Expedition Security: Firearm Recommendations and Suggestions


Expedition Guns

I finally have the perfect setup for my needs. My wife and I live in Montana but also travel a great deal in the southwest during the winter.I need a setup that is flexible enough to contend with a grizzly but also serves as a reasonable self defense system. I currently carry a Winchester takedown trapper model 1892 leveraction in 44 magnum. In addition I have a 44 magnum S&W 329 in a chest holster and a S&W airweight 22 eight shot revolver in a conventional holster. All three of these guns together weigh under eight pounds and fit in a 23 inch Galati Int'l takedown case with room for a couple reloads worth of ammunition for each of them. I seldom use more then one of them at a time but for differn't situations each has it's sweet spot. The really nice thing about the 44 magnum is that you can chose the level of power and match it to the intended use.


I'm rather simplistic and run with a Ruger SP101 .357 revolver.

It's kind of small, but with revolvers - you can't beat them for reliability and ease of use. Ease of use is my biggest reason for having it.


I can agree with the ease of use statement. And considering that I would recommend to the OP a revolver, something around the 38spcl or 375 magnum with a 3-5" barrel. Double action of course.

I also agree with earlier posts that racking a pump shotgun relates in any language that you mean business. But my view on that is, if there ain't one in the chamber, you're already a step behind me.

On the debate of semi-auto handguns, like everyone else, I am biased. I love my 1911 based 45's. Very reliable, tough, long lasting and relatively accurate handguns. They can be had in various qualities from mild to wild, and that usually is reflected in the price. But there are a few "sleepers" out there. Rock Island Arms builds a nice economical 1911, that is reasonably accurate and functions very well. As a defense weapon for a novice, anything single action would not be my recommendation though. Double action should be a staple in the gun's function.



First-off, I will admit that I am very fortunate that I currently hold an unrestricted CCW permit for the state of Calif; and since Ariz. is the only other place I seem to go, the legality of carrying a handgun is almost a non-issue. (I will admit though that I have been carrying ever since my return from Nam over 40 years ago-permit or no.) I prefer big bullets ie: .45acp. My current favorite pistol is the Springfield XD-45 and (for the K.I.S.S lover in me) a S&W mod 25 in .45acp is always close by. While I have never "brandished" the weapon, it's meer appearence has helped me to defuse more than one "sticky situation". Even though I try to keep all of my equipment locked and secure, I have used trip wires with noise makers around my camp site (day and night) not only to alert me but to alert the intruder as well. Even if my camp site is empty at the time, he doesn't know it.
Cheers, Stevo


my mossburg 500 is in my jeep 99% of the time loaded with 10- 2" 00buck & on me my p-14 para 45acp + my wife with her mossy 500 & her xdm 9mm

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