In regards to "drive-ability" and needing or not needing a steering stabilizer, I would agree that the first step is dialing in the alignment and then getting the added benefit of a stabilizer. The challenge is getting the alignment not only in spec but to a point where it feels best- without the nervousness associated with most 2wd E-series and keeping tire wear normal. That said, my stock '99 E350 drove wonderfully until I went with the WTD 6" lift (same tires). I had no tire wear whatsoever and completely acceptable and normal, relaxed steering characteristics. Now, I am faced with the challenge of finding a competent or experienced alignment shop that understands that not only should the alignment fall within Ford specs but that adding caster can have a significant effect on the way a van will go down the road. It currently acts very nervous requiring constant steering input to drive straight. It follows any uneven road surface requiring constant correction.
I ran across this interesting bit on an RV forum but it applies to any 2wd E-series van. Read Harvard's 1st and 7th post.
The information makes sense to me. Any one else agree/disagree or have thoughts about this?
In the mean time I ordered the Ingalls Fully Adjustable Camber/Caster Bushing that will hopefully be the answer to maxing out the caster and relaxing the front end wander. I'll report once I have these in place and test.