Worst case -- someone will watch this show and say 'Hey...That's cool. I have a *insert 4wd* out back...I wonder if I could live out of it for a week (or weekend, in some cases).'
The more demand, the busier the routes -- sure -- but also the better the aftermarket technology.
I took some issue with his build in that there wasn't really any serious discussion about weight. He mentioned it, but then went about adding a few dozen feet of tubing in his rack. And by permanently bolting his gear in an easy-access way, he really did limit the usefulness of the rest of his bed. Maybe that would change if he finished the build or described the long term plan but it seems to me permanently mounting your "spare parts" bin in the middle of the bed might cause some headaches down the road.
Still, I'm a big fan of the Power Block. Beyond overlanding, the more folks who are open to wrenching on cars, the happier folks will be in my opinion
Thanks for posting the link!