EyeInTheSky's Gen 3 Budget Build Thread

Swank Force One

You don't need the Scosche for these trucks. The amp uses rca plugs from factory headunit to pass a pre-amp signal. You'd use the Scosche if it didn't.


You don't need the Scosche for these trucks. The amp uses rca plugs from factory headunit to pass a pre-amp signal. You'd use the Scosche if it didn't.
My head unit only had 2 rca plugs, while the harness has four plugs. Also, the plugs were strange in that each one seems to carry two speakers? I'll try with an RCA splitter and see if I can remove the Scosche unit. I'm not pleased with the sound quality currently so there will be some tweaking.

Swank Force One


I'll be putting an Android Auto unit in my wife's Gen3 if we keep it shortly. I'll post up my findings.

I know when i did the Gen2.5 initially i just used the RCAs that were already there and powered the speakers with the oem Infinity amp. Sounded fine except for all the blown speakers, so i gutted the entire setup and wired everything in from scratch, using none of the oem harness.


Decided to capitalize on a long weekend off so I tossed the wife and dog into the Montero and headed up to the mountains. Finally saw some payoff from the engine rebuild. There's a fairly steep grade on a freeway near us we had to climb. It's actually where the initial misfire code issues started a few months back, and where I ended up having to call a tow truck. Before the rebuild we would usually have to take this grade in 3rd gear at around 55-60mph. This time, 4th at 70mph with no issues. Not even a hint of struggle.

I did get two pending codes (and one that completed) regarding my evap system, so that sucks and will require some research, but nothing catastrophic (P0441 and P0452).

So we took Highway 14 up to the Jawbone Canyon ranger station, then Jawbone Canyon Road up to Gold Hill Road, cut across and back onto Jawbone Canyon Road, then Kern County Route 589 up into the Sequoia National Forest. Took USFS road 29S02 and hit our final destination of Mace Meadow. I had seen it when scouting for a location via Google Earth and thought it would be a nice camping spot. Well, it's fenced off (and we saw a good sized black bear in in on Sunday). We explored a bit and found a nice little site across from the meadow. Did two nights with some mild hiking on Sunday, packed up, and here we are.

Once again, I'm pleased with my Montero. While it could have benefited from a V8, I have yet to come across anything I couldn't handle. I probably should have gone into low range for some of the switchback climbing I had to do (was in 1st gear and 4HLc), but she made it fine. Started to overheat a bit in Jawbone but as soon as I turned off the AC, back down to 205 degrees (don't hate on my hill climbing with AC on, it was 110 out). The backup camera was pretty handy, and fun to watch when I was driving down trails.

So remember, build threads are cool and all, but it's the time out using your rig that truly matters.


Oh my. What could this be? It's quite heavy, flat... hmmm.


Maybe its.... a new ADD skid plate! Looking forward to installing this tomorrow.


Hey Eyeinthesky what PSI are you running in your tires? I think we have the same brand/size, load range E? Mine were about 50 PSI when I had them installed.


After being gone for almost seven weeks for work I came home...and left again. Took a buddy of mine up to a lake that a group of us guys have been going to annually for over 15 years. Tossed the gear in the back and off we went.

I've been fighting a bad 02 sensor for a while now, and the fight continues. Not 80 miles out from home I got a P0134 Bank 1 Sensor 1 02 code...again. On a new (albeit, super cheap Chinese knockoff) sensor. So that's fun. It seemed to alternate while driving, from no voltage and trims pegged to 25% on bank 1 to functioning correctly and all trims +/- 5%. I pressed on up 395 all the way to Bridgeport, where I hit 108 and climbed some more. Our trip took us from sea level to 10,000 feet, and man was it fun. Pretty cool seeing snow on the ground in August.

Had a great time camping, and other than that pesky 02 sensor code, no issues from the Montero. It did make me wish for the 3.8 (or something bigger), as the 2,000 foot elevation gain from Bridgeport to our turn off really taxed the 3.5. I was actually in first at around 18mph for a lot of the climb. :-/ I mean, it's a 25% grade for that section, and I had a bunch of gear in the rig, but come on...

I'll see if I can post some pictures later.

Off to organize and store the gear, then start troubleshooting the 02 sensor issue.

EDIT: The pup enjoying her first time in snow.
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I keep mine at 45 for street driving. Haven't had to air them down offroad yet.

Thanks for the info on this. Seems to be right on the money... I put mine at 45 PSI after your recommendation and seeing that the tire shop had them fairly high also. The day I checked them it was near 100*F and I had been driving on trails for hours so I knew the tires were extremely hot so I wasn't sure I was getting an accurate reading.

Reference airing down offroad, I almost always do just to cushion the ride for me and the passengers, added grip and resistance to punctures...
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Sorry for the lack of updates, but I really haven't done much to my Montero in a while. I have some niggling issues I'm trying to work out, and could use some advice.

I have an exhaust leak...somewhere. I've tried hooking a handheld vacuum to the exhaust pipe and blowing smoke everywhere to find it, but to no avail. Considering bringing it in to my mechanic and just letting him deal with it.

I think I have a small vacuum leak, again, somewhere. I've tried the propane method to find it but no dice. I've got a slight RPM variation at idle that is shaking the rig a little more than normal. All hoses look OK, all gaskets appear intact, all bolts are torqued down. MAF sensor looks clean. Might save that for my mechanic as well.

I made a big mistake. I had a CV joint boot split a while ago and completely forgot about it. Now I'm getting that lovely "clank" during low speed turns. Looks like it's time to replace that cv joint. Thankfully they aren't very expensive.

My cheap little radio I bought has a whine tied to engine speed. I know that's a bad ground somewhere, but I've added a second ground wire and grounded the adapter I used but it's still there. I'm suspecting it's my little $40 stereo. The sound quality is also terrible, so I'm considering either A: Getting a different head unit, B: Rewiring the entire stereo system and getting rid of the stock amp, or C: Both of these.

Lastly, still fighting alternator issues (0.20a parasitic drain). There may be some (positive) financial changes in my future though, so I would have a little larger of a budget to replace and upgrade some parts, starting with a high output alternator. Any suggestions on good high-output alternators?

For good news, I pulled that Chinese knockoff 02 sensor and put the old one back in. Presto, no more 02 sensor issues. My trims are all positive when warming up (3-8%), but mostly stay within -5%/+5% while driving.


Not sure about your other issues...but I have a whine and speakers that work intermittently with my aftermarket stereo and think it has to do with the factory amp. The only reason im guessing its the amp,my brother has the same exact problem with his montero and aftermarket radio.


Sourcing Gear Oil

Hey guys, need some help. My center diff light started flashing on the freeway today, which reminded me that I STILL haven't flushed my transfer case (both diffs were done, just ran out of time).

That being said, where the hell are you guys getting GL-4 spec gear oil? It's outrageously priced or nonexistent everywhere I've looked (Napa, Wal-Mart, Pep Boys, etc.). I understand Gl-5 can eat copper, so stick with GL-4 in the T-case.

I'm just at a loss. My Google-**** is seriously failing me right now. Any help?

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