Flippac Info?


VikingVince said:

It occurred to me to relay the following...might figure into your decision-making: A guy emailed me recently...asking my suggestions...because his brand new flippac was leaking in the rain. (he didn't have the factory raincover) So I detailed the rain cover that I rigged up...I have no leaks in the rain...just some minor condensation in heavy rain...and I think I could eliminate that if I rigged up a vapor barrier. Anyway, just wanted to give you the heads-up on that. Flippac sells a storm cover...about $250 I think...don't know how it works...I cut down a big blue tarp and it's held in place with tarp grips, 3/8" rope, and CalGrips. The CalGrips work great www.roperatchet.com

Thanks for that Vince. I was wondering if the Flippac had some sort of rainfly or if it was built into the tent. It was on my list of questions, but I still haven't heard back from them. Will try again today.


05TACODOC said:
Nice teardrop!
My question is: Does FlipPac make a unit for an 05 short bed???

YES! Got a hold of them today. They can make one. $3300 for the shell. An extra $450 if you want it color matched, and $250 for the Rain Fly.

I'm going to try and go down there next week to talk to them in person.


05TACODOC said:
Nice but.... That is alot of $$$! :exclaim:

What is? The Flippac? I think it's the cheapest option out there for what I'm looking for, unless I've missed something.


Hey Vince,

Nice pics in the new 4WD Toyota mag. Your rig got some good coverage in there. Nice way to sell Baja to the lil' lady with your rig sitting on the beach in there.


ErrinV said:
Hey Vince,

Nice pics in the new 4WD Toyota mag. Your rig got some good coverage in there. Nice way to sell Baja to the lil' lady with your rig sitting on the beach in there.

Errin...yeah, thanks...I got a real charge out of those pics and will hopefully get some "mileage" :) as well!! Re "sell Baja to the lil' lady,"...well, your comment could not be more timely! That's exactly what I did on Saturday night...are you ready?...her first question was "where do you shower?":exclaim: :exclaim:
We had a good laugh and she was impressed with the beauty of it. But then she finally summed it all up with:

shower = sex
no shower = no sex

That's pretty much what it comes down to...I'm ordering a new shower enclosure pronto :shakin: :exclaim:


That's funny. Is there where the "Sex on the Beach" drink got it's name?

I know these things are crazy expensive, but what do you know about theKimberly Kamper? I saw them at the show back in February and didn't really look at them much, but I just came across them again and noticed that you can carry a bike on them, and they have an enclosure for a bathroom/shower. Way more expensive then alot of other options, but way cheaper then a Sportsmobile. Looks like it'll last forever, but hopefully you or someone else here knows more.


ErrinV said:
That's funny. Is there where the "Sex on the Beach" drink got it's name?

I know these things are crazy expensive, but what do you know about theKimberly Kamper? I saw them at the show back in February and didn't really look at them much, but I just came across them again and noticed that you can carry a bike on them, and they have an enclosure for a bathroom/shower. Way more expensive then alot of other options, but way cheaper then a Sportsmobile. Looks like it'll last forever, but hopefully you or someone else here knows more.

Don't know the "sex on the beach drink"...I've obviously been staying with beer too long:exclaim: I need to try that one!

I remember those Kimberly Kampers from the show where we met and just went to their website...am shocked at the $25K+ price plus cost of options!!! I remember not being very interested in what I saw at the show...it looked time consuming to set all that up and take it down...contrary to their claim of "two minutes" on the website! But really don't know anything about them. Initial reaction is that I'd prefer a Fleetwood E2 like you posted pics of


Flip-Pac Rainfly


I just got a flip pac (used, great shape) and was half way through sealing the seams in the tent when I found out that they sell a rain fly for it. Then I found a few posts from you here and in some other forums about the fly you made. Would you mind sending me some details on it? The prefab one is pretty pricey, but sounds like it pitches super quick and easy. Just attach to the back of the camper before opening, and it pitches its self when the pac is flipped. What's involved in setting yours up?

I'm curious about your hinged fuel-can mounts, too. Off-the-shelf or custom? The pictures at bajataco.com look just like what I've been looking for.


VikingVince said:

It occurred to me to relay the following...might figure into your decision-making: A guy emailed me recently...asking my suggestions...because his brand new flippac was leaking in the rain. (he didn't have the factory raincover) So I detailed the rain cover that I rigged up...I have no leaks in the rain...just some minor condensation in heavy rain...and I think I could eliminate that if I rigged up a vapor barrier. Anyway, just wanted to give you the heads-up on that. Flippac sells a storm cover...about $250 I think...don't know how it works...I cut down a big blue tarp and it's held in place with tarp grips, 3/8" rope, and CalGrips. The CalGrips work great www.roperatchet.com


Photog said:
Do you have your fuel can rack on a different link?

