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Tim and Kelsey get lost..
90 muddy miles with 122 wooden bridges.

Really, it wasn’t all that bad, but a part of my brain told me “Hey, you’re in Brazil, going over bridges that you’d never trust normally, sliding next to a marsh filled with Caiman and you drove here from Arizona. What the hell?! Hahaha”

It doesn’t always hit you. A lot of the trip is just happening and unfolding before you without it feeling like some amazing or pivotal experience. It’s just life. That being said, there are these moments. These moments where you start to chuckle like an insane person. Where the office dwelling, weekend adventuring you, see’s the current you in rubber boots, at some exotic location trying to speak Portuguese and just finds it all hilarious.

So, here is this weeks adventure.



Tim and Kelsey get lost..
We make our way from the muddy jungle to the worlds largest waterfall with some beautiful stops on the way. Oh yah, we also talk firearms with the nice gentleman who walked into camp with a pistol in his belt telling us to leave. ?

Join us as we discover what random Brazil has to offer.


We make it to the largest waterfalls in the world, Iguazú Falls. Join us as we explore the Brazil side of this natural wonder.


Tim and Kelsey get lost..
This week we enter Argentina and go from pine forest camping to the hottest part of the country in summer.


We make it over to the western side of Argentina, find some water, have delicious empanadas, head over a rainy pass to not only the cooler temps we have been dreaming of but a beautiful desert.



Tim and Kelsey get lost..
We head for Salta, then south to Cafayate, where we spend a whole week! Hanging out with friends, enjoying the wine and climate, before we decide it's time to move again and this time we head North on the Ruta 40 to discover the random beauty of northwestern Argentina.


We head into the unknown nothingness of Argentina's Northwestern Border, the altiplano. We explore, some ghost towns, salt flats, the desierto del diablo, and are reminded just how in hospitable this climate can be. Join us for the stark beauty of this Overlanders dream.



In this episode we check out the Ghost towns of Argentina, Mina La Casualidad, and the train depot of Caipe. There is a lot to see out here! We spend a very uncomfortable night in the La Puna of Northwestern Argentina. It's cold it's windy...it's an adventure!



We make it back to civilization then enjoy traveling with friends as we make our way south towards Mendoza on the famed Ruta 40. We camp, share meals, drink cheap beer and good wine, listen to music, sit around fires, and just savor life...we also might have a few hair brained schemes...



We make it to Mendoza to get some work done. We get our tire repaired explore a little, discover we have lost our title, then head to the mountains to get lost.


Went camping last weekend and made a video, van heavy content. Also feedback is appreciated :)



Tim and Kelsey get lost..
We stumble upon some vintage motorcycles and the owners invite us to join their rally. Everywhere we go, people are so friendly!


We get to the beautiful city of Buenos Aires, and do some exploration on foot. We find ourselves wandering around the famous Recoleta Cemetery. It is both grand and a little creepy. So much history, come take a walk with us!


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