Expeditions West: Moving Back to Canon


Unfortunately, yes. However, the change in size overall is minimal. I suspect the thing I will miss the most is the focal range and sharpness of the 12-60mm Zuiko.

I suspect Canon will release an interesting EVIL option soon. Otherwise I might still buy a Lumix set-up for ultra-light and moto use. I really like that camera-

I like the GF-1 a lot, and have been looking at the GH-2 for video if they ever get back in stock somewhere. With 20mm f1.7, the GF-1 will fit in a big shirt pocket and give you a 12 Mpxl image. It fits in a tank bag nicely in a fleece sac.

The Lumix100-300 lens is quite interesting as it allows you to carry a 600mm equivalent lens in a big pocket almost too. This is the only real long VR glass you can carry on a motorcycle.. ( real long meaning over 500mm with VR )


Another Olympus bites the dust, but I couldn't think of a better camera to switch to. I'll happily take some of your gear off your hands as I still shoot with my Olympus E500. In AZ I don't get a lot of those low light situations so the noise issue doesn't bother me ;) I am quite aware of it and am not sure if I'll shoot Olympus forever but I am so use to it and just love my camera for it's offroad pictures with the wide angle lens.

Can't wait to see pictures with your new setup!


May I ask, do you have a source for this statement, or is it just your general impression?

I ask because I have always been concerned about this when I did micro AF some of my lenses; but did not really find it was an issue with the lenses I adjusted, which tend to be long lenses, much more than wide lenses. The distance used for AF plays a role as well, I suspect.

I do know for certain that micro adjustment made a significant improvement in my 100-400 IS L at 400mm with my 7D.

This is from personal experience and confirmed from other people's experience.

If the adjustment amount for your zoom is constant through out the entire FOV range, then you're fine. However not all zooms exhibit this.

My off calibration zoom back focuses differently at wide FOV vs. tele FOV.. there is no way to micro adjust that.

I just searched for an article and this is from a reputable source.


If you are attempting to set microadjustments for a zoom lens, it is important to realize that the camera's setting may only be accurate for the focal length setting you test. The instruction book suggests testing at the longest focal length of the lens, but you may find it more efficient to choose the focal length you use most often.

Scott Brady

The migration is nearly complete:
1. 5D MKII
2. 60D
3. 70-200 2.8L IS
4. 24-70 2.8L
5. 17-40 F4L (couldn't justify the 16-35)
6. 50mm 1.4
7. 18-135mm IS
8. M42 adapter for my fathers Super-Takumar 50mm 1.4 (which makes it about an 80mm)

Next: 14mm 2.8L

So far, the 5D MKII is unbelievable in both HDV and stills. Happy with the result and ready to put it all to work.

Tucson T4R

Expedition Leader
Yep, that set up should hold you for while. Nice. :wings:

Now you just need a 100-400 to pull in that wildlife out there and you'll be good to go. :elkgrin:

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