay, I will expand a bit. It is my understanding that they have had to make cut backs just like many other small businesses (the one I work for included); but they are still in business.


I can't imagine the monthly payment on the new shop helps in any way.

I had a friend who was flying doing his thing, built a new shop a year ago cause he needed space and had money to do so. Now that same shop is what ( payments on $3.6 mill.)is causing him to close at the end of this month. Lucky him though, he's gotten someone to sign a 10 year lease.


Sounds like another victim of the economy. Out of curiosity, do they have several "dealerships" around the country or are they sold out of one place?
EarthRoamer Adventure

Like almost every other business in America, the recession has hit us hard - but we are still alive and kicking. It’s been a tough few months, but we are in four low with the hubs locked and are plowing forward!

EarthRoamer for me has been the adventure of a lifetime and it continues to be so…

ad•ven•ture (ăd-vĕn'chər)
1 a: an undertaking usually involving danger and unknown risks b: the encountering of risks <the spirit of adventure>
2: an exciting or remarkable experience <an adventure in exotic dining>
3: an enterprise involving financial risk

Take care,

Bill Swails


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
Glad to hear your still around Bill. Many of us can empathize with you right now during this current economic recession. I like your attitude and i try and treat every day the same. If you don't have a positive attitude you mine as well give up.

Thanks for taking the time to log on the the 'portal and clearing the rumors.

Keep on keeping on.


Supporting Sponsor
I'm very glad to hear you are "still alive and kicking". ER has been an inspiration to me, and others on this forum and I wish you nothing but success.
Thanks for letting us know.


Expedition Leader
Not that I want to stir the pot, but I don't know anyone who has been in an EarthRoamer that claims they are over priced -- they just want one. I was just at ER last week and there are a couple gorgeous XV-JP's and XV-LT's looking for a home. Every time I get to crawl around one I am taken by the level of quality and engineering.


ER's innovation and quality of craftsmanship are a huge asset to the off-highway community and I do hope and wish the best of luck to Bill and Michelle as they trudge through undoubtedly tough times.

I did call them earlier today but got their answering machine. However, my inquiry wasn't related to this thread as I hadn't read it yet. I was inquiring as to whether they may consider the new announcement on Monday evening about AEV offering the Jeep J8 in the U.S. and whether ER may use this platform for future versions of the XV-JP Jeep conversion.


Expedition Leader
Great News!

Even if you personally don't think that the Earthroamer is the ultimate weapon, none of us who are interested in overland travel benefit from a company in the field going out of business.

I first came across Earthroamers on the Internet a few years back and have been following their website ever since. As Joaquin pointed out, most of us kill electrons debating what works and what doesn't and, most important of all, what actually sells. Bill & Co are doing it.

Finally, on price. Look what the big Euro rigs cost. Look what people spend for their homebew trucks. Now imagine building several of these beasts, paying the rent, making payroll, paying yourself, AND supporting the product with a warranty. I'm not good/brave enough.
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Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Bill, thank you for posting up (grand total of 3 posts from you now !!!) to clarify this thread.

I don't know of a single company or household who hasn't had to make readjustments for the changes in the economy. I truly believe that taking stock of the situation and moving ahead with a well thought out business plan is the secret to success.

We all find ourselves at an exciting point in history. Expedition travel in North America is about to take off, and we are in the midst of economic turmoil. There are a few great thinks in the Overland business community, Bill Swales, Mario Donovan, Scott Brady, (three came to mind immediately, add your own selection here.........) and the ideas trickle down from there.

What I mean by this is these people create something new out of nothing. The rest of us beg, borrow, or steal the ideas and modify them to our own purpose.

If we lose any of the "thinkers" in our community due to the economic slow down, and they migrate to the safety of a 9-5 jobs with a regular pay check and health benefits, it's not just a lose to their company it's a huge setback to our industry.

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