It's ok, you don't need to understand.

but you've been following us long enough to deserve an explanation.
For some reason people only heard the "I'm tired of taking the front wheel off the bikes" comment and didn't hear the rest of the reasons we are changing it up.
1) it wasn't just taking the wheel off, the stem had to be loosened on one of the bikes every time we put it away. That means readjusting the headset and stem every time we ride. Not a huge deal, but a hassle nonetheless. It also puts undue wear and tear on the bikes. Also, a 15mm fork mount puts wear and tear on these, removing the axle and resting it on that tube every time. My nomad had all the paint worn off the lower 1/2" of the fork from mounting it to the mountains so many times.
2) the bikes were really close to each other. We had to wrap them in blankets and throw pillows in between them to prevent them from touching
3) the pedals would get caught on stuff when we were pulling them out. We literally had a space about 18" wide for 2 bikes. It was a major hassle every time we moved them.
4) the new Santa Cruz bikes use boost spacing on their hubs now, so none of the old fork mounts fit anymore *thank you bike industry for changing standards every 2 weeks. Would it be tough to get new fork mounts? Sorta, but doable. Still a pain though, especially when you're on the road and you don't have a shipping address to receive parts, and no bike shops have boost stuff yet.
5) ever since we started rv shopping we were making decisions off the best way to transport the bikes
6) most people take their bikes to the trailhead and back. They don't have to worry about loading laundry, groceries, spare water jugs, and propane tanks around their bikes, while keeping them safe and out if harm's way.
7) the main reason we are changing it up is so we can put the airstream in storage for 3 months during the summer and live out of the van. In its previous/original setup, we wouldn't be able to sleep in there comfortably, and we definitely wouldn't have been able to dress and cook comfortably. That meant changing things up. The new transits and sprinters are wide enough that we can sleep sideways in them. So we could easily put a bed above the bikes sideways and save a ton of room. Since we are changing it up anyway, why not just get a high top and build the bed above the bikes where they don't need to remove the wheels. We have a new setup at the moment, and not having to disassemble the bikes after a long ride is SO nice. Unfortunately the e350 isn't wide enough to sleep sideways in, so we have to get a high top.
8) even if we COULD sleep sideways in the e350, we can't change clothes easily or stretch, so a high top makes more sense.
9) I could sell fred for the cost of a new Transit, so I wouldn't be losing a ton of money. As transits start to be built out, the e350 is worth less and less, as people transition to transits and sprinters. That means now is my best time to sell if I want maximum selling price.
10) sprinters are out of our budget ($58k and an 8 month wait), and they're not reliable or easy to work on. Fred is dead reliable, 4x4 already, has a million mile motor, gets 16mpg, and can tow 10,000 lbs, and doesn't need DEF or any other crazy emissions requirements. No other van can do that.
I think that pretty much sums it up. Not everyone will agree with my decision, and that's ok.