Father and Son's Off Road Expedition Trailer build

Doc Foster

Don't worry about how you think it looks or any imperfections - I think it looks great. The important thing is to just get out there and enjoy it with your family. Don't forget to post pics of it being used!



More pictures please!!!!!
Would really appreciate anymore pictures you have on the AC build
Im waiting on my trailer to be welded but have been making saw dust on my sides. I'm going to start a build thread!
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Looking good!

Give the Max Coupler a try for a bit. I hook mine up all the time by myself and my trailer is no lightweight either. If you can't slide the pin in easily, just raise or lower your tongue jack slightly and it will slip right in. Once you do it a couple times it's a piece of cake, and the silence and lack of banging around compared to a pintle is well worth it.

Have fun!


Well-known member
Looking good!

Give the Max Coupler a try for a bit. I hook mine up all the time by myself and my trailer is no lightweight either. If you can't slide the pin in easily, just raise or lower your tongue jack slightly and it will slip right in. Once you do it a couple times it's a piece of cake, and the silence and lack of banging around compared to a pintle is well worth it.

Have fun!
Agree with this. I can hook mine up by myself fairly easily now. It's even easier if you have a trusted partner to assist with backing the vehicle to the trailer. My wife and I have a pretty good routine down when it's time to hitch up.


Getting better at the Max Coupler. I don't hate it near as much anymore. Also have some good news. Got it registered last week and already had the maiden voyage. It's not 100% complete buts it's good enough to camp in. Before I left town and with it all packed up I went to the local CAT scale and weighed it. It comes in at 1790lbs with water and camping gear. I'm actually happy with that. I was seriously thinking I was at 2500 plus for just the trailer weight before camping stuff and water. Here is a photo of it at the camp spot this past weekend.



So those photos were taken this past weekend. I can tell you this trailer is insulated well. It was in the low 40's and I slept with a sheet and blanket only and was perfectly happy. Top vent cracked a little. All the tent campers said they were freezing. Also it's super quiet inside. Total success and I'm 100% happy with it. Also as a bonus it tows great even with my under powered 03 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4.0. It needs some work though. Haha

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As you know I have plans for an RTT on top. It showed up last week and I didn't want anything huge and I wanted something affordable and contacted TuffStuff 4x4 and they had a damaged in shipping RTT for a killer price. All damage was cosmetic and didn't affect function so I went for it. Great price and nice little tent. I got my son to building a roof rack for the trailer to mount the RTT on and he did a great job. Here is a photo of the rack he built.



Also you can see that we also,added a black lower section to the paint. This has always been the plan. It looks great I think.

So next up we set the tent up on the racks and got it secured down. Fits like a glove.



Then we also took a few minutes and set it all up. It's super easy setup. Our only issue is our ladder is to short. We've called around but everyone is out of ladder extensions at the moments so we have to jimmy rig it a little bit to make it work.



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We are going out again on Thursday headed to the Overland West Expo in Flagstaff, AZ for a few days. Should be a great time. Can't wait. I'll get ,ore photos there and post up how it goes. My only worry is my Jeep. Hoping I don't have any issues with it. I told my boys I may have to take the GMC Sierra and they said no way. Hahaha. We'll, we will give the Jeep a try and see what happens.

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Looking good!! Nice job. I've got a ladder extension I bought but never used for my CVT Mt. Shasta. Looks like it's similar to your ladder. PM me if interested.

Xtreme XJ


Well done !! I've been following along anxiously awaiting updates...
Cool build... cool father & son(s) project... cool memories...

Now go make some memories using it !!


Look on Amazon and get a telescoping ladder. They run about $70. I bought one to swap out on my TRY but haven't done so yet.



Could you post up some detailed pictures of how you framed up and keep you Ac Water proof? Also interested in now you made the box on the outside. My trailer chasis should be done this weekend so I should have it ready to camp in a few weeks.


Could you post up some detailed pictures of how you framed up and keep you Ac Water proof? Also interested in now you made the box on the outside. My trailer chasis should be done this weekend so I should have it ready to camp in a few weeks.

Jeeper, sorry I haven't replied back to ya. Just got back from the Overland Expo at Mormon Lake Az, then spent 2 days home and watched my son graduate High School then that same day we loaded up and went to Moab for 5 days. Had a blast but have been out of Internet contact and been doing some wheeling and camping. I can get you some better photos if your still interested. You may already be done though.

Just towed the trailer over 1k miles with no issues. Love this thing. Can't wait to start my next one. It's addicting.

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Still waiting on my chassis to be welded. I have the walls dine door and Windows Ac wood treatment all ready to go. Once I get the trailer it will take 3-4 days to assemble it all. I'm just not sure bout the Ac location. So detailed pictures would be awesome. Also what did you use to fill in the screw holes??? Thanks and enjoy your camper.

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