Flashlight flavor of the month


I have lots of flashlights EagleTac, Fenix, Maglite, Nitecore, Olight, Prometheus, Spark, Sunwayman, Surefire, ThruNite and Zebralight. Do not use the Maglites much anymore and the Spark and Zebra's are great headlamps, Most of the EagleTacs and Sunwaymans are great pocket flashlights, The Nitecore, Olight and ThruNites are super bright floods and spots.
I keep in the truck a small Surefire and very bright Thrunite near me and an flame throwing Olight in the back. Also fave a Fenix in the survival bag
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SE Expedition Society
Is there something at the same pricepoint and size that is better? Serious question because I would love to know.

I am sure there are better quality lights but my comment was more at the hand held lights at that pricepoint.
Walmart was blowing out their Stanley HID handlhelds a while ago ---- would blow away that cycle light by a factor of about 4. Simply incredible light for about $60.
If you can find them and you want the power of Thor in your hand, grab them.

The Stanley LEDs are okay but the HIDs were the best flashlight value for mega light there's been in a long time.

Edit: I googled and found this


Expedition Leader
I'm a big fan of Fenix lights, but for $9, this looks pretty good!
CREE XM-L T6 LED Bright 2000 Lumens Adjustable Focus Flashlight Torch Lamp


Expedition Leader
I am a bit of a Flashlight junkie too. These really do a great job for an LED torch TrustFire 12XT6 I bought a pair for just under $100. They give my HID flashlight a good run for the lighting. I think the HID has a little more range, but those LED really have some very good useable light. I do like the power cells for the HID Torchlight.
Best bang for the buck has to be the Sam's Club deal from way back. Power On Board HID Spotlight I picked them up for $25 each onsale :) That big reflector really throws some light.
Comparing them all the LED torches have the best run time and probably the most useable light for vision range and inspections. Great caving light. Easy to carry two and spare batteries. Crazy bright.
For a headlamp These focusing beam headlamps are great. I picked up several for under $5 each.
As you junkies know I have dozens more, but the above are my most used :)

FJR Colorado

Eveready 3x LED dry cell lantern in the check-out line at Home Depot $4.97.

This is the LED version of the venerable dry cell lantern we have all seen for decades. They purport that the LED version will burn 10x longer. In my experience, that may be a conservative estimate.



I am a cyclist and there are no better lights than cycling lights. I got this niterider light for 120 shipped. They are local in san diego so if you ever have a problem you call them and actually talk to a human being and you send it to them. I had a battery go bad, sent it to them and they sent me a brand new light. I was only out 5 bucks for shipping.

I have used those little flashlights and they pretty much suck and you lose them and they break and you toss them. Spend a bit a of scratch and get one light that will be with you for hopefully the rest of your life. These literally are like having a flood beam and will light up a whole campsite. I love pulling it out when everyone is fumbling around with their 200 lumen lights.

Plus, they are usb rechargeable and have low, medium, high and blink settings.

I agree that NiteRider makes some great lights, but they don't compare to a good flashlight. Price wise, you can get a name brand, 900+ lumen flashlight for around $75. Also, the beam on a bike light is made to light up the road in front of a bike and BE SEEN at long distances. Lastly, a bike light doesn't pocket very well and feels clunky when held like a real flashlight. I've worked in the bike industry for 20+ years and always try to get a bike product first (cheaper for me), but most of the time they just don't stand up to a purpose built product.


two budget lights you cannot go wrong with are the ultrafire c8, got mine off ebay with a pair of 18650's and a charger for $14 shipped and an xml u2 led. pretty nice light. another one that is a little smaller i like is ultrafire 501-b i have one with a t6 led. think i paid like $12 for it with batteries and a charger as well.
the little $4 one u guys were talking about earlier i recently bought one of those as well its OK i keep it in my pocket when hunting and stuff but using a limn 14500 battery its much much brighter than with a normal AA battery. (4.2v vs 1.5v)
never had any issues with any of the lights the 501b ive had for a few years, and the c8 i think is going on two. i use them all hunting / working on the heep/ camping / fishing / what ever. always work great.

never seen much point in any fancier $100 lights when these light up as far as i can see anyways.

edit: just realized this was my first post. >.> been lurking for a while haha.
When I was putting together my gear for backpacking a couple of years ago I decided to go with all AAA powered devices mainly because I had unknowingly started down that route with what I had bought without thinking about it so when it came to flashlights I decided on these - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005FEGYCO/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I don't have a single complaint about them, they throw light a long way when focused (albeit the CREE shape not a round spot, if you want a round spot that is when you need to start paying the bigger $) and can light up a good sized area. I have quite a few of them scattered around the house and car in my different kits.


SE Expedition Society
I bought a 1000 lumen scorcher at Costco the other day for $19.99. 4 C batteries included. Aluminum, nice feel, stupid-bright.


Expedition Leader
After spending the last few years in dispatch due to multiple knee surgeries, I am going back on a truck next month. I was mentioning to my wife how I needed a utility flashlight that I can clip onto my bunker coat, not a big bulky one either. She got me one of these for XMAS. (Thanks baby!!). I am very impressed with this light. It runs on 2 CR123s, has a low/high setting/ and a strobe. It has a side clip and a biner clip. Super tough , compact. I could see this being a good light for Overlanding/Camping. Anyhow... cheers!

PS... they can be found on Amazon for around 40 bucks. But this site had a better description.


SE Expedition Society
I bought a 1000 lumen scorcher at Costco the other day for $19.99. 4 C batteries included. Aluminum, nice feel, stupid-bright.
I went to Costco to pick up a dozen of the LED shop lights and couldn't resist buying this one.

Bill, Karen says you're a "bad influence". Go figure????



Expedition Leader
Been using streamlight for over 10 years now. Last flashlight I will ever buy. I have yet to break one from countless drops (worked as a Toyota tech). Haven't seen anyone's streamlight fail at any dealership I worked for. Yes we do buy all our own tools but the rechargeable battery and the hours of use we used them for made it very well worth it.
Cost a little more than the $4-20 ones but well worth having to buy one or two streamlights good for 5 plus years and haven't had to buy a battery yet.

The police use them or atleast the ones i see carry them.

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SE Expedition Society
I went to Costco to pick up a dozen of the LED shop lights and couldn't resist buying this one.

Bill, Karen says you're a "bad influence". Go figure????

Did you shine it on a wall and giggle like an idiot?
It's as bright as a headlight. Lights like that used to cost $300.
And those LED shop lights they have for $40 are really worth mentioning. $40! Jeez.
Oh brave new world...

Hug Karen for me for New Years.

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