I hope you know that everyone's next question is, "okay, so how much would it cost to make me one?"
That's not my department, I'm just the designer/protoype builder

Seriously, I've designed this kit to be as simple as possible to mold, so it can be manufactured at the lowest cost possible. I've also designed it to ship UPS Ground to keep shipping costs as low as possible. But the price depends on the company that's going to bring it to market. And of course the cost depends on how you're going to outfit it, what frame you put under it (Harbor Freight frame or welded frame?), what wheels and tires, etc.
Pricing for my fiberglass Jeep-tub trailer kit project (pictured below), which was licensed by a company and has been on the market for a year now, is at
www.dinoot.com. That's no guarantee of the pricing for this kit of course, that's up whatever company brings the military kit one to market.
But just for comparison, the Jeep-tub kit consists of 6 fiberglass parts (7 if you also buy a tailgate with the kit), while the military tub kit consists of 4 fiberglass parts (5 if you buy a tailgate with the kit), instead of the fiberglass inner fenders you would use your choice of external fenders.