Expedition Overland - 2015 Season


Supporting Sponsor: Cruiser Outfitters
maybe deliberate is wrong word. I imagine it went something like this. "oh damn were stuck" "try to rock it back and forth" "its only digging deeper" "keep going we will get it out on camera"
I know they dont inject unnecessary drama, which i love about this show, but when opportunity strikes for good photoage of a sponsor's gear without any real risk to the adventure I'm sure opportunity was seized. Trust me I'm not being disparaging here. But when the camera panned to a taco framed out in sand, I said to the GF, "That was on purpose. Big kids is all" and she said "you would have done the same thing" I smiled and said "have".



My MaxTraks have paid for themselves many times -

It is much easier ( and safer ) than yanking someone out with a snatching strap - especially if they don't have any hard points to anchor to.

I agree that the advertorials are notable, but not off-putting to me. But I drive a 4Runner Trail edition.


Hmm I love this series, but I hope it becomes more about the expedition than the Toyota they are driving, or the legendary Toyota reliability, or theToyota in the baja, or the Toyota engineer they talked to or the Toyota legend they meet in the next episode, etc. etc.

Any reason they ditched the trailer for this season?


B.S. Goodwrench
Loved the episode, watched it on night shift last night. Probably watch it again,

I am really intrigued to see how all the border crossings go. I am happy for them they have good chances at getting some good food on the
road and such. But I am really impressed with them taking on so many different border crossings.

That and I hate being so hot all the time, Probably why the trip to AK and YT really inspired me.

Keep up the good work gents!


Lost in Space
Yes... And it wasn't fun..

I understand they pay the bills but come on.. Spread the yota love over the season

Meh, it actually seemed apropos for this specific episode. I just wish they had taken a few minutes to go over the Tundra he was driving. No offense to the current XO vehicles, but the Tundra looked really quite ************.

My only gripe so far: the North America series and the AK/YT had a more every-man feel, even with the sponsors and all. Like using your wife's bike because yours is broken (NA series)? Or putting a branch through your daily driver (AK/YT)? Maybe it's just me, but something feels like it's missing from this series so far...

I'm still going to tune in every week. If nothing else the "cast" has great chemistry, it's a good story, and supporting this series/show will hopefully lead to more productions of similar caliber from other independent filmmakers.


Lost in Space
All I know is after seeing those MaxTrax in action I'm starting to think they are worth the price.

Not going to lie, they ended up on my short list of "must buy" after watching the last two seasons.

This is why I throw my wallet in the safe before watching the show...:sombrero:


My brother has a Pathfinder and two jeeps so I suppose he is OK. It did seem to be sort of a Toyota add. Um, I've towed or winched a couple Toyotas out of the mud with my 3B. I've winched several Jeeps too. Not saying that Toyotas are bad but sometime it is more about the driver.
It's sort of like motorcycles, who cares as long as you are out there.


Glad there are new video's the whole family enjoys watching them. Anybody know if Clay and the crew ran wheel spacers on the 4runner's? I am about to run the same suspension (except not stage 7) and have the same wheels they got.


Like to Camp
Big deal if they give their supporters some time. Nice thinking to get this kind of a trip funded other then how I do mine (with an office job). Smart!

Anyway, I enjoyed episode two, watched one again, and made my lovely wife watch two with me again as well. :D


Hey - just passed you this weekend - I was headed down Mineral Creek in the San Juans outside Ouray, 7/16, and you guys were headed up - brown LX-450! Cheers!

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