I'm just glad everyone made it back safely...
As far as safety in CenAm, I rode the "3 Flags Classic" motorcycle rally 10 times on my Honda STs (1100 and a 1300). We would start in Mexico at a border town (TJ, Mexicali, Juarez, etc.) and ride to the finish line in Canada 3-4 days later. A check with the State Department was made each day before the start to determine the "climate" for Gringos. In 2010 they decided to run backwards (Canada to Mexico). There was such an uproar from the "regular" participants that they changed the finish from Puerto Penasco, SON to Tucson, AZ. I and a few other regulars boycotted and didn't ride that year. A 35 year annual event saw fit to never start or finish across the southern border again.
Many have no problems, that we get. I have a number of dear friends in Puerto Vallarta that I haven't seen in years. But who wants to be the ONE who plays the game of roulette and loses down there? I'm not that adventurous with my or my family's life(s). Maybe THAT'S why I enjoy watching OTHER people do it so much!!!

But I do enjoy "north" much much better than "south" anyway. 'cept for the food...