Freightliner ambulance conversion project.


Expedition Leader
I would pull the pan off the trans first and get as much coolant out as possible. Then flush the trans. Coolant and transmission friction material don't go together. A few gallons of ATF and an afternoon is much cheaper than a new trans.


Expedition Leader
I would pull the pan off the trans first and get as much coolant out as possible. Then flush the trans. Coolant and transmission friction material don't go together. A few gallons of ATF and an afternoon is much cheaper than a new trans.

No pan on this one. 29 quarts of fluid at $48 per gallon for the stuff Allison says to use. I think it will be getting a couple of lower cost flushes before it gets the $48 per gallon juice. Hard part is going to be finding some thing to dump to oil and coolant into. These trucks hold a lot of fluids. But I think I can fit a 5 gallon bucket under the tranny drain plug.

Allison Fill quantity.jpg


Expedition Leader
If no trans pan then pull the drain plug and drain it. I've used cheap fluid before when doing multiple flushes like this before. Just used the good fluid on the last flush. Coolant breaks down friction material and the glue holding it on so coolant in your trans can ruin your day quickly. You can do the flush with a couple of hoses and buckets. One bucket with new fluid and one for the old. I would recommend two people doing it though, one guy on the ignition switch and one guy holding hoses and buckets. It's amazing how quick that ATF will pump out and whip the hose around.:snorkel:


Expedition Leader
No good news. Tranny flushed twice and then filled with synthetic fluid. But now I have troubles with it changing into 4th gear and slipping in 4th gear when it does get there.

This weekend will be checking fluid levels and checking all the wiring. Then it will be the dreaded trip to Allison for hooking up the diagnostics software to see if it is solenoid or clutch. Only benefit will be the possibility of getting the Tranny setup for these bigger tires and possibly getting the software changed to something with all 6 gears instead of the current 5 speed program.


Expedition Leader
Tranny still has problems.

Finally stopped messing about with checking the transmission and decided to take it to the "experts".:Wow1:

So after being raped and pillaged to the tune of $440 I am still no wiser as to what is the problem. But I am just about to head back to Freightliner and have a little chat with the service manager. Here is what I will be "chatting" to them about.

Freightliner complaint.jpg


Expedition Leader
Freightliner service manager was actually good to deal with and the truck is back there this morning to get the required testing done on their dime.

Fingers crossed


Expedition Leader
Sometimes, you get lucky and find one that actually cares about the customer. Good luck, and I hope they make it right for you!


Expedition Leader
Just spent the last 4 hours doing stuff I swore I would never touch again. This is a Hail Mary type repair replacing a single solenoid that has a slight possibility of causing the problem. But for $100 part and 5 or 6 hours of cursing and swearing against a $4500 plus fitting replacement Tranny I figured it was worth a go. Now I am waiting patiently while I refill 22 liters of fluid so I can test it.




Expedition Leader
Here is the lazy bugger method of getting bulk fluids into a tranny.


And here is the workshop. Today we had 18 mph winds so not really conducive to opening transmissions. The panels and tractor are there to stop some of the wind and dust. But I really only have this week at home before expo.




I feel for you OZ, the temperature is great today but the wind is certainly not your friend. I ate plenty of dirt and grass mowing the lawn today after work. I hope that works for you so you can make it to the expo! I am trying to see if I can make it to the expo myself but I need my new wheels and tires!


Expedition Leader
Bugger!!! All that effort and no change. Still not getting 4th gear. :(

Time to sit back and take stock of my options.
  1. Reman installed $4500 - $5000
  2. 2nd hand from RV. Will need to change bell housing and add brake plus I would have to swap it out.
  3. Pull this one and rebuild. I can do it but I really dont have the time or the inclination.
  4. Swap in a 10 speed or 13 speed manual box. Time effort $

Decision, decisions, decisions

red EOD veteran

What overdrive ratio do you need for your transmission? If a .78 ratio is enough look for a 5 speed manual transmission from a older military 5 ton truck (M54, 52, 51, M813, 818...) It's a Spicer 6453, can buy them in good condition for less than $1,000. They have an SAE #2 bellhousing.

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