For those that carry Guns and Overlanding

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New member
Interesting thread. I started carrying (and bought my first handgun) after two experiences where I had unequivocal threats: 1. I encountered a couple of guys cooking something in a sedan way up in the Angeles National Forest where no sedan should have been able to make it. I ended up high-tailing it off the trail and down cross country in a chaparral-strewn canyon to get back to my truck. 2. Ended up in close proximity to a guy in a remote part of the Los Padres National Forest who was carrying multiple blades and confessed to murdering someone. Was the middle of the night and I didn't have many options besides sticking it out. Not a fun time. But my photography takes me into some lonely places and I'm guessing my experiences are not typical. I picked up a .357 and even if it WAS legal in California it'd be ludicrous trying to conceal it due to it being a hand cannon. So when I'm out in similar places, I open carry. As a deterrent and to keep it all on the right side of the law, not some testosterone-fueled power trip.

I also wear 5.11 tactical pants! I like the reinforced knees for low landscape shots in rugged terrain and their plentiful pockets let me carry a base level of survival gear (flashlight, firesteel, emergency blanket, phone, gps) as well as lens caps, cloths, etc. My pack is generally stuffed with photography gear, water and enough food to get me by for a day or two should something untoward happen while I'm out wandering on my own. So, all things in context. =)


Rock Stacker
Short but true story from last year. Last day of our sierra trip. We are headed out to a spot we had been before to look at pollywogs (that were growing by the day). We had been to this spot once before early in the trip. Both my wife and had been carrying the whole trip. The last day I decided not to carry. The trip was 6 miles on pavement and 2.5 miles off road and a 1.75 mile hike to this particular meadow. At about 4 miles on the pavement, my wife asks if I am carrying, I said no and she said she left her's back at the motorhome too and that we should go back and at least one of us be carrying. I reluctantly turned around to go get both guns for us (her intuition is something I have come to trust and adore). So in this meadow, we are head down watching these pollywogs now hunt by grabbing mosquitoes from the surface of the water. We hear a loud SNAP and look over to see a huge (and beautiful) male bear stalk still staring at us. He was about 45-50 feet from us. Now, we were in marshy meadows with just high clumps of dry ground to run on, all this math goes through my head and I realize I have to draw fast as he could be on us before I can reach my gun. I extend from the crouch position (we were still low from looking at pollywogs) As soon as I stand and draw, the big boy snorts and trots off while keeping an eye on us. OK, he probably would have managed to sneak by us quietly and we would not be the wiser, but as it happens, he screwed up by making some noise. now what?? well it may have been different had I not stood up (maybe drawing was not needed??) right then. I could not read it but knew I had to do something fast as my family was right with me. My wife spoke too as I was drawing, did that end the meeting?? She said "your not going to shoot him are you?" I had NO intention of taking his life but if he had started toward us in any way I would have fired. Not something I go into the wilderness for. I prefer to take pics. Wwe went and looked at his tracks and he had done a few turns behind the nearest tree, probably waiting for that moment when we would not see him cross. I dunno, how smart are these beasts??


. I dunno, how smart are these beasts??

Smarter than most people give them credit for. They have been known to charge people so they drop their food and run, easy meal for them. I had a old fellow hear my truck, he went off the road, and kept a tree between his body and me and peeked around to keep an eye on me.



Does anyone have experience bringing a rifle across multiple state lines? Obviously the laws are usually well stated when it comes to concealed carry but it's more confusing when it comes to rifles.

I recently completed a large portion of the Kentucky adventure tour and brought my marlin lever action (because it's fun and not a "scary" assault rifle) and actually used it at the free Kentucky state owned firing ranges. I traveled from Mass with it locked and unloaded in a case out of reach in my jeep. I contacted all the states I would be spending the night in Kentucky, virginia, west virginia and the state police could've cared less where it was and whether or not it was loaded. Legally, by federal statute, we are allowed to transport firearms from one state of licensure to another as long as you aren't stopping for the night. New York uses that federal statute as "affirmative defense" so they may arrest you, impound your vehicle, and confiscate your weapon without regard to federal law and allow you to not do jail time or pay "any more" fines by uses federal law as a defense in court but you probably won't get your weapon back and it will ruin your vacation. I'd be cautious anywhere near D.C. as well. Go out and tell your senators to vote for H.R. 38 and get this reciprocity bill passed


I think you are correct...unfortunately, and a legal expert on gun law, etc. I know and respect here in CA agrees that it'll never pass.

A legal expert on gun laws in CA must be in a constant state of frustration, anger and amazement at the utter stupidity in that state.


A legal expert on gun laws in CA must be in a constant state of frustration, anger and amazement at the utter stupidity in that state.

Yep! But as others have said in this thread...Rome wasn't built in a day and it's going to take time and lots and lots of patience. We've got our own interesting election coming up out here as well so we'll see. In the mean time, returning this thread to it's regularly scheduled discussion of guns and overlanding. Yes, I do - debate this weekend heading into bear country is whether to carry one of my 9mm pop guns to make lots of noise or the 45. Would rather not take the 45 because it's a family heirloom having been my FIL's WWII handgun.

National Parks are pretty sticky on the subject aren't they?


National Parks are pretty sticky on the subject aren't they?

National parks should have the same carry policy as the state in which they lie. I carry in all the Parks I’ve been to since the change in policy. Buildings in the Parks are Federal buildings and carry is not permitted in them so keep it concealed if you choose to go in the visitor center or snack bar with a firearm.


You can legally carry firearms into National Parks (excluding certain administrative areas and buildings).

Black bears really don't warrant firearms, unless you're hiking in areas with lots of trash. But if you do carry, 9mm, while better than nothing, is not ideal.
.357 mag is generally considered a bare (no pun intended) minimum for bear (black and brown).
.44 mag is the called the go-to round for brown bear defense by a lot of internet experts. But I don't think most people are truly proficient and prepared to shoot that cartridge in a life-or-death, stressful situation, especially in a small, light-weight .44 platform. Those small .44's can literally snap roll right out of your hands, even with a deliberate grip.

I'll generally push people to .357 for that reason. At the end of the day, no pistol cartridge is truly optimal for dealing with large game. 12 gauge and centerfire rifles are exponentially better for such duties. Bear spray is very effective as well. Everyone just has to weigh the pro's and con's with their carry decisions.
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