Adventure Time!
Very impressive build! I've read through about half the pages... I'm curious. What is the front track width? I know many of the tight NW trails you need to be under 75".
Just a quick question, but have you had it out on the hwy yet?
I ask because I 3 linked the back of my old 87 runner with IFS front, and with straight lowers, my roll axis was WAY positive, to the point where I had acell/decell steer (when I'd punch it on the hwy, the truck would turn slightly). It also had wicked oversteer. Granted, yours is a different wheelbase, and track width, so that changes the numbers, but I was just curious how it drove.
Saw page 1 skipped to end "FJN00B" dis is you?
Would be nice to get more uptravel/bump out of the rear, but its a limitation of the platform and configuration.[/CENTER]
All tradeoffs between trail riding, rock crawling, desert running, and daily driving/expedition trips.
Is that a go pro mounted I see on the pass side beam?
If so, lets see some footage!
Strong work on the build.
How much caster are you running?