No, there really arent' any good pics of the swing out fuel can assembly on any other links. I put it together over two years ago and it's held up fine. You could make your own variations but here's the basic process:
1. Cut some 1/8" diamond plate to slightly increase the surface area of the bumper and bolt to bumper. (Don't put any bolts where the cans will sit.)
2. Use the basic blitz can holder and beef it up a little with some flat metal strips. Add an approx 12" vertical piece of angle iron that the hinges can be attached to. (I just used 3 cheap door hinges on each side)
3. Create a vertical post that the hinged can holders can be attached to. I used a approx. one foot 3/4" threaded bolt that I bolted to each side of the bumper. Then slide a square piece of metal tubing over this bolt (so the hinges from the can assembly can be attached to it) This vertical post assembly sits just barely outside the tailgate when it's dropped. The vertical post assembly is anchored to the stock tailgate latch "catches" that you can see when the tailgate is down. (sorry, don't know exactly what they're called). Span the gap between the vertical post assembly and the latch "catch" with a short piece of steel sheet.

Not very clear I know...but that's about the best I can do. One of the benefits that I didn't think of when I made it is that I frequently put a tall, large ammo can holder from army surplus (virutally the same size as the blitz can) in one side as a garbage can...then I don't have to carry my garbage in the back living/camping quarters of the truck.

PS - If I were to do it over, I'd use Wedco cans and can holders because, if I remember correctly, it's the Wedco cans that can sit horizontally. (although they're more expensive) The one drawback of my design is that when I have cans in the holders, they have to be swung out in order to open the rear window of the flippac...because the top of the blitz cans sit just above the lip of the tailgate so you can't open the rear window unless they're swung out.
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Thanks Vince,
I see a photo of it in "Signature Link". The photo and your description fill in the blanks. Great job.:)

Bella PSD

The prefab rain fly is pretty pricey, but sounds like it pitches super quick and easy. Just attach to the back of the camper before opening, and it pitches its self when the pac is flipped.

I have a Flip Pac and also have the Flip Pac rain fly. It does go up very easy. Perfect fit. Like you said, just attach the rain fly to the front of the flip and open it up. The rain fly will cover the tent area. After you tie it down at the corners and middle, its not going anywhere.

I deployed the rain fly last weekend on a camping trip. I thought it was going to rain for sure. Well that rain fly works real well. It never did rain:shakin: I have had the rain fly in light rain and some wind and it works very well!

I camped on a beach in the Outer Banks for 3 days last month and the last day the winds were gusting to 40 mph and the tent (no rain fly) was surprisingly strong. What I mean is that the tent did not flap around and move with the wind. When the Flip Pac opens up it get pulled taught.

About the price of a new Flip Pac. Add up the cost of a real good fiberglass cap like ARE, roof top tent and a rack for the tent. I bet you will be over the cost of a Flip Pac. And remember, the Flip Pac is nothing like a RTT….not even in the same league. You get a flush mount when it’s closed, about 8 foot height in the main area and over 3 ½ feet (I think) over the cab. And the sleeping area over the Flip is queen size if not bigger. I am 6’2” and fit easy up there and can sit up on my knees.

One thing I should mention is I am transforming my Flip Pac into a full blow slide in camper with heat, sink, cabinets doors, fridge and so on. But the flip part is still all Flip Pac.

I absolutely love my Flip Pac!!:)


Bella PSD

I do not have any pictures of the Flip Pac in my sig. Only the RTT I am using on my trailer now. Anyway here is a picture of my somewhat custom camper build. About 1/2 finished now.




that's a great pic of your rig...look forward to seeing pics of the interior when you get it finished...cool project.
How did you do the custom rear/back door of the flippac? Nice job...looks like a complicated modification...Is it fiberglass? Did you do it yourself?...job it out?...I don't believe flippac does that, do they? Is there a screen door as well?

PS - is your awning a permanently installed roll-up name brand? or is it a tarp type that you attach when you want to have it there? that's what I do, only on the back of my rig.

looking at your pic again...I just noticed the fold out steps...nice...I assume that's a fold-up, permanent mounting?

Are you able to leave your sleeping bag or bedding in place when you close the flippac? I use a double sleeping bag and always take it out...but I think if I lower, as much as feasible, the holders that the poles go into I can create a couple more inches and then leave the sleeping bag in place.
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