Expeditions 7: Two Years Around the World on all Seven Continents.


Expeditions7.com website updated

The Expeditions7.com website has recently been updated with lots of photos of the outfitting of the vehicles, and the North American, European and Russian/Siberian segments. Please let me know what you think. Thanks.

Scott Brady

A few images of my dad and me, driving through the Outback back to Melbourne. Throughout the trip, we used HEMA maps and their Navigator GPS units. There is nothing even close for navigating Australia - period.

Traveling through the Flinders Range, near Lake Eyre. Beautiful part of Australia.

Scott Brady

How did you like the Patrol Scott?


I really liked it. Such a simple, honest vehicle. Some complain about the motor, but I thought it was sweet and reasonably fuel efficient (compared to the 4.5L V8s). It was also highly effective on the trail, particularly in ARB trim. The only thing it really needed was a lower transfer case ratio. With that little motor and heavy truck, at least a 3.0:1, although a 4:1 would be even better. This is even with an automatic, but really with the manual. I drove the wagon and a Ute variant.

I also like the way the Patrol looks and it is built like a tank underneath. I would buy one in a heartbeat if available here.



Will any of you be at the EXPO in Flagstaff in a few weeks? This will be our first time there!!!



Expedition Leader
Great picture! So they had the 3L TD with intercooler then? I have driven the 3L in a SWB and a 4.8L petrol in a wagon. Both were great but the 3L diesel didn't wake up real fast, bit of lag. I also drove a wagon with a 3L (auto) and definitely more sluggish than in the SWB with a 5spd. 4.8L didn't seem to lack power at all but I only drove in in the city, was a 5spd. Never driven the 4.2TD. :(

Chassis is pretty much all the same as 80-series in terms of suspension unless it has leaves, some Utes still do in the rear. T-case gears available for the lower range from Marks. I would buy one too!



I would buy one in a heartbeat if available here.

AMEN! ;-)

Chassis is pretty much all the same as 80-series in terms of suspension unless it has leaves, some Utes still do in the rear. T-case gears available for the lower range from Marks. I would buy one too!

Very similar to the 80, but even more similar to the LC 100, and in Europe (and some other markets) the 100 also came with a solid front axle as the Patrol. The UTE (pick-up) comes in to versions. One extremely basic with leafs in the rear, and one more or less buildt on the wagon platform. And the comment on the low-range is absolutely correct. The 85% ratio increase I installed in mine gives a 3,75 : 1. Perfect!




I see that you have Antarctica on your map, and I'm a little curious about your plans for the continent? Shouldn't you be driving to the South Pole...?


Scott Brady


I see that you have Antarctica on your map, and I'm a little curious about your plans for the continent? Shouldn't you be driving to the South Pole...?


We have several options under consideration for Antarctica and will probably know the final route in the next 4-6 weeks.

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