New shocks
I got the front KYB shocks installed today. I was going to do the back shocks at home since I wouldn't need a spring compressor, but my crummy little Harbor Freight jack wasn't tall enough to let the tires clear the ground when lifting from the center. I loaded everything up and headed to the Auto Hobby Shop on base and rented a stall ($1/hour, no charge for tools). I opened the boxes in the back, and imagine my surprise when I saw this:
Oops. That's what I get for using RockAuto and not checking immediately.

I ordered KG5743. The other is 554317 RA-16. The barcode on the box was for a KG5743, and the design looks identical. When I search 554317 on Google I only get hits in Russian. Maybe it's the Russian model number for KYB's Montero shocks?
Either way, I got the new front shocks in. I used the FSM, though I skipped removing the upper control arm and just wiggled it out.
Quick description of how to remove front shock assembly for a Gen 3 Montero (haven't seen one on here):
Passenger Side:
Jack up from frame (not control arm like when changing a tire)
Remove wheel
Remove air filter box cover and air filter
Remove air filter box
Remove three nuts below where box was (14mm)
Remove plastic cap
Remove three 12mm nuts on upper control arm
Remove shock bolt on bottom (21mm)
Lift upper control arm to give you some wiggle room while pulling down on the shock assembly
Use whatever spring compressor is available to you and replace shock.
Driver's Side:
Disconnect battery
Remove battery
Disconnect radiator overflow container (10mm(?) deep socket, though a nut driver would be better)
Remove battery tray
Disconnect plastic wire holder from bolt
Go to asterisk above
Lift upper control arm, wiggle shock, swear, curse me for not telling you to remove the upper control arm
Slide into place (get the top bolts through the holes first, then use a prybar to set the bottom)
Re-attach nuts on top, and bolt on bottom.
Place jack underneath the lower control arm and raise it up.
Replace three bolts on upper control arm.
Tighten all bolts to spec (don't forget lower bolt).
Replace wheel
Put the other stuff back
Drink beer
All in all it's a quick job. The shop on base had a pneumatic spring compressor which made my life so much easier. Felt a little better on the drive home, though that could be the placebo effect.