We really like the TC650. For the two of us (no pets) it's just the right size for what we do. The reasons we got the TC650 (in no particular order): 1. Bed runs North-South, 2. extra storage under the bed, 3. well built, nice quality and attention to detail, 4. fits in the bed of the truck with little overhang, 5. integral gray water storage, 6. plenty of storage in the camper, 7. customer support from Northstar, 8. looks nice on the truck
An extra 1.5' would be nice, but I didn't want the overhang. I wanted the SB truck with a camper that fit the bed for maneuverability and handling. There's plenty of storage for the two of us. If there were 3, then the extra 1.5' may be welcome. The TC650 would be tight for 3, I think I would get a long bed truck and go with the TC800 for 3 or more, especially if I were towing.
If I were by myself, then I probably would have bought a FWC/ATC for the lower clearance and lighter weight. I would be doing a different kind of camping. The wife doesn't like the extreme off-road camping I had done in the past.
The truck came with upper and lower helper springs. The upper helper spring bump stops don't engage with the camper on the truck, still some room between spring and bumper. The StableLoads help a lot with the handling although they really aren't needed from a suspension standpoint. Here's the blurb from Torklift: "The StableLoad dramatically improves the vehicles handling characteristics by "pre-activating" the stabilizing effect designed into the rear springs by keeping them actively under load the way your vehicle factory engineers designed them to operate". I believe they work as advertised.
We looked a while for a Northstar camper and were prepared to drive considerable distance to get one. Fortunately, our TC650 came up for sale locally and we bought it. If it happened to be a TC800, we probably would have bought that. There are not many out there for sale, especially close by. I think you should look at the TC800 and if it's in good condition, get it. The extra length wouldn't be that noticeable and you will have room for your family to grow. Torklift make a hitch extension.
Of course, as always, these our my opinions and they will vary from person to person.
Good luck.
An extra 1.5' would be nice, but I didn't want the overhang. I wanted the SB truck with a camper that fit the bed for maneuverability and handling. There's plenty of storage for the two of us. If there were 3, then the extra 1.5' may be welcome. The TC650 would be tight for 3, I think I would get a long bed truck and go with the TC800 for 3 or more, especially if I were towing.
If I were by myself, then I probably would have bought a FWC/ATC for the lower clearance and lighter weight. I would be doing a different kind of camping. The wife doesn't like the extreme off-road camping I had done in the past.
The truck came with upper and lower helper springs. The upper helper spring bump stops don't engage with the camper on the truck, still some room between spring and bumper. The StableLoads help a lot with the handling although they really aren't needed from a suspension standpoint. Here's the blurb from Torklift: "The StableLoad dramatically improves the vehicles handling characteristics by "pre-activating" the stabilizing effect designed into the rear springs by keeping them actively under load the way your vehicle factory engineers designed them to operate". I believe they work as advertised.
We looked a while for a Northstar camper and were prepared to drive considerable distance to get one. Fortunately, our TC650 came up for sale locally and we bought it. If it happened to be a TC800, we probably would have bought that. There are not many out there for sale, especially close by. I think you should look at the TC800 and if it's in good condition, get it. The extra length wouldn't be that noticeable and you will have room for your family to grow. Torklift make a hitch extension.
Of course, as always, these our my opinions and they will vary from person to person.
Good luck.