I'm going to try removing mine one day, just to see how it feels. But as of now, the truck is/will be used for overlanding, not really offroading. Let us hear your thoughts on post sway bar removal maneuvering.
Dear Eurosonic, What is opinion on removed sway bars concerning overlanding?
Nicely done. Unless the trail has changed dramatically you probably would have been fine. I did the slick rock in my 90 gen 1 4 door with a failing rear axle which broke mid trail but make it the rest of the way via a friendly strap from Lloyd Schwartz and Cap510.....rest of the trail was way out of my league.
Euro, I've been an admirer of your Gen2.5 for some time now. Actually you and one other build inspired me to pursue the Montero. I'm looking at a '98 Gen2.5, but it's about 250 miles away. I can't get a straight answer out of the guy selling it (mostly because he's never taken it off-road), do all the '98 Gen2.5 Monteros have the rear diff lock or only those with the winter package? He's supposed to be sending me a picture of the center console tonight and, if I understand correctly, the stock switch should be next to the 12v plug, correct? Thanks for your build up. It certainly is inspiring.