Evidentiary standard for tech


It never ceases to amaze me how rabidly people like Rob Lefebvre will argue for the inferior.

Maybe people as ill-equipped as him actually have empathy for poorly designed junk?


This is not hard core. Ruining JUST the transmission is not proof of how awesome you are.


THIS is hardcore. You must submerge your truck up to the roof, leave it overnight, and ruin the whole thing. That ****, is hardcore. This is awesomeness.


I'd be a little embarrassed comparing the first and second shot. The first shot isn't hardcore. It is dumb. You were driving in water just to drive in water. Stale water at that.


Expedition Leader
Jason your internet powers of deduction are ************* staggering. Driving through the water just to drive through it. That's brilliant.


Rob, I don't have a dog in the fight with you and Jack, or you and Thom, or you and whoever else you seem to argue with.

I don't comment a lot in the tech threads because I'm the first person to admit I'm a newb, rookie, whatever you want to call it. I know a few things about vehicles. I've restored six military vehicles and a few vw bugs. That's about it. I've been working on my D1 for about 2 years. I've done most of the work myself.

Most of the time I sit back and watch everything that goes on. I don't like to get in the middle of all the conflicts. Mostly because I realize I don't have the knowledge base that Jack, Thom, Tom, or you have.

However, I've been watching some of the threads lately. Namely the "1.4 into a D1" thread. I can't tell if you're arguing because you honestly believe most of what you say or if you are just trying to get a "rise" out of people.

Some people debate politics. Some debate college football. Some debate Land Rovers. I respect passion people have, but I also respect people who can sometimes admit they may be wrong.


Rob, I don't have a dog in the fight with you and Jack, or you and Thom, or you and whoever else you seem to argue with.

I don't comment a lot in the tech threads because I'm the first person to admit I'm a newb, rookie, whatever you want to call it. I know a few things about vehicles. I've restored six military vehicles and a few vw bugs. That's about it. I've been working on my D1 for about 2 years. I've done most of the work myself.

Most of the time I sit back and watch everything that goes on. I don't like to get in the middle of all the conflicts. Mostly because I realize I don't have the knowledge base that Jack, Thom, Tom, or you have.

However, I've been watching some of the threads lately. Namely the "1.4 into a D1" thread. I can't tell if you're arguing because you honestly believe most of what you say or if you are just trying to get a "rise" out of people.

Some people debate politics. Some debate college football. Some debate Land Rovers. I respect passion people have, but I also respect people who can sometimes admit they may be wrong.

sadly nobody is debating anymore...and basically...starting on the personal attacks..:(

this thread should just be closed.


Expedition Leader
Jason, I have admited I was wrong on numerous occaisions. I've posted my mistakes. I mean ****, I admitted that I didn't know enough to clean the oil off the pressure plate and flywheel! I openly admitted that I ruined my transmission in the water. What more do you want?

I don't even understand what you're getting at with the 1.4 comment. Read the thread again. Everybody in that thread, save one, ended up agreeing. The one person who didn't agree, created a strawman, and that's where it went off track. But in the end, everybody came full circle, and we all agree. The Land Rover crawl ratio is not "lower than just about anything else" and it makes a lot of sense to regear the axles instead of the LT230. Is it the right answer for everyone? No. But it's worth thinking about at least.

If you or anybody else still think I'm wrong, that the Land Rover crawl ratio is monumentally better than everything else, show some examples. I picked the first one to come to mind, the Bronco. And as I showed, it wasn't worse. If you or anybody else has any other examples to show, go right ahead. THAT is the evidentiary standard.

And on the gearing, I showed how changing the LT230 to 1:1 and putting taller gearing in the axles, could retain over-the-road gearing, so that it does not in fact matter, what engine you have, or if it's a diesel or whatever, in order to go to 1:1. And then, showed the benefit in the crawl ratio, and how that approach does result in a nice compromise between all-out crawler gears, and a more flexible off-road setup.

Nobody presented ANY evidence or even opinion to the contrary. Nobody said "But you DO need to be able to do 50 mph in low range, and here's why..."

So, am I being attacked because I'm wrong? PROVE it. Or am I just being attacked because I'm new, and bringing new ideas to the table that go against the established thinking? So far, all I've heard is a lot of shouting, and not much tech.


What kills me about guys like you is you think your on the cutting edge, doing **** that's never been done....blah,blah,blah

Just because it's not posted somewhere on the internet doesn't mean it hasn't been:
laugh at

and so on...

hate to burst your bubble, but there's nothing on any of your posts that's anything close to new info, or hasn't been attempted.


everything you've posted about in this and the other tcase thread is pure speculation based on washing number thru gear calculators with little or no experience to base what you think are improvements. When anyone has tried to contest it, you just keep quoting numbers with absolutely no new actual experience. If this gear set made sense to put in a rover, it would have been done a long time ago...

Plus you did a swap that really no one else will ever do because it just doesn't really offer any benefits. I just can't wait for you to hydro-lock your motor on one of your underwater expeditions...

When I see something worth attempting to bring tech too, I will, but this is all just idle bantering...

David Harris

Expedition Leader
everything you've posted about in this and the other tcase thread is pure speculation based on washing number thru gear calculators with little or no experience to base what you think are improvements. When anyone has tried to contest it, you just keep quoting numbers with absolutely no new actual experience. If this gear set made sense to put in a rover, it would have been done a long time ago...

Plus you did a swap that really no one else will ever do because it just doesn't really offer any benefits. I just can't wait for you to hydro-lock your motor on one of your underwater expeditions...

When I see something worth attempting to bring tech too, I will, but this is all just idle bantering...

Agreed on the experience factor. What really matters is if the set-up you have works for what you want to do with it. If it does then enough said, if it doesn't, then you modify it until it does. The problem with most forums is that people give advice on what is best for them according to their own experience and their own use of a 4x4. This is somewhat different for everyone. But that's great in the long run, because you can learn from different experiences, uses, and perspectives. Even in threads where I've strongly debated someone else (argued), I still learned a lot, in fact a lot more than I would have otherwise. So, it's worth all the trouble, IMO . . .


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
My 19yr old son has a 93 RR Classic, and I love to show him these kinds of threads with all the chest beating and bleating like children so he knows how NOT to act as a Rover owner.
The fact that all you folks can't have a civil discussion without name calling and personal attacks (who plays in more mud or deeper water) just backs up what most people thing of Rover owners, too bad really as I know some great people in the Green Oval world.

I am reading this thread to try and learn, it would be great if there was more to learn about and less cat fighting.


Expedition Leader
Did you guys happen to see the thread about what kills forums? Stuff like this is a good example. I'll admit I don't have a dog in this fight but what is the point of arguing over this stuff? It reads like two or three of you have had some trouble brewing that is starting to boil over-can I suggest that you all take a break or shake hands (figuratively) and move forward.

I'm not taking sides or singling anyone out and I'm only posting this as I've "talked" with you all in other threads and have enjoyed and learned from all.

My "can't we all just get along" plea is over-carry on.

